“CHI-BA+KUN” to Publicize Chiba Prefecture’s Charms in Taiwan

CHIBA, Japan, Feb. 5, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Chiba Prefectural Government

“CHI-BA+KUN” to Publicize Chiba Prefecture’s Charms in Taiwan

The Chiba Prefectural Government is publicizing Chiba’s charms in Taiwan from February 5 to 9 in an effort to further enhance the recognition of the prefecture and improve its image among members of the Taiwanese public.

In addition to organizing an event in Taipei where local people can interact with the prefecture’s popular mascot “CHI-BA+KUN,” the prefectural government will publicize the charms of the prefecture at the venues of the 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival to be held in Taichung, one of island’s largest tourism events.

(Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M102229/202002036361/_prw_PI1fl_fH88EuqG.jpg)

Chiba Prefecture’s PR activities

1. Period: Wednesday, Feb. 5, to Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020

2. Venues: Taipei and Taichung


(1) A meeting of fans with “CHI-BA+KUN”

Date/time: Saturday, Feb. 8, 14:00-16:10

Venue: C.C.WORK (3F, No. 15, Section 1, Heping West Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei)

No. of participants: Approximately 100

Overview: A popular local television presenter known as SUMMER, who has visited Chiba Prefecture to cover its charms, will appear on a chat show. “CHI-BA+KUN” will demonstrate a dance with the theme song and have a photo session with participants among other events.

A meeting of fans with “CHI-BA+KUN”

A meeting of fans with “CHI-BA+KUN”





(2) PR activities at the venues of the “2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival”

Date: Sunday, Feb. 9

Venues: Some locations in Taichung, including the venues of the Taiwan Lantern Festival

Overview: “CHI-BA+KUN” will have a photo session with participants in the festival and publicize the charms of Chiba Prefecture, among other activities.

CHI-BA+KUN’s Facebook account for Taiwanese people

A Facebook account named “CHI-BA+KUN Taiwan Fan Club” has been established to dispatch information on Chiba Prefecture and show CHI-BA+KUN’s PR activities in Taiwan in Chinese (traditional Chinese characters).






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A meeting of fans with “CHI-BA+KUN”

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