KEENON Robotics Tops Market Share & Growth

Keenon Robotics Co., Ltd.



SHANGHAI, June 17, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Market research institution IDC(International Data Corporation), in its recent

report "Market Share of Commercial Service Robots in China Catering Industry",

marks KEENON Robotics as top of the list in both Market Share and Growth in

China's commercial service robots for the catering industry in2021. The

company's growth rate of 153.4% is leading the rest of the industry, with a

market share of 48.6%, almost twice as large as the second largest.


"The demand for service robots, such as delivery robots, is growing

significantly across many industries, especially catering,"IDC reported."The

catering industry has become one of the most mature industries in the

application of commercial service robots, with the market displaying a rapid

growth trend over the past two years. In 2021, the total market size of

commercial service robots in the catering industry in China reached $84 million

US dollars, which is an increase of more than 110% compared to the previous

year -this is significant growth."


IDC Research Manager, Can Cui further noted, "The commercial service robot

market for China's catering industry achieved rapid growth in2021, labor

shortages, and favorable national policy; establishing a positive long-term

trend. In the short-term, however, with the market becoming more mature and

more refined in terms of operations, products, teams, costs, and services,

there will be improved profitability as developments in catering spread to

related industries and overseas expansion will become a key direction for

market development."


As a leading enterprise in the industry, KEENON Robotics has a significant edge

by maintaining high growth levels and occupying nearly 50% of the domestic

market share.


Continuous Breakthroughs in Technology, KEENON Robotics Steps into the Era of

High-Speed Growth


As one of the earliest enterprises exploring the application scenarios of

commercial robots in China, KEENON Robotics has witnessed the entire process of

commercial service robots application in the catering industry since the

beginning. So far, the innovative range of T1, T2, T5, T6, T8, and more

catering delivery robots have been adopted by industry partners, with KEENON

already boasting a rich product line capable of matching any catering needs.


In 2021, catering-specific service robots from KEENON Robotics exploded in

popularity and use, with almost 65% of the top100 food and beverage brands,

such as Haidilao Hotpot, Pizza Hut, Xiao NanGuo Restaurant, Grandma's House,

and more, adopting KEENON Robotics products.


In the same year, KEENON Robotics completed Alibaba's exclusive strategic

financing and SoftBank Vision-led investment of $200 million D round financing.

The company achieved outstanding results and was also ranked on the Hurun

global Unicorn Company list in the year. Meanwhile, the company was awarded the

TOP10 best investment cases in advanced manufacturing by the CVINFO 2021 Annual



Based in China, Exploring Globally, and Continuing to Promote the

Popularization of Robotics Technology


Currently, KEENON Robotics has successfully launched in North America, Europe,

the Asia Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, with six major

global business areas. In these areas, KEENON Robotics is cooperating with

large local multinational companies on strategic development to continue

supporting the world with commercial service robots.


In the future, KEENON Robotics will continue to increase R&D investment,

accelerating the growth of distribution channels to the global market, boosting

digital transformation, and improving efficiency. KEENON Robotics is also

willing to take a role as an industry leader together with other industry

partners to push the limits of science and technology and promote the

popularization and development of commercial robots, which can truly bring

about the technology to change lives.


SOURCE: Keenon Robotics Co., Ltd.


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