Continuous updates for Time for Taiwan - Virtual Exhibition

Department of Tourism and City Marketing, Keelung City Government



KEELUNG CITY, Taiwan, July 11, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Promoting Keelung's Features of Mountain and Sea by Recording the Beauty of the

Port City



In September last year, the Tourism Bureau, MOTC started a new trend of tourism

that is different from brick-and-mortar exhibitions by establishing an online

tourism platform — "Time for Taiwan - Virtual Exhibition" which allows people

to know better about beautiful landscapes without any restriction, tourism

attractions and accommodation in Taiwan within a short time. The latest Keelung

tourism information is provided on the platform. In addition, to promote the

city internationally, videos based on the features of different countries are

presented, so that domestic and international tourists can visit Keelung at

home without constraints.


The video "Japan's Regions - Souvenirs to Buy" is for the audience in Japan. In

the video, popular souvenirs from Keelung are introduced, such as traditional

cake and pastry like taro balls that are silky but not sticky, pineapple cakes

that aren't too sweet, and King shortbread with rich taste. You can feel the

amazing techniques of these century-old stores with one bite. In addition, as a

port city, Keelung is famous for its fresh seafood souvenirs, such as jerky

with flying fish roe (tobiko), and seafood instant noodles with an entire piece

of fish. Each souvenir is enriched with Keelung's culture. For more information

on featured souvenirs, please watch "Japan's Regions - Souvenirs to Buy."


Tseng Tzu-Wen, Director-General of Taiwan's Keelung Department of Tourism and

City Marketing, said that Keelung has many new and popular check-in attractions

highly recommended for friends from Japan, such as Rainbow Houses at Zhengbin

Fishing Port that is nicknamed as Taiwan's Venice, Bleu Book Store, known as

the most beautiful bookstore near the coast in Taiwan, and the sightseeing

bridge at Wanghaixiang Fishing Harbor, where visitors can take a walk by the

sea. Welcome to explore this surprising city Keelung through Time for Taiwan -

Virtual Exhibition in the post-pandemic era. Apart from the platform, visitors

can also visit "Keelung Travel" for more tourism information.


For more information, please visit


Time for Taiwan - Virtual Exhibition 


Keelung Amore Official YouTube channel


Keelung Travel Official Facebook fan page


Media Contact:


Source: Department of Tourism and City Marketing, Keelung City Government


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: An image of Japan-themed video on Time for Taiwan - Virtual Exhibition -

Keelung Hall





