AsiaNet 81593 (2250)
【ヤキマ(米ワシントン州)2019年11月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】国際的な大手ホップ供給業者のYakima Chief Hops(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=776944998&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yakimachief.com%2F&a=Yakima+Chief+Hops )(YCH)はこのほど、フレッシュホップの最大出荷量をビール醸造史上初めてパシフィックノースウエストから韓国へわずか1日で輸出した。
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1027253/Amazing_Brewery_Fresh_Hop_Ale.jpg
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1016498/Yakima_Chief_Logo.jpg
フレッシュホップ(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=3486096706&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yakimachief.com%2Ffresh-hops-in-korea%2F&a=Fresh+Hops )は非常に品質が低下しやすく、収穫から醸造所まで36時間以内に届けなければならない。このため一般には、米国産ホップの75%を生産するパシフィックノースウエストのホップ農場からは、近くの醸造業者が購入する。米国の醸造業者でも収穫時期と醸造スケジュールの調整などの物流上の問題があるため、フレッシュホップエールは醸造の難しいビールで、珍重される種類となっている。
それでもYakima Chief Hopsはやめなかった。YCHの販売・流通スタッフ、ワシントン州農業部国際マーケティングチームとPlant Services Program、韓国の流通業者Brew Source International、ホップ育種パートナーYakima Chief Ranchesのおかげで、720ポンドのMosaic(R)、Ahtanum(R)ブランドのフレッシュホップが無事、1日で韓国に納入された。
フレッシュホップは5345マイル離れたSeoul Brewery、Amazing Brewery、Playground Breweryまで輸出検査を受け、厳格な通関規制に従って移動した。
Yakima Chief Hopsのタイラー・シアーン輸出入マネージャーは「YCHアジア販売代表のジム・ランバートが最初にアイデアを提案した際、本当に気力がわいた。実に骨が折れることが分かり、準備、細部の注意、共同作業に何カ月も必要だった。YCHでは困難を無視して初の試みの前進と継続的な改善に全力を尽くすよう励まされる」と語った。
▽Yakima Chief Hopsについて
当社は100%栽培業者所有の国際的ホップサプライヤーである。ビール愛好者で、提携と革新の文化を共有する農業者である。醸造の未来を支援し、刺激を与える何世代もの経験に頼る熱心な農家のネットワークである。習得から流通まで、われわれは世界中の醸造業者がもっと容易にホップを受賞歴のある工場で利用する新しい方法を見つけられるようにしている。yakimachief.com(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=410239503&u=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.yakimachief.com%2F&a=shop.yakimachief.com )
Cait Schut
PR Manager
ソース:Yakima Chief Hops
Fresh Hops Sent to Korea For Brewing in Just One Day
YAKIMA, Washington, Nov. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Yakima Chief Hops(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=776944998&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yakimachief.com%2F&a=Yakima+Chief+Hops ) (YCH),
a leading global hop supplier, recently exported the largest shipment of freshly harvested hops
from the Pacific Northwest to South Korea in just one day for the first time in brewing history.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1027253/Amazing_Brewery_Fresh_Hop_Ale.jpg
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1016498/Yakima_Chief_Logo.jpg
Providing brewers on the other side of the globe with access to hops in their purest
form is a huge milestone for the industry. With a mission to connect brewers worldwide
with multi-generational family farms, YCH is focused on building strategic partnerships
to increase the accessibility of hops for brewers everywhere.
The hops were used to brew fresh hop ales by three Seoul breweries and were released last month.
Because Fresh Hops(https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=3486096706&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yakimachief.com%2Ffresh-hops-in-korea%2F&a=Fresh+Hops )
are a highly perishable product that must be delivered from bine to brewer in 36 hours,
they are typically purchased by breweries located closer to the source, which are the hop
farms of the Pacific Northwest where 75% of the nation's hops are grown. Even American
breweries face logistical challenges such as timing and brewing schedule coordination,
making fresh hop ales a difficult beer to brew and a highly sought-after style.
That didn't stop Yakima Chief Hops. Thanks to the YCH sales and logistics staff,
the Washington State Department of Agriculture International Marketing team
and Plant Services Program; Korean distributor, Brew Source International;
and hop breeding partner, Yakima Chief Ranches, 720 pounds of Mosaic(R) and
Ahtanum(R) brand Fresh Hops were successfully delivered to South Korea in one day.
The Fresh Hops traveled 5,345 miles to Seoul Brewery, Amazing Brewery and Playground
Brewery, undergoing export inspections and adhering to strict customs requirements.
"When Jim Lambert, YCH Asia Sales Representative, originally proposed the idea,
I really felt the energy," says Tyler Shearn, Import Export Manager at Yakima
Chief Hops. "It proved to be quite challenging, requiring months of preparation,
attention to detail, and collaboration. At YCH, we're encouraged to look past challenges
and put that first foot forward towards progress and continuous improvement."
Yakima Chief Hops
We are a 100% grower-owned global hop supplier. We are beer lovers and farmers
who share a culture of partnership and innovation. We're a network of passionate
farm families drawing on multi-generational experience to support and inspire
the future of brewing. From learning to logistics, we're making it easier for brewers
around the world to find new ways to use hops for award-winning results
shop.yakimachief.com (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=2639617-1&h=410239503&u=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.yakimachief.com%2F&a=shop.yakimachief.com )
Cait Schut
PR Manager
SOURCE: Yakima Chief Hops