Greening efforts create "sea in desert"

Wuhai City Publicity Department



WUHAI, China, Jan. 20, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


After a first snowfall in winter, more than 600 hectares of reed in Wuhai

Longyou Bay National Wetland Park are covered with snow frost, which looks like

a fairyland... Formed by water seepage from the Yellow River, the wetland is

located in the northwest corner of the city's Haibowan District, with Table

Mountain in the east and Yellow River in the west.


In order to enhance the ecological construction and restoration of Wuhai

section of the Yellow River Basin, Wuhai has scientifically planned with

systematic protection and restoration to promote the ecological and functional

improvement of wetlands. A wetland park integrating wetland protection, tourism

and popular science education has been initially established. At the end of

2018, it officially became a national wetland park and a livable paradise for birds.


Keeping the mountains green and waters clean is crucial to ecological development.


Wuhai's desertified land once accounted for 60 percent of the land area, which

was a serious area of desertification in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and

even the whole country. The city's land area that cannot be afforested was

877,400 mu, accounting for 33.35 percent of its land area.


Faced with the harsh natural ecological environment, Wuhai people have turned

their desire for a green homeland into a driving force to move forward.

Generations of Wuhai people have committed themselves to afforestation, leading

to Wuhai's green transformation.


From the barren land many years ago to the national garden city with a green

landscape, Wuhai's urban development can also be called a construction history

of an oasis.


With the completion of the Haibowan Water Conservancy Project on the Yellow

River, the 118-square-kilometer Wuhai Lake came into being. A grand dam spans

across the Yellow River, creating a lake in the desert, attracting many

visitors to enjoy the unique landscape featuring different elements.


Boating on Wuhai Lake, one can enjoy a beautiful and refreshing landscape of

the blue sky, white clouds reflected on the lake surface, sand, reeds, swimming

fish and flying birds. Walking all the way along the lake, visitors can relax

while enjoying enchanting views at garden sketches, pedestrian walkways,

hydrophilic docks, artificial beaches...


Relying on the Yellow River and Wuhai Lake, Wuhai has built Haibowan Gander

river system, Wudabayinsai river system, Hainan Engel river system, airport

road artificial lake landscape and Fengming Lake Park. The original wasteland

and gravel land have become beautiful water landscapes in the hands of

builders. Wuhai has built more than 40 lakes so far, which are connected.


Every year from mid-March to early November, more than 100,000 birds of more

than 60 species of 6 families inhabit and breed in Wuhai, including rare

species under strict national protection. Some migratory birds even choose to

stay in the Wuhai for winter.


In order to bring permanent green benefits to its residents, Wuhai has made

great efforts to build green and leisure spaces within walking distances.

Landscape green belts with 20-50 meters in width have been set up on both sides

of the road, forming a constant green road across the year.


The greenery coverage rate of Wuhai stands at 43 percent, with the per capita

park greenery space area reaching 19.5 square meters. The area of desertified

and sandy land has been reduced. Wuhai has successively won the honors of

national greening model city, national garden city, national health city and

one of the first water ecological civilization cities in China.


Source: Wuhai City Publicity Department


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: A wharf at the Wuhai Lake tourism zone





