AsiaNet 81418 (2165)
【シャーロット(ノースカロライナ州)2019年11月6日PRNewswire=共同通信JBN】Polypore International, LP(Polypore)の子会社Celgard, LLC(Celgard)は、リチウム電池用セパレーターの特許侵害訴訟の被告Shenzhen Senior Technology Material Co., Ltd.とShenzhen Senior Technology Material Co. Ltd. (U.S.) Research Institute (合わせてSenior)に対する暫定差し止め命令の仮処分を米連邦カリフォルニア州北部地方裁判所に申請した。具体的には、(1)Celgardの企業秘密と(または)秘密情報の利用(2)米国再発行特許RE47,520('520特許)、旧米国特許6,432,586('586特許)と米国特許6,692,867('867特許)の侵害(3)カリフォルニア州事業・職業法の違反(4)契約違反の誘導(5)将来の経済関係への故意の妨害(6)'520特許と'867特許を侵害し、かつ(または)Celgardの企業秘密または秘密情報を含む製品の製造、利用、米国内での販売の申し出、または販売、あるいは米国への輸入-を禁止する迅速な救済手段を求めた。
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1021571/Polypore_International_Celgard.jpg
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Celgardは、中国の深センで製造するセパレーターを国際的に販売するSeniorを9月に提訴した。Celgardの訴訟は、Seniorがセラミックコーティングとポリプロピレンのセパレーターに関するCelgardの米国'520特許と'867特許を侵害したと主張、Seniorによる侵害セパレーターの販売とCelgardの企業秘密・秘密情報の利用の恒久的な禁止命令と損害賠償の支払いを求めている。リリース(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2629630-1&h=3787419499&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prnewswire.com%2Fnews-releases%2Fcelgard-files-lawsuit-against-senior-for-patent-infringement-of-ceramic-coated-separators-used-in-lithium-batteries-300919235.html%3Ftc%3Deml_cleartime&a=See+Release )を参照。
Celgardは8月に、同社の'520、'867特許を侵害したTargray International(Targray)に対する特許侵害訴訟で成功裏に和解した。リリース(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2629630-1&h=2266093578&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prnewswire.com%2Fnews-releases%2Fcelgard-successfully-sues-targray-on-infringement-of-celgards-ceramic-coated-battery-separator-patent-300914298.html&a=See+Release )を参照。
Celgardは、同社の'586特許を侵害したセパレーターの販売と、Celgard(R)登録商標がある偽造セパレーターの販売に関するMTI Corporation(MTI)に対する2件の訴訟でも、6月に成功裏に和解した。リリース(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2629630-1&h=3441871927&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.prnewswire.com%2Fnews-releases%2Fcelgard-successfully-sues-mti-corporation-on-mtis-infringement-of-celgards-ceramic-coated-battery-separator-patent-300859501.html&a=See+Release )を参照。
Celgard, LLCは旭化成グループの企業であるPolypore International, LPの完全子会社である。
Polyporeは9カ国に施設があり、電動、非電動の車両、蓄電システムや特殊用途で利用される微多孔膜を専門とする世界的企業である。次を参照: www.celgard.com 、www.polypore.com
ソース:Polypore International, LP
Beth Kitteringham
+1 (704) 587-8596 www.polypore.com
Celgard Files for Quick Injunction in Lawsuit Against Senior for Patent Infringement and Trade Secret Misappropriation
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, Nov. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Celgard, LLC (Celgard), a subsidiary of Polypore International, LP (Polypore),
filed a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction in
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California asking the Court to
quickly grant such relief prohibiting the Defendants Shenzhen Senior Technology
Material Co. Ltd., and Shenzhen Senior Technology Material Co. Ltd. (U.S.)
Research Institute (collectively, Senior), from: (1) use of Celgard's trade
secrets and/or confidential information, (2) infringement of United States
Reissued Patent RE47,520 (the '520 patent), formerly United States Patent
6,432,586 (the '586 patent), and of United States Patent No. 6,692,867 (the
'867 patent), (3) violations of the California Business and Professions Code,
(4) inducement of a breach of contract, (5) intentionally interfering with
prospective economic relations, and (6) making, using, offering to sell, or
selling in the United States (U.S.), or from importing into the U.S., products
that infringe the '520 and '867 patents and/or that include Celgard's trade
secrets or confidential information.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1021571/Polypore_International_Celgard.jpg
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/798399/PolyPore_Logo.jpg
If the Court grants the requested Motion and issues the temporary and
preliminary relief requested by Celgard, Senior will be temporarily and
preliminarily enjoined from, at least and importantly, disclosing or using
Celgard's trade secrets and/or confidential information, making, testing,
using, promoting, offering to sell, marketing, commercializing, or selling
separators or products of any kind that utilize, embody, or were developed, in
whole or in part, with the benefit or use of any of Celgard's trade secrets
and/or confidential information, and from both direct and indirect infringement
of Celgard's patents, including being enjoined from importing Senior's
infringing separators into the U.S., and from making, using, selling, or
offering for sale Senior's infringing separators in the U.S., and including
being enjoined from inducing or encouraging third parties (their customers) to
infringe and violate the order (the enjoined behavior).
Celgard filed suit in September against Senior who sells separators globally
that they make in Shenzhen, China. Celgard's Complaint alleges Senior has
infringed Celgard's U.S. '520 and '867 Patents on ceramic coated and
polypropylene separators. The suit also seeks a permanent injunction preventing
Senior from selling the infringing separators and from using Celgard's trade
secrets and confidential information, and seeks compensation for damages.
In August, Celgard successfully settled a patent infringement lawsuit against
Targray International (Targray) for infringing Celgard's '520 and '867 Patents.
In June, Celgard also successfully settled two suits against MTI Corporation
(MTI) for selling separators that infringe Celgard's '586 patent and for
selling counterfeit separators with the Celgard(R) registered trademark.
The successful outcome of the Targray and MTI cases further solidifies the
integrity of Celgard's intellectual property (IP) regarding coated and uncoated
separators for lithium-ion batteries. Celgard will continue to prevent the
unfair exploitation of its technology and IP to safeguard its assets and customers.
About Celgard and Polypore
Celgard specializes in coated and uncoated dry-process microporous membranes
used as separators that are a major component of lithium-ion batteries.
Celgard's battery separator technology is important to the performance of lithium-ion
batteries for electric drive vehicles, energy storage systems and other applications.
Celgard, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polypore International, LP, an Asahi Kasei Company.
Polypore is a global company with facilities in nine countries specializing in microporous
membranes used in electric and nonelectric vehicles, energy storage systems and specialty
applications. Visit www.celgard.com and www.polypore.com.
SOURCE: Polypore International, LP
CONTACT: Beth Kitteringham, polycorpcom@polypore.net, +1 (704) 587-8596,