Airbnbと国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)が 公式パートナー契約を発表


Airbnbと国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)が 公式パートナー契約を発表

-- Airbnbは「TOP(The Olympic Partner)パートナー」プログラムに加わり、オリンピック・ムーブメントが掲げる目標の中で持続可能な開発目標達成を支援します。

-- 新たに創設される「Airbnbオリンピアンによる体験」カテゴリを通じてオリンピックやパラリンピック選手が特技を活かして収入源を確保できる機会を提供します。

-- 2028年までに数十万人規模の新たなAirbnbホストが宿泊施設と体験の提供を通じてオリンピック・ムーブメントを支えます。

AsiaNet 81711

ロンドン, 2019年11月18日 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)とAirbnb (本社:米国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ、以下:Airbnb、日本語名:エアビーアンドビー)は、2028年までオリンピック活動を支援する画期的な公式パートナー契約を締結し、本日発表しました。9年間にわたる5大会で開催都市、観客、ファン、選手の全関係者に有益となるホスティングの新基準が生み出されることが期待される契約です。

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IOCとAirbnbは共同でAirbnb「オリンピアンによる体験」を立ち上げ、直接収入を得る機会をアスリートに提供することで、生活を支え、オリンピック・ムーブメントの中心に選手を据えるIOCの取り組みを推進します。オリンピアンによる体験の新カテゴリは2020年初期に登場予定。ホスティングで人の暮らしを豊かにするというAirbnb究極の夢を、オリンピック大会の開催期間や場所にという限られた枠に囚われず、世界中のアスリートに届けていきます。スポーツと運動を推進するものであれば、オリンピック選手とトレーニングしたり、一流アスリートと街を散策したり、ありとあらゆる企画が可能です。Airbnb体験プラットフォーム ( ) でホストになりたいアスリートのみなさまにはサポートと研修もご用意します。これは「アスリート365」プラットフォーム ( ) をとおして今後数か月以内にAirbnbとIOCから提供開始となります。




Airbnbはさらに、世界中の難民が直面する課題の解決を目指すIOCの継続的な取り組みをサポートします。IOCは1994年から国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)と協力し、リオ2016オリンピックに続き東京2020オリンピックでもIOC難民選手団 ( ) の結成を認め、2017年にはオリンピック難民財団 ( ) を創設するなど、長年さまざまな難民支援活動を展開しています。Airbnbも、2015年から一時的な滞在先を必要とする方々と善意で宿泊先の提供を希望するホストをつなぐ「オープンホーム」( ) プログラムで難民支援活動を行っており、これまでに通算35,000人以上を支援してきました。パートナーシップ契約の期間において、IOCとAirbnbは共に難民に対する長期的なサポートを行うさらなるプログラムを構築していきます。

Airbnbはこれまで、大会ローカルスポンサーとしてリオ2016オリンピックと平昌2018冬季オリンピックをはじめ、主要なスポーツイベントを支援してきました。世界経済フォーラムによる調査では ( )、リオ2016オリンピックの大会期間中は、大会参加ゲスト用にAirbnbプラットフォーム経由でホテル257軒分に相当する宿泊部屋数が新たに生まれ、資材調達と炭素排出の両面で市の財政負担を和らげたほか、ホストに約3,000万米ドルの直接収入をもたらし、その経済波及効果は3週間で推定計1億米ドルにもおよぶことがわかっています。同様に、平昌2018冬季オリンピック・パラリンピックの大会期間中、Airbnbホストは全体でホテル46軒分に相当するゲスト15,000人に宿泊施設を提供し、計230万米ドルの収入を得ています。さらに日本ラグビーワールドカップの期間中には、Airbnbホストが全国で65万人以上の旅行者を迎え、計7,000万米ドルを超えるホスティング収入を得ています。


IOCマーケティング委員会のJiri Kejval委員長は次のように語っています。「2008年の創業以来、Airbnbは世界的に知られる企業になりました。今回のパートナーシップは、今後のオリンピック・ムーブメントの持続可能な運営を支えるものであり、オリンピックの商業プログラムが世界有数の企業の間で根強い人気を誇る何よりの証です」

グローバルパートナーとしてAirbnbは、東京2020年オリンピック、北京2022冬季オリンピック、パリ2024オリンピック、ミラノ・ コルティナダンペッツォ2026冬季オリンピック、ロサンゼルス2028オリンピックの各大会を支援します。


※「Airbnb」「エアビーアンドビー」「エアビー」の各名称およびロゴはAirbnb Inc.の登録商標です。

ソース: Airbnb

問い合わせ先: 日本の報道機関問い合わせ窓口, Airbnb 広報 (松尾、河野), Mobile: 080-4373-4369(松尾)/070-1640-6982(河野), E-Mail:


Airbnb and IOC Announce Major Global Olympic Partnership


LONDON, Nov. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Airbnb joins the TOP program and will support the sustainability objectives

   of the Olympic Movement.

-- Economic opportunity for Olympic and Paralympic athletes to develop revenue

   streams through new Airbnb Olympian Experiences

-- Hundreds of thousands of new Airbnb hosts will support and participate in

   the Olympic Movement by providing accommodation and experiences from now to 2028

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Airbnb today announced a significant

agreement to support the Olympic Movement through to 2028. The nine-year, five-Games

partnership is designed to create a new standard for hosting that will be a win for host cities,

a win for spectators and fans, and a win for athletes.

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In line with the Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC's strategic roadmap for the future,

and Airbnb's mission to promote sustainable travel, the agreement will support

the sustainability objectives of the Olympic Movement. These joint efforts will be

in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to provide travel options

that are economically empowering, socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.

The agreement includes accommodation provisions that will reduce costs for Olympic

Games organizers and stakeholders, minimize the need for construction of new

accommodation infrastructure for the Olympic Games period, and generate direct

revenue for local hosts and communities. Working together with the International

Paralympic Committee (IPC), we will work to increase accommodation that supports

accessibility for people with disabilities or other accessibility needs.

Airbnb Co-founder, Joe Gebbia said: "Airbnb and the IOC have a strong track

record in creating and accommodating the world's greatest events. Our Olympic

partnership will ensure that the Games are the most inclusive, accessible and

sustainable yet, and leave a lasting positive legacy for athletes and host communities.

Airbnb's mission is to create a world where anyone can belong anywhere, and we are

proud that the Olympic spirit will be carried by our community."

IOC President Thomas Bach said: "This innovative partnership underpins our

strategy to ensure that the efficient staging of the Olympic Games is sustainable

and leaves a legacy for the host community. With Airbnb's support, we will also

develop new opportunities for athletes around the world to develop their own direct

revenue streams through the promotion of physical activity and the Olympic values.

From this partnership there will also be direct benefit for athletes beyond the US $5 billion

the IOC is distributing during this Olympiad for their benefit to Organizing Committees

and sports organization around the world."

Creating New Airbnb Hosts

The partnership will generate hundreds of thousands of new hosts over nine

years, giving community residents the opportunity to earn extra income by

providing accommodation and local experiences to visiting fans, athletes and

other members of the Olympic Movement. For visitors, the Airbnb community will

offer a more local and authentic way to immerse themselves in the host cities

and engage with local communities. For the cities themselves, the Airbnb community

represents a more environmentally sustainable way of accommodating a surge in visitors.

Airbnb Olympian Experiences

The IOC and Airbnb will launch Airbnb Olympian Experiences to provide direct

earning opportunities for athletes, underlining the IOC's efforts to support

athletes and put them at the heart of the Olympic Movement. To be launched in

early 2020, this new category will bring Airbnb's goal of providing economic

empowerment through hosting to athletes across the globe – beyond the timeframe

and geographical location of the Games. Promoting sport and physical activity,

these experiences will include everything from the chance to train with an

Olympian, to exploring a city with an elite athlete. In the coming months,

Airbnb and the IOC, through the Athlete 365 platform ( ), will provide support and training to athletes interested in becoming a host

on the Airbnb Experiences platform ( ).

In addition, the IOC will make at least USD 28 million worth of Airbnb accommodation

available over the course of the partnership to athletes competing at the Olympic and

Paralympic Games for competition and training related travel.

Kirsty Coventry, Chair of the IOC Athletes' Commission, said: "On behalf of the

Athlete's Commission, I am delighted that our new global agreement with Airbnb

will benefit the athletes directly. This includes direct revenue opportunities

from sharing their passion for sport through new Airbnb Olympian Experiences,

as well as direct support for their accommodation needs. We work to empower

athletes around the world on and off the field of play, and this agreement is another

example of how we are supporting and advocating for athletes throughout their career."

Support for Refugee Athletes

Airbnb will also support the IOC in continuing to address the challenges faced

by refugees around the world. The IOC has a long-standing commitment to

refugees, including a cooperation with UNHCR since 1994, the creation of the

IOC Refugee Olympic Team ( )

for the Olympic Games Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020, and the creation of the

Olympic Refuge Foundation ( ) in 2017.

Airbnb has been supporting refugee initiatives since 2015 through

its "Open Homes" ( )

Program, which connects generous hosts with those in need of temporary

accommodation, including refugees. To date, more than 35,000 people have been

housed in times of need. Over the course of the partnership, the IOC and Airbnb

will establish further programs to provide long-term support to refugees.

Airbnb has previously supported the Olympic Games Rio 2016 and Olympic Winter

Games PyeongChang 2018 as a domestic sponsor, as well as other major sporting events.

And a World Economic Forum study found ( )

that during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, the added capacity provided through

Airbnb's platform provided the equivalent of 257 hotels for guests of the Games,

saving the city in terms of materials use and carbon emissions, while also providing

around USD 30 million in direct revenue for hosts and generating an estimated total

economic activity of USD 100 million in three weeks. Similarly, during the Olympic and

Paralympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018, Airbnb hosts earned a collective

USD 2.3 million in income providing accommodation to 15,000 guests who would have

required 46 hotels. And most recently, in Japan, Airbnb hosts across the country welcomed

more than 650,000 travelers during the Rugby World Cup period, earning more than

USD 70 million in host income.

Airbnb becomes the Worldwide Olympic Partner in the exclusive category of

"Unique Accommodation Products and Unique Experiences Services." Worldwide

Olympic Partners support every National Olympic Committee and their teams, and

every Organizer of the Olympic Games, as well as providing support for athletes

and the development of sport at all levels around the world. In addition, Partners promote

the Olympic values and help create memorable experiences for fans worldwide.

Jiri Kejval, IOC Marketing Commission Chair, said: "Since it was founded in 2008,

Airbnb has grown to become a global household name. This partnership supports

the future sustainable operations of the Olympic Movement and demonstrates

the ongoing appeal of the Olympic commercial programmes to the world's leading brands."

As a global Partner, Airbnb will now support the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo,

the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing 2022, the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris 2024,

the Olympic Winter Games Milano-Cortina 2026, and the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 2028.

The agreement also includes marketing rights for the IPC and the Paralympic Games through

the IOC-IPC long-term collaboration agreement, as well as for the Youth Olympic Games.

SOURCE: Airbnb

CONTACT: Amanda Smith,




