Chiba Pref. Gov't Soliciting Tourists to Pick Strawberries, Including CHI-BA+BERRY, at Local Farms

CHIBA, Japan, Feb. 18, 2020/Kyodo JBN/ --

Chiba Prefectural Government

Chiba Pref. Gov't Soliciting Tourists to Pick Strawberries, Including CHI-BA+BERRY, at Local Farms

As part of its spring tourism promotion campaign, the Chiba Prefectural Government is soliciting tourists to visit local strawberry farms to pick and eat locally grown strawberries, including the "CHI-BA+BERRY" variety, an original species developed in Chiba Prefecture and marketed since January 2017. It can be eaten only in the prefecture.

At many of over 100 strawberry farms in the prefecture, numerous varieties of strawberries are being grown, allowing visitors to taste different types of strawberries. Among them, CHI-BA+BERRY features a big size and beautiful appearance as well as sweet and delicious taste.

Chiba Prefecture is highly accessible for inbound tourists as it hosts Narita International Airport, a major gateway to Japan, and has a warm climate. The prefecture hopes that as many people as possible will come to enjoy CHI-BA+BERRY as the spring season when numerous flowers bloom arrives shortly.

Image: Logo of "CHI-BA+BERRY"

Logo of "CHI-BA+BERRY"

Chiba Prefecture's popular mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" serves as a landmark.

Photo1: Two women are seen eating strawberries they picked at a farm in Chiba Prefecture.

Two women are seen eating strawberries they picked at a farm in Chiba Prefecture.

Photo2: A large and delicious CHI-BA+BERRY

A large and delicious CHI-BA+BERRY

About strawberry picking in Chiba Prefecture

There are more than 100 farms where visitors can pick strawberries in Chiba Prefecture, about 50 of which are growing and selling CHI-BA+BERRY.


- The strawberry-picking season lasts from January to around May.



Logo of "CHI-BA+BERRY"

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Two women are seen eating strawberries they picked at a farm in Chiba Prefecture.

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A large and delicious CHI-BA+BERRY

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