Nippon Express (China) Collaborates with SIPGL to Launch ...

International Consolidated Transshipment Service in Shanghai

TOKYO, Feb. 10, 2022 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.

Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “NX China”), a Nippon Express Holdings, Inc. Group company, has teamed up with SIPG Logistics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “SIPGL”), an affiliate of Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “SIPG”), to become the first forwarder to offer an international consolidated transshipment service (transshipping containers and reconsolidating shipments) in Shanghai.




Illustration of international transshipment service:


Background to service development and features

This Shanghai-based international consolidated transshipment service shortens lead times and reduces costs by utilizing the Port of Shanghai, which serves more than 500 routes to destinations worldwide, to efficiently load transshipment cargo from countries in Southeast Asia and elsewhere as well as export cargo from within mainland China for customers shipping to destinations for which space is difficult to secure.


Container transshipment and cargo reconsolidation in Shanghai previously had to be carried out at a forwarder’s bonded warehouse, requiring extra time to relocate cargo and complete customs procedures.


NX China has collaborated with SIPGL to develop a new transshipment service that uses SIPGL's dedicated warehouse adjacent to the Shanghai CY, eliminating the need to pass cargo through a forwarder’s bonded warehouse, and reducing lead times and costs associated with transshipment.


While it is currently difficult to secure space on North American routes, collaboration with SIPGL makes it possible to utilize space on North American routes arranged between SIPG and shipping companies as a BCP solution in the face of space shortages on routes to North America from Southeast Asia and other regions.


-Lead time for transshipment

Cargo arrival (N) - D/O changeover (N+1) - Cargo receipt (N+2) - Consolidation with domestic export cargo (N+4) - Vessel departure (N+6)


-Sample routes

Routing 1: Port Klang --> Shanghai --> Japanese ports

Start: January 2022

Routing 2: Philippines --> Shanghai --> North American ports

Start: February 2022


-Shanghai Port International Consolidation Center

Location: Port Building Road No. 1, Shanghai


Nippon Express website:


Official LinkedIn account: NX GROUP




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