CGTN: What drives China's success in 2020




BEIJING, Jan. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Facing unprecedented challenges brought by COVID-19 and the complex changes in

external environment, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with

Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has led China to achieve substantial progress in 2020.




Upholding the authority of the CPC, putting people first and giving full play

to institutional advantages are the key factors driving China's success in its

epic battle against COVID-19 pandemic and poverty last year.




'People first'


Under Xi's command, the constant theme of China's war against coronavirus has

been "people first."


"The people's safety and health always come first, and thus the prevention and

control of the outbreak is the country's most important work for now," said Xi

on his meeting with visiting World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus last January.


Read more:


How Xi Jinping leads China's war against COVID-19

( )


Xi Jinping's key words on COVID-19: People, response and confidence

( )


Wuhan's war on COVID-19: How China mobilizes the whole country to contain the virus

( )


Timeline: China's fight against COVID-19 in five stages




Stressing CPC is the most reliable backbone for Chinese people in times of

trouble, Xi ordered the use of the entire country's resources to tackle the

pandemic, which is also an advantage of China's socialist system.


As a result, China has emerged among the first countries to contain the virus,

reopen the economy safely, and restore economic growth. The country's GDP is

expected to exceed 100 trillion yuan (about $15.38 trillion) in 2020, with per

capita GDP reaching $10,000.


Meanwhile, China has sent 36 medical expert teams to 34 countries and offered

help for 150 countries and 10 international organizations to fight the virus,

echoing President Xi's call for building a community of common health for mankind.


The COVID-19 vaccine will be made a global public good, which will be China's

contribution to ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing

countries, Xi announced in May at the opening of the 73rd session of the World

Health Assembly.


'No one should be left behind'


On November 23, as southwest China's Guizhou Province cleared all the names on

its poverty list, China had eradicated absolute poverty and regional poverty.


At a symposium on securing a decisive victory in poverty alleviation in March,

Xi said lifting all rural residents living below the poverty line out of poverty by 2020 is

a solemn promise made by the CPC Central Committee and it must be fulfilled on time.


Xi put poverty relief center in front of his governance and spent the most

energy on it. During his domestic inspections last year, Xi often went to the

frontline to supervise poverty relief efforts.


Read more:


Mapping Xi Jinping's poverty alleviation tours from

2016-2020( )


A story of struggle and success: China's 832 poorest counties ( )


"No one should be left behind on the road of socialism," Xi said in May.

"Everyone should be on the path toward a moderately prosperous society in all

respects and common prosperity."


Original article:

here( ).


Source: CGTN



Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Mapping Xi Jinping's inspection tours on poverty 2016-2020




