ZTE Releases 2021 Sustainability Report

ZTE Corporation



SHENZHEN, China, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Fulfilling Corporate Social Responsibilities and Injecting Digital

Intelligence into Sustainable Development


ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of

telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the mobile

internet, today has released its 2021 sustainability report across the globe.


The report shows that ZTE, following the strategic positioning of "driver of

the digital economy", proactively fulfilled its corporate social

responsibilities in 2021. With the active implement of sustainable development

in areas, such as operational governance, compliance management, talent

development, innovation empowerment, openness and transparency, green

development, and community contribution, the company creates shared value for

stakeholders and society.


ZTE has annually released its sustainability reports for 14 consecutive years

since 2009.


Keeping continuous independent innovation and industrial digital intelligence

development, and fulfilling corporate social responsibilities


The uncertainties brought by the complex global situation, the lingering

COVID-19 pandemic, population aging, and ecological degradation in 2021 are

imposing greater challenges to sustainable development. In this process,

digital and intelligent transformation based on new information technologies is

playing an irreplaceable role, promoting the development of telecommuting,

online collaboration, distance learning, telemedicine, smart factories,

unmanned mining, and smart ports.


"Digital and intelligent transformation has equipped our society with the

'immunity' to uncertainties, guaranteeing economic growth and sustainable

development", said Xu Ziyang, President of ZTE Corporation. "As a major player

and contributor dedicated to the ICT industry for 37 years, ZTE keeps making

innovations and breakthroughs, and is always willing to embrace changes. In

this way, the company continuously expands its capabilities and business in

terms of digital and intelligent technologies, and brings about infinite

possibilities for digital and intelligent applications."


According to the report, in order to follow the strategic positioning of

"driver of the digital economy", ZTE always takes technological innovation as

the top driving force of its development and adheres to building stronger core

competence. The company has established several state-of-the-art global R&D

centers. To further foster innovation, ZTE keeps investing in core areas such

as 5G wireless technology, core networks, transport networks, access networks,

and chipsets, with the R&D investment accounting for over 10% of the company's

revenue for years.


By December 31, 2021, ZTE had filed more than 84,000 global patent

applications, with over 42,000 granted, among which the number of chipset

patent applications and granted chipset patents reached 4,572 and 1,990

respectively. According to a report published in November 2021 by IPLytics, a

leading patent data company, ZTE ranked fourth in the world in the number of 5G

Standards-Essential Patents (SEP) declarations disclosed to the European

Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI).


In the era of digital economy full of business uncertainties, ZTE is always

committed to achieving high-quality growth together with the communications

industry, verticals, and society by means of efficient collaboration in an open

and transparent manner. By participating in the co-construction of a digital

and intelligent ecosystem, ZTE strives to accelerate the digital and

intelligent transformation of the whole society.


By engaging deeper into verticals, ZTE provides scenario-based solutions that

truly create value for verticals through modular components. The company has

established partnerships with over 500 global partners, with whom we have

explored nearly 100 innovative 5G application scenarios for factories in

Thailand, ports in Belgium, farms in Austria, as well as industry,

transportation, power, environmental protection, and many other verticals in



Reinforcing internal management and pursuing high-quality growth


The year 2021 was crucial for the growth phase defined in ZTE's three-phase

strategy. ZTE adhered to technological leadership and achieved high-quality

growth, laying a solid foundation for its steady stride into the expansion

phase and toward its goal of becoming a world's top 500 company.


Xie Junshi, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at ZTE, said,

"Under these circumstances, ZTE has maintained stable operations, as we are

committed to high-quality sustainable growth. We make continuous efforts to

consolidate our three cornerstones, namely, compliance, internal control, and



Upholding compliance and integrity in operations, ZTE has incorporated

compliance requirements into the company's business processes, thereby building

a best-in-class compliance management system that is aligned with the company's

business practices. In this way, the company strives to achieve sustainable

development together with its customers, suppliers, and other business partners

around the world.


As for internal control and corporate governance, by using digital tools, ZTE

has established a relatively complete system for risk management and internal

control, and constantly improved the Business Continuity Management (BCM)

system. With these efforts, the company has effectively enhanced operational

continuity, improved turnover efficiency, and reduced operational risks.


Regarding talent development, ZTE keeps attracting and motivating core talent.

For example, since its launch in 2014, the Blue Sword Program has been

cultivating future leaders for the company, as evidenced by the first trainees

who have been playing leading roles in the company. In 2021, ZTE stepped up

efforts in campus recruitment, offering over 6,000 positions in fields like

R&D, marketing, operation support, and supply chain to excellent graduates



Securing customers' trust with openness and transparency and creating a win-win

cooperation ecology


ZTE is committed to providing customers with secure and trustworthy products

and services, and ensuring the security of communications network equipment, to

promote digital transformation.


In 2021, ZTE obtained the certification of ISO 9001, TL 9000, QC 080000, ESD,

ISO 45001, ISO 14001, and ISO 22301 management systems, covering the company's

major R&D centers and manufacturing bases and 62 main product categories. In

the same year, ZTE shortened its Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) by 29.5% compared

with that in 2020. Moreover, the company offered remote customer support and

spare parts services in 65 countries, with the customer satisfaction rate

exceeding 99%.


For win-win partnership, ZTE has updated the Supplier CSR Agreement and

Supplier CSR Code of Conduct to guarantee the responsible and sustainable

development of its partners across the value chain. In addition, ZTE has

released the Conflict Minerals Report based on the due diligence and assessment

of 255 suppliers. In the future, due diligence and assessment on conflict

minerals will cover all of its suppliers.


Taking green development into practice and leading the digital way to carbon



Facing the challenges brought by low-carbon transformation, ZTE paves a green

path to digital economy by promoting green operations, green supply chain, and

green digital infrastructure, and empowering the green development of

industries, thereby facilitating the sustainable development of operators and

verticals. Working with its partners, ZTE continues to explore innovative and

green 5G applications with over 60 exemplary projects delivered worldwide, with

the goal to realize carbon peak carbon neutrality ahead of 2030 and before

2060, respectively.


In 2021, ZTE started the company-level dual-carbon strategic project and

completed the establishment and capability improvement of the dual-carbon

strategic team, and more than 170 team members participated in the training in

the ISO 14064 and Science-Based Targets initiative.


ZTE maintained CDP B rating for actions on climate change and supplier

engagement. According to the data disclosed on CDP website, more than 40

leading suppliers in ZTE's supply chain established decarbonization strategies.


As for office operations, ZTE has launched nine energy-saving projects in

China, saving 21.56 million kWh of electricity annually. ZTE reduced the use of

packaging materials by 689.1 tons through the design of packaging weight



By 2021, ZTE had established 140 recycling sites worldwide. In China, the

company optimized 4 centralized waste recycling and processing platforms and

conducted in-depth cooperation with more than 10 leading environmental

protection institutions in the industry, reaching the overall recycling rate of

97%. Through long-term in-depth cooperation with more than 150 environmental

protection institutions overseas, ZTE ensured that the recycling business met

the local environmental protection requirements of different countries, and

achieved the overall recycling rate of 98%.


ZTE's PowerMaster hybrid power solution won the award of 2021 Technological

Innovation Solution for Carbon Peak and Neutrality and High-Quality Development

by China Energy News.


Adhering to tech for social good, and actively contributing to global



While pursuing business development, ZTE also takes an active part in public

welfare activities. Centering on recipients and their real needs, ZTE focuses

on educational development, medical assistance, vulnerable population

assistance, rural vitalization, and environmental protection, and ensures that

all public welfare projects effectively respond to recipients' needs and

achieve expected social benefits. ZTE constantly fulfills its CSR through

donations and technological empowerment.


In 2021, ZTE Foundation donated CNY 13.17 million and organized 220 public

welfare activities, benefiting a total of 12,000 people, and also launched a

brand-new volunteer service system called "ZTE Volunteer" and set up 15

volunteer branches worldwide with over 5,600 volunteers by far, representing a

year-on-year growth of 76% in terms of the number of volunteers.


In the future, ZTE will continuously conduct digital operations, build a

resilient organization, and contribute to the implementation of the dual-carbon

strategy for sustainable growth. As a faithful driver of the digital economy,

the company is committed to fulfilling its CSRs and working with employees and

partners for win-win success in harmony with the environment, to build a

promising future and explore more opportunities amid the rising tide of



For the full version of ZTE 2021 Sustainability Report, please download via the

link below.




Media Contacts:

Margaret Ma                                                      

ZTE Corporation                                                

Tel: +86 755 26775189                                      

Email: ma.gaili@zte.com.cn


Source:ZTE Corporation


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