Pijar Foundation and EdHeroes Network Strategic Agreement: Global Future Talent Alliance and EdHeroes Hub

EdHeroes Network



JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 28, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


A global educational initiative EdHeroes [https://edheroes.network/]just

announced the launching of its Indonesian hub. The corresponding "Memorandum of

Cooperation" was ceremoniously signed during a private event for innovators and

experts in education, on June 17th 2022 in the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place,

Jakarta. The main partner in Indonesia is Pijar Foundation

[https://pijarfoundation.org/], a non-profit which catalyzes initiatives of the

future through "collaborative governance" – a coalition of public, private, and

community sectors.


The launch was attended by Surakarta king GPH Bhre Cakrahutomo Wira Sudjiwo,

KGPAA Mangkunegara X, as well as representatives from the Ministry of

State-Owned Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia, Puteri Indonesia

Foundation, Kisah Kasih Organization and more.


EdHeroes Advisory Board members Osama Obeidat, CEO of Queen Rania Teacher

Academy, and Shaun Conway, founder and president of iXO Foundation, signed the

memorandum and stressed the importance of EdHeroes being institutionalised in

Indonesia Hub as there would be a lot of events with positive effects on

education in the coming few years in the country.


EdHeroes is a global educational initiative, driven by the mission to unite,

support and inspire families around the world by providing access to quality

education. The EdHeroes Network already unites over 63,000 supporters and

regularly hosts global and regional events. Some of their partners are: the

World Bank Group, UNESCO IITE, Dream a Dream, Teach For All, Wolfram, Educate

Girls, Educate! and more.


During the launch of EdHeroes Indonesian Hub, Pijar Foundation also announced

the Global Future Talent Alliance initiative.


The "Global Future Talent Alliance" (GFTA), is a collaborative resource-sharing

ecosystem on a mission to reform education for our next generation. To this

end, GFTA will connect education innovators, philanthropies, and other

organizations eager to test and scale initiatives to close the global talent

gap. GFTA's resource-sharing mechanism allows innovative and experimental

education initiatives to find financial resources needed and learn about best

practices from around the world.


"The global skills gap is a critical issue for our current and future

generations. We welcome all education reformers to join this alliance and break

barriers together," said Cazadira Fediva Tamzil, Lead of GFTA by Pijar

Foundation. In its first year, GFTA aspires to support 25 initiatives globally.


EdHeroes and Pijar Foundation recently met education innovators across

Indonesia, including Princess Mangkubumi, the Royal family of Yogyakarta

member, well-known as a youth movement and education activist. They are also

taking part in the 2022 Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) conference in

Bali, Asia's largest social investing convening seeking to drive capital toward



Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1847934/EdHeroes_Network.jpg


SOURCE: EdHeroes Network




