Global Mobility Call becomes the cornerstone for business and governments to build the future sustainable mobility

Global Mobility Call



PARIS, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The first edition of Global Mobility Call, the world congress on sustainable

mobility organised by IFEMA MADRID and Smobhub, concluded today with a great

boost for more sustainable, efficient and inclusive mobility, and with the

consolidation of the new ecosystem of new mobility's institutional and business



Global Mobility Call brought together more than 4,500 on-site attendees and

13,000 online attendees from 40 countries, with more than 1.3 million views of

the live programme. In addition, 250 journalists have covered the more than 100

multi-sector dialogues, where over 300 panelists, representatives from public

and private sectors, entrepreneurs, academics and experts have presented

proposals, ideas, reports and reflections on the rapid processes of changes in



Among the main conclusions was the need to carry out national and international

projects that promote digitalisation, decarbonisation, connectivity, intermodal

and multimodal transport, industrial transformation, urban design, improvement

of rural transport, funding and professional services.


The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, closed the Global

Mobility Call by stating that this forum "is the best example of the capacity

for resilience,  ambition to transform, the essential collaboration between the

public and private sectors, the strength of companies and of Spanish society as

a whole. Both private and public sectors share a special ability to face

difficulties and adapt to new scenarios".


He has underlined that the uncertainties provoked by the war "should not delay"

the sustainable mobility transformation.


In closing the event, the President of the Executive Committee of IFEMA MADRID,

José Vicente de los Mozos, explained that these days at Global Mobility Call

have shown "the inspiration and the keys to enter into business of enormous

proportions, for which priority is to access recovery funds", while the event

has generated "content and professional networking, which will translate into a

real boost for sustainable mobility".


"We have to process the vast content and contacts of highest interest which

have been produced during these days. It will be our job to organise and make

this important legacy available to the different sectors and the thousands of

professionals who have participated in Global Mobility Call", he said.


Global Mobility Call has responded to the need to bring together all mobility

actors at a time of profound transformation. The need to act on both climate

and energy crises, seizing the opportunity provided by the EUR 800 billion

NextGenerationEU European recovery funds, has made Global Mobility Call an

unprecedented opportunity to shape the future of a decarbonised, safe,

digitised mobility, which respects the planet and the people's health, aligned

with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and the European

Green Pact.


Among the panellists, Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and specialist in

sustainable development, called for further digital development of mobility and

insisted that this be approached as an integrated ecosystem of sectors, just as

Global Mobility Call does.


Clotilde Delbos, CEO of Mobilize, stressed the need to work towards providing

users with mobility services tailored to their needs.


Michio Kaku, physicist and futurist, predicted how the quantum physics of the

future will generate computers that will connect to the brain and the

robotisation of the automotive industry.


Adina Valean, European Commissioner for Transport, highlighted the

opportunity presented by the Next GenerationEU Funds to boost projects in many

of Europe's mobility sectors. It was also stressed that it is important to make

this coincide with the drive for energy transition, to make Europe less

dependent on fossil fuels.


Monica Araya, Climate Mobility Advisor and member of the ClimateWorks &

Partners' Steering Committee suggested incorporating into the sustainable

mobility agenda the questions of generating employment, fostering talent and

economic value, at a time when countries are trying to remain within supply

chains, and society is very anxious about the climate crisis and the retraining

of labour in many sectors.


Urban planner and MIT professor Carlo Ratti called for reflection on deep

structural changes in the mobility of people, jobs and products, at a time of

disruption accelerated by the Covid crisis and war.


More information:



Marta Cacho, Directrice de la Communication,

Elena Valera, Presse Internacionale,






Source: Global Mobility Call





