タイ不動産開発大手MQDCがThe Forestiasでタイ初のタウンを建設へ

The Forestias by MQDC

タイ不動産開発大手MQDCがThe Forestiasでタイ初のタウンを建設へ

AsiaNet 82192(2535)

【バンコク2019年12月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】





タイの大手不動産開発企業であるMagnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited(MQDC)は17日、バンコク郊外にある48ヘクタールの「The Forestias」開発向け投資を増やし、プロジェクトの規模を29億8000万米ドルから41億4000万米ドルに拡大して、タウン開発の新しいグローバルプロトタイプとすると発表した。投資増により、The Forestiasはタイで最大の不動産開発プロジェクトとなる。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672402-1




アーリヤウラロンプ夫人は「グローバルパートナーから、居住者の幸福、周辺コミュニティー、そして持続可能性に完全に焦点を当てた新しいタイプの開発を創出する道に沿ってわれわれをさらに勇気づける非常に優れたフィードバックを受け取ったことを受けて」、MQDCはThe Forestiasへの投資を増やしたと語った。

The Forestiasの最も素晴らしい特徴の1つは、中心部に広大な苗木が植えられた4.8ヘクタールの森林エリアが今後数年間で自然に発展する多様で豊かな生態系を支えることである。

同夫人は「この規模の森林が都市開発に組み込まれ、自然を都市環境に戻すことも世界で初めてである。そしてこれが、われわれがThe Forestiasを森の中の魅惑的なコミュニティー地区と呼ぶ理由の1つである」と語った。

The Forestiasには、さまざまなライフスタイルと家族規模を目的としたビラとコンドミニアムを備えた複数の住宅コンポーネント、並びにオフィス、スポーツ複合施設、ライフスタイル活動、リテール・飲食店向けの商業スペースやFamily Life Center内のファミリーエデュテインメント施設などがある。

コミュニティー活動と文化探求のためのタウンセンター、劇場、イベントホール、市場、およびThe Forestiasの多くのコンポーネントを結び、森の上を縫うように続く「自然散歩」を提供する1.6キロの高架歩道がある。



The Forestiasのプロジェクトディレクターであるキッチプン・オウイヤマプン氏は「The Forestiasにあるすべてのものは、公共スペースのレイアウト、住宅レイアウト、住宅の内外で使用される材料の選択、21世紀の生活テクノロジーの統合、自然光、騒音、熱、空気循環の管理、ならびに空気の質と水質など、住民の健康と幸福をこれまでにない水準まで促進するという共通の目的で設計されている」と語った。

The Forestiasの最も重要なイノベーションの1つは、The Forestias周辺に位置する入念に計画された住宅コンポーネントを介して、数世代にわたって家族の絆を強めるやり方である。

オウイヤマプン氏は「各コンポーネントは、新入社員、新婚夫婦、若い家族、老齢の両親など、特定の年齢層のニーズに合わせて特別に設計されている。彼らをすべてThe Forestiasに入居させることで、親、子供、孫は、引き続き独立性とプライバシーを保ちつつ、近くにともに住むことができる」と付言した。


オウイヤマプン氏は、この森はThe Forestiasと近隣コミュニティーの両方にとって「緑の肺」として機能し、すべての人々の利益のために自然を回復するのを助けることに加え、地域全体に一般的な冷却効果をもたらす見込みである、と語った。



同氏は「The Forestiasは、sustainovation(サステイノベーション(持続+イノベーション))も促進すると同時に、居住者と周辺コミュニティーの人々の生活の質を高める不動産開発の新しい概念を開拓しつつある」と語った。

The Forestiasはタイで最も急速に成長している開発回廊であると予測されているEastern Economic Corridor(東部経済回廊)に戦略的に位置しており、主要高速道路や大量輸送システムに簡単にアクセスできる。


The Forestiasのブランド名付きのコンポーネントには、「Whizdom」コンドミニアム、「Mulberry Grove」コンドミニアム、「Mulberry Grove Villas」、「The Aspen Tree」レジデンス、「Six Senses Residences」、「Six Senses」ホテルなどがある。

ソース:The Forestias by MQDC


Top Thai developer MQDC to build Thailand's first town purposefully designed for healthier, happier living at The Forestias


BANGKOK, Dec. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The Forestias becomes Thailand's largest private sector property development at

US$ 4.14 billion

First project to put a forest inside an urban development

'An Enchanted Community District in the Forest'

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), one of Thailand's

leading property developers, today, announced that it is increasing investment

in its 48-hectare The Forestias development on the outskirts of Bangkok and

expanding the project size from US$2.98 billion to US$4.14 billion to make it

a new, global prototype for a town development. The increased investment

makes The Forestias the largest property development project in Thailand.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672402-1

The project land size is also increased by from 48 to 63.7 hectares.

Mrs. Thippaporn Ahriyavraromp, Chairperson of MQDC, said, "We are building

the world's first town that is purposefully designed for healthier living."

"It is being designed and built by some of the world's most respected experts

as well as leading global institutions to ensure that every aspect promotes

a better quality of life" she said.

Mrs. Ahriyavraromp said that MQDC increased its investment in The Forestias

"after receiving very good feedback from global partners, which encouraged us

further along the road of creating a new type of development that is completely

focused on the well-being of residents, the surrounding community, and to sustainability."

Among the most extraordinary features of The Forestias is a massive,

sapling-planted 4.8-hectare forest area at its centre, anchoring a diverse and

rich ecological system that will develop naturally in the years ahead.

"It's also the first time, anywhere in the world, that a forest of this size is being integrated

into a city development to bring nature back into an urban setting, and which is one of

the reasons why we call The Forestias an enchanted community district in the forest," she said.

The Forestias includes multiple residential components with villas and condominiums aimed

at a diverse range of lifestyles and family sizes, as well as commercial space for offices,

a sports complex, lifestyle activities, retail and food & beverage outlets, as well as family

edutainment facilities in a Family Life Center.

There is a town center for community activities and cultural pursuits, a theatre,

an event hall, markets, and a 1.6 kilometre elevated walkway that links many of

the development's components and provides a 'nature-walk' that weaves above the forest.

Another pioneering component is a residential area that is specifically

designed to make life safer and more convenient for the elderly, including

specialised facilities for daily activities, a clubhouse, and trained care-givers.

There is also a 5-star hotel and a large medical centre with state-of-the art

facilities and some of Thailand's most eminent medical specialists.

Mr. Kittiphun Ouiyamaphun, Project Director-The Forestias, said, "Everything at

The Forestias is designed with a common purpose to promote the good health and

happiness of residents to a level never before undertaken, including the layout

of the public spaces, home layouts, choices of materials used inside and outside homes,

the integration of 21st century life technologies, the management of natural light, noise,

heat, airflows, as well as air quality and water quality."

Among the most important innovations at The Forestias is the way families are brought

closer together across multiple generations through carefully planned residential components

located around the development.

"Each component is designed specifically for the needs of a particular age group,

whether they're first jobbers, newlyweds, young families, or older parents.

Locating them all in The Forestias allows parents, children, and grandchildren to

live close together while still maintaining their independence and privacy,"

Mr. Ouiyamaphun added.

He said, "The cultivation of an immense forest, including a genuine deep forest area,

at a cost of US$33 million is the centre-piece of our development, and helps people

get closer to the diverse wonders of nature."

Mr. Ouiyamaphun said the forest is expected to act as a 'green lung', both for

The Forestias as well as for nearby communities, and also produce a general cooling

effect on the entire area, in addition to helping restore nature for the benefit of all.

"While being kinder to our planet ourselves, we also help our residents contribute

to sustainability. For example, our state-of-the-art energy systems will help residents

and visitors across the entire project reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by a staggering

amount that is almost equivalent to what a 4,800-hectare forest would absorb," he said.

Mr. Visit Malaisirirat, Chief Executive Officer, MQDC, said, "MQDC aims to create

great developments and, at the same time, encourage, through example,

social responsibility and a concern for the wellbeing of all."

"The Forestias is pioneering new concepts in property development that enhance

the quality of life of residents as well as of those in surrounding communities,

while also promoting sustainovation," he said.

The Forestias is strategically located on the Eastern Economic Corridor, which

is predicted to be the fastest growing development corridor in Thailand, and

has easy access to major highways and mass transportation systems.

The construction of road systems and the pilings for infrastructure at

the project are already 90 percent completed.

Among some of the branded components of The Forestias are 'Whizdom' condominiums,

'Mulberry Grove' condominiums, 'Mulberry Grove Villas', 'The Aspen Tree' residences,

'Six Senses Residences', and a 'Six Senses' hotel.

SOURCE:  The Forestias by MQDC

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