Kao Conducts Menstrual Hygiene Management Project in Indonesia
Completion of Teaching Materials Incorporating Opinions from Students and Educators
Kao Corporation hasbeen partnering with the Japan Committee for UNICEF to conduct theMenstrual Hygiene Management Project, which supports United NationsChildren’s Fund (UNICEF) program in Indonesia since January 2018.As part of this, Kao and UNICEF have developed an educationalpamphlet on menstrual hygiene management entitled “Secret of theTwo Worlds” (Rahasia Dua Dunia). The pamphlet is now beingdistributed to 40 public junior high schools in Tangerang, BantenProvince from the start of usein trainings for school principals and health guidance instructors.
Kao Group hasprovided products and services along with awareness-raisinginitiatives to instill habits for cleanliness and hygiene adapted tolocal cultures and social needs, including education about the onsetof menstruation. Kao is partnering with the Japan Committee forUNICEF in the Menstrual Hygiene Management Project in support ofUNICEF’s program in Indonesia for the purpose of having children inIndonesia learn correct information about menstrual hygienemanagement, develop proper hygiene management practices, and leadhealthy lives during the stage of puberty.
Various myths andstigmas regarding menstruation still exist in Indonesia even today. Agovernment-led educational program covering menstrual hygienemanagement is also not yet fully institutionalized. As a result,according to a UNICEF study, one in four females has never discussedmenstruation with anyone before its onset. They also do not receivesufficient reliable information from their teachers or parents,making it difficult to gain correct knowledge about menstruation. Inaddition, many schools do not have adequate hygiene environment,including a lack of sanitation facilities. For this reason, one insix girls is absent from school for one or more days duringmenstruation, and this is one factor in girls’ low rate of schoolattendance.
To improve thissituation, Kao is supporting training for principals and healthguidance instructors as well as classes on menstruation at publicjunior high schools in Tangerang, BantenProvince.The educational pamphlet “Secret of the Two Worlds” (Rahasia DuaDunia) that Kao and UNICEF have produced features a story aboutpuberty concerning a female student, the protagonist, who attendsjunior high school. Readers can learn about the human body and aboutrespecting themselves and other people through the protagonist’svarious interactions with male students, teachers, and others aroundher. The opinions of students and educators were incorporated in thedevelopment of the pamphlet to create educational materials thatcould be used throughout Indonesia, irrespective of regional culturaland religious practices and beliefs. Use of the materials at homes isalso encouraged.
This project plansto reach 12,000 adolescents including male students in 40 schools andchange the behavior of 2,500 adolescents during its activitytimeframe until the end of 2020. This is anticipated to deepenunderstanding of menstrual hygiene management among a greater numberof students, allow female students to enjoy more comfort and betterhygiene management during menstruation, and encourage male students’understanding of female students. In addition, presenting thisproject as a model will serve to encourage the incorporation ofmenstrual hygiene management in the school health program ofIndonesia.
The Kao Groupestablished its ESG strategy, the Kirei Lifestyle Plan, in April2019. Kao will implement its unique ESG activities globally,including the Menstrual Hygiene Management Project, to deliversatisfaction and enriched lives for people around the world, and tocontribute to the sustainability of society.
Overview of theMenstrual Hygiene Management Project in Indonesia
Project period:
January2018–December 2020 (3 years)
Tangerang, BantenProvince, Java Island, Indonesia
Project Description:
Raise awareness around the issue of menstrual hygiene management to district government officials such as education, health, and social affairs officers, and public junior high school health guidance instructors and educators
Have teachers give lessons on menstruation to junior high school students using educational materials developed with the participation of students and their caregivers
Propose for incorporating menstrual hygiene management into school education in Indonesia
Communication inside and outside Japan on the current situation of menstrual hygiene management and related issues that young people in Indonesia face
UNICEF Indonesia,Japan Committee for UNICEF
UNICEF works in someof the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s mostdisadvantaged children. Across 190 countries and territories, we workfor every child, everywhere, to build a better world for everyone.For more information about UNICEF and its work visit:
About JapanCommittee for UNICEF
Japan Committee forUNICEF is one of the 33 National Committees of UNICEF inindustrialized countries and regions. Serving within their owncountry as the public face and dedicated voice of UNICEF, theNational Committees work tirelessly to raise funds from the privatesector, promote children’s rights, and secure worldwide visibilityfor children. Please Visit:
About Kao
Kao createshigh-value-added products that enrich the lives of consumers aroundthe world. Through its portfolio of over 20 leading brands such asAttack,Bioré,Goldwell,Jergens,JohnFrieda,Kanebo,Laurier,Merriesand MoltonBrown,Kao is part of the everyday lives of people in Asia, Oceania, NorthAmerica and Europe. Combined with its chemical division, whichcontributes to a wide range of industries, Kao generates about 1,500billion yen in annual sales. Kao employs about 33,000 peopleworldwide and has 130 years of history in innovation. Please visitthe Kao Group website for updated information.
■Kao>Sustainability>Measuresto Contribute to Society>Education
■UNICEF IndonesiaWebsite
Using a storybook todemystify Menstrual Health and Hygiene for Adolescent Girls and Boys
■UNICEF IndonesiaYouTube
Creative Solutionsfor Menstrual Hygiene by Indonesian Adolescents

- 名称 花王株式会社
- 所在地 東京都
- 業種 化学
- URL http://www.kao.com/jp/
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