Project Qatar Mobility:自動運転シャトルが2022年にドーハの公共輸送を次のレベルへ

Qatar Investment Authority (QIA)

Project Qatar Mobility:自動運転シャトルが2022年にドーハの公共輸送を次のレベルへ

AsiaNet 82173(2522)

【ハノーバー(ドイツ)、ドーハ(カタール)2019年12月14日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*QIAとフォルクスワーゲン AGがカタールの都市モビリティーを変革するための先駆的な自律型電気輸送イニシアチブを発表

*Prototypes of ID。Volkswagen Commercial Vehiclesからの、またScaniaバスのBUZZ ADシャトルが排気物ゼロのSDS(自動運転システム)を運用へ



フォルクスワーゲン AGおよびカタール投資庁(Qatar Investment Authority、QIA)は14日午前、カタールのDoha Forum(ドーハ・フォーラム)で副首相兼外相のムハンマド・ビン・アブドルラフマン・サーニ閣下の臨席の下で「Project Qatar Mobility(プロジェクト・カタール・モビリティー)」に調印した。カタールの閣僚数名、要人、およびカタールとドイツの高級代表が調印に立ち会った。

自動運転のレベル4電動シャトルの最先端のフリートが2022年に初めて、首都ドーハで都市モビリティーの新時代の到来を告げる。14日午前、カタールのドーハ・フォーラムでカタール要人数人の臨席の下でフォルクスワーゲン AGおよびカタール投資庁(QIA)の代表が「Project Qatar Mobility」に調印した。

目標は、革新的な自律輸送プロジェクトを開発し、都市のモビリティーの未来を、2022年以降も、ADシャトルとバスサービスの持続可能な商用展開に変革することである。Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles、Scania、MOIA、AID-Autonomous Intelligent Drivingは、将来のADソリューションの青写真としてブランド間のコラボレーションを促進し、このプロジェクトで重要な役割を果たす。このように、カタールは世界最大のスポーツイベント中に、世界初の排気物ゼロの電気・自律的公共交通システムの場となる。

この契約は14日、ドーハの式典でQIAのマンスール・マハムード最高経営責任者(CEO)とフォルクスワーゲングループ会長のハーバート・ディエス博士により調印された。「Project Qatar Mobility」として知られるこのイニシアチブはスマートテクノロジーとグリーン輸送の両方に対する相互のコミットメントを強調している。

QIAとフォルクスワーゲンは協力して、必要とされる物理・デジタルインフラを開発し、自動運転車両のフリートをドーハの既存の公共交通ネットワークにシームレスに統合する。自律的な電気ID。Volkswagen Commercial VehiclesのBUZZ ADは、ウエストベイ地区の半固定ルートで最大4人の乗客を往復輸送し、ハイテクのScaniaバスはより大きなグループをピックアップする。フォルクスワーゲングループ傘下のAIDとMOIAは、サービスに必要なSDS知識とアプリソフトウエアを提供する。フォルクスワーゲングループの4つのブランドが共同でこのような都市モビリティーのプロジェクトに取り組むのは初めてである。


フォルクスワーゲン会長のハーバート・ディエス博士は「Project Qatar Mobilityは、当社の『Strategy Together 2025+』で極めて重要な役割を果たすだろう。経済成長、社会開発、環境管理の課題に対処することは当社ビジョンの一部として特定された挑戦であり、次世代モビリティーへの投資に対するコミットメントを強調する。われわれは現実世界の学習を経験し、このプロジェクトを将来の数世代への足がかりとして使用する」と語った。

最初のユースケースが商業部門で計画されているという事実により、Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles(VWCV)はフォルクスワーゲングループ内でAutonomous Driving(自動運転)、Mobility as a Service(MaaS)、Transport as a Service(TaaS)を担当している。したがって、VWCVは将来的には、ロボタクシーやロボバンなどの同様のSpecial Purpose Vehicles(特別目的車両、SPV)を開発・生産する方針である。VWCV取締役会会長のトーマス・セドラン博士はこのプロジェクトの目的を概説し、「AIDが現在開発している自動運転システムで明日のBulliを活用し、MOIAからインテリジェントなライドプーリングを追加し、アプリを介して予約できるようにすることで、最大の効率と安全性のためSDSテクノロジーと組み合わされたCO2ニュートラルモビリティーという未来の都市輸送を開始する。このようにして、われわれはそのすべての要件がクリーンでインテリジェントかつ持続可能なモビリティーである社会全体を輸送しつつある。VWCVは統合モビリティープロバイダーになりつつある。自動運転は、われわれの中核ビジネスの変革の重要な問題である」と語った。






▽Volkswagen Commercial Vehiclesブランドについて

「われわれは成功を輸送する」。フォルクスワーゲングループ内の独立型ブランドとしてVolkswagen Commercial Vehicles(VWCV)は軽量商用車の開発、製造、販売を担当している。その中には、ハノーバー(ドイツ)、ボズナニ(ポーランド)、ブジェシニャ(ポーランド)、パチェコ(アルゼンチン)で生産されているTransporter、Caddy、Amarokレンジャーズがある。当社の車両は、建設作業員、家族、冒険家、ロールパン、小包、サーフボードを輸送する。これらの車両は毎日、世界中の無数の人々が良い仕事をするのを助け、モバイルワークショップとして運用され、救急隊員と警察を必要な場所に連れて行く。2018年、Volkswagen Commercial Vehiclesブランドは約50万台の車両を出荷した。世界中の同社の現場で働いているのは、ハノーバー工場での約1万5000人を含む2万4000人以上の従業員である。

ハノーバー工場に関する情報は を参照。





▽AID(Autonomous Intelligent Driving)について


▽Qatar Investment Authority(QIA)について

カタール投資庁(Qatar Investment Authority、QIA)はカタール国の政府系ファンドで、Qatar National Vision of 2030の実現に大きく貢献している。QIAは、新しい資産クラスへの投資を多様化することにより同国経済を強化するため2005年に設立された。QIAの成長する長期投資ポートフォリオは、30年以上前にさかのぼるカタールの投資の遺産を基に、カタール国の天然資源の富を補完することをサポートしている。ドーハに本社を構え、ニューヨークに子会社(QIA Advisory)を置くQIAは、最高レベルのグローバル投資で運営されるように構成されている。世界クラスの投資家として、QIAは最も厳しい金融・商業規律を順守している。QIAは、世界中のすべての主要市場で上場証券、不動産、代替資産、プライベートエクイティ(PE)など、複数の資産クラスに投資した強力な実績を持っている。QIAは短期的な収益ではなく、社会的、経済的、環境的に責任のある投資を求め、長期的な収益を最大化するためバランスの取れた持続可能な成長を追求している。詳細は を参照。

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Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles:


AID-Autonomous Intelligent Driving:

Qatar Investment Authority (QIA):

ソース:Qatar Investment Authority (QIA)

'Project Qatar Mobility': Self-driving Shuttles Set to Take Doha's Local Public Transport to the Next Level in 2022


HANNOVER, Germany and DOHA, Qatar, Dec. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

- QIA and Volkswagen AG announce pioneering autonomous, electric transport

initiative to transform urban mobility in Qatar

- Prototypes of ID. BUZZ AD shuttles from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and of

Scania buses to operate on a SDS (self-driving system) with zero emissions

- MOIA ride hailing app is used to run the service, AID delivers SDS knowledge

- Autonomous Driving Roadmap pulled forward

Earlier today at the Doha Forum in Qatar, in the presence of His Excellency the

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin

Abdulrahman al-Thani, representatives of Volkswagen AG and the Qatar Investment

Authority (QIA) signed ‘Project Qatar Mobility’. The signing was witnessed by

several Qatari ministers, dignitaries and high representatives of Qatar and Germany.

For the first time ever a cutting-edge fleet of self-driving Level 4 electric

shuttles will usher in a new era of urban mobility in a capital city in 2022:

Earlier today at the Doha Forum in Qatar, in the presence of several Qatari

dignitaries, representatives of Volkswagen AG and the Qatar Investment

Authority (QIA) signed the 'Project Qatar Mobility'.

The goal is to develop a ground-breaking autonomous transport project and

transform the future of urban mobility to a sustainable and commercial

deployment of AD shuttles and Bus Services – even beyond 2022. Fostering a

cross-brand collaboration as blueprint for future AD solutions, Volkswagen

Commercial Vehicles, Scania, MOIA and AID-Autonomous Intelligent Driving will

play an important role in this project. During the largest sporting event in the world,

Qatar will thus be the venue for the world's first emission-free, electric and autonomous

public transport system.

The agreement was signed by QIA CEO Mr Mansoor Al-Mahmoud and Dr Herbert Diess,

Chairman of Volkswagen Group, at a ceremony in Doha today. The initiative,

which is known as "Project Qatar Mobility", underlines the mutual commitment to

both smart technologies and green transport:

QIA and Volkswagen will work together to develop the required physical and

digital infrastructure to seamlessly integrate a fleet of self-driving vehicles

into Doha's existing public transport network. Autonomous, electric ID. BUZZ AD

from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles will shuttle up to 4 passengers in Westbay

area on semi-fixed routes, while high-tech Scania buses pick up larger groups.

Volkswagen Group's units AID and MOIA will provide the SDS knowledge and the

app software to run the service. For the first time four Volkswagen Group

brands work together on such a project of urban mobility.

The landmark project will create a holistic ecosystem for autonomous driving,

including the creation of an appropriate legal framework, smart city infrastructure

and transfer of knowledge, which can be used as a blueprint to transform urban mobility,

both in Qatar and beyond. Closed testing of the shuttle vehicles and buses is expected

to begin in 2020 and trials will start as early as 2021. The project will go live during 2022,

providing a technical showcase of future autonomous driving.

Dr Herbert Diess, Chairman of Volkswagen, said: "Project Qatar Mobility will play

a very important role in our Strategy Together 2025+. Addressing the economic growth,

social development, and environmental management challenges identified as part of our vision,

and underlines our commitment to investing in next generation mobility. We will be experiencing

real-world learnings and use the project as a stepping stone - for generations to come."

Within the Volkswagen Group, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) is responsible for

Autonomous Driving, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Transport as a Service (TaaS),

due to the fact that first use cases are planned in the commercial sector. In future,

VWCV will therefore be developing and producing corresponding Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV),

such as robo-taxis and robo-vans. Outlining the aims of the project, Dr Thomas Sedran,

Chairman of the Board of VWCV: "Utilising the Bulli of tomorrow with the autonomous driving

system currently being developed by AID, adding the intelligent ride pooling from MOIA

and enabling it to be booked via an app – thus beginning the future of urban transport:

CO2 neutral mobility combined with SDS technology for maximum efficiency and safety.

In this way we are transporting an entire society, with all its requirements for clean,

intelligent and sustainable mobility. VWCV is becoming an integrated mobility provider.

Autonomous Driving is the key issue for the transformation of our core business."

Henrik Henriksson, President and CEO of Scania says: "At Scania, our purpose is

to drive the shift to sustainable transport. In the coming years, technological

and infrastructural progress in electric and autonomous vehicles will be key

enablers in that shift. With regards to people transport, a higher degree of

sharing is also important and through advances in autonomous transport it will

be simpler to introduce more flexibility in shared people transport. It is exciting

to play a role in cutting edge projects like this one in Qatar."

Commenting on the announcement, Mr Mansoor Al Mahmoud, CEO of QIA said:

"For our cities to progress we need a new wave of innovation. AI-enabled, emission-free

transportation technologies will help advance urban mobility, while diminishing congestion

and improving energy efficiency."

The CEO of QIA added: "We are proud that QIA has been able to partner with

Volkswagen to ensure that Qatar is at the forefront of these new technologies.

The development of a smart transport solution will help transform the future of

urban mobility, both at home and around the world."

QIA's investment strategy is based on a responsibility to generate strong and

sustainable returns and its ability to identify the long term value within a

global leading company is a key driver of our success.

As such, QIA maintains a close contact with its portfolio companies and is

deeply invested in their vision.  QIA is a long-term investor in the Volkswagen

group and has two highly-regarded representatives on its Supervisory Board of

Directors. QIA continues to support the continued growth of the VW group,

including its ongoing expansion and the leadership position it has taken in

mass vehicle electrification.

About the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand:

'We transport success'. As a stand-alone brand within the Volkswagen Group,

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWCV) is responsible for the development,

construction and sales of light commercial vehicles. They include the Transporter,

Caddy and Amarok ranges, which are produced in Hannover (D), Poznan„ (PL),

Wrzesnia (PL) and Pacheco (ARG). Our vehicles transport construction workers,

families and adventurers, bread rolls, parcels and surfboards. Every day they help

countless people all over the world to do a good job, they operate as mobile

workshops and they bring paramedics and the police to wherever they are needed.

In 2018, the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand shipped around 500,000 vehicles.

Working at the company's sites around the globe are more than 24,000 employees,

including around 15,000 at the Hannover site.

Information about the Hannover site can be found at:

About the Scania brand:

Scania is a provider of sustainable transport solutions and is part of the

project that is exploring opportunities for autonomous people transport in the

context of mobility solutions in Doha, Qatar.

About MOIA:

MOIA, a subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group, develops mobility services and works

in partnership with cities and local public transport operators. MOIA is currently

developing and implementing a ridepooling system to avoid individual car traffic

and to use the road infrastructure more efficiently. Cities are relieved of congestion,

noise and emissions. MOIA started its on-demand bus service in the German cities of

Hannover and Hamburg.

About AID-Autonomous Intelligent Driving:

AID is the Centre of Excellence for the development of level 4 autonomous driving

in urban environments for the whole VW Group. We are bringing together the world's

top software, robotics, AI and automotive talents to build a self-driving system capable

of improving life for millions of people. Headquartered in Munich, the AID team has presently

over 260 experts from 47 different nations. For us, the future isn't about merely making

vehicles more autonomous, it's about making people more autonomous.

About Qatar Investment Authority (QIA):

Qatar Investment Authority is the sovereign wealth fund of the State of Qatar

and is a major contributor to realizing the Qatar National Vision of 2030.

QIA was founded in 2005 to strengthen the country's economy by diversifying

into new asset classes. Building on the heritage of Qatar investments dating back

more than three decades, QIA's growing portfolio of long-term investments help

complement the State of Qatar's wealth in natural resources. Headquartered in

Doha, and with a subsidiary in New York (QIA Advisory), QIA is structured to

operate at the very highest levels of global investing. As a world-class investor,

QIA adheres to the strictest financial and commercial disciplines. QIA has a strong

track record of investing in multiple asset classes, including listed securities, property,

alternative assets and private equity in all the major markets globally. QIA seeks socially,

economically, and environmentally responsible investments and looks beyond short-term

returns, as QIA pursues balanced and sustainable growth to maximize long-term returns.


Some of the statements in this press release may be forward-looking statements

or statements of future expectations based on currently available information.

Such statements are naturally subject to risks and uncertainties. Factors such

as the development of general economic conditions, future market conditions,

unusual catastrophic loss events, changes in the capital markets and other

circumstances may cause the actual events or results to be materially different

from those anticipated by such statements. QIA does not make any representation

or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or updated

status of such statements. Therefore, in no case whatsoever will QIA or any of

their respective affiliate companies be liable to anyone for any decision made

or action taken in conjunction with the information and/or statements in this

press release or for any related damages.

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Media Contacts

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles:


AID-Autonomous Intelligent Driving:

Qatar Investment Authority (QIA):

Source: Qatar Investment Authority (QIA)




