Xinhua Silk Road: Seraphim awarded silver medal in EcoVadis CSR rating

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, Aug. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Seraphim Energy Group Co., Ltd. (Seraphim), a leading global solar product

manufacturer, recently announced that it had been awarded a silver medal in the

2022 EcoVadis corporate social responsibility (CSR) rating for its reliable

social responsibility management system and impressive performance in

sustainable development.


EcoVadis is an internationally recognized provider of business sustainability

ratings for global supply chains. Its assessment, covering nearly 200 spend

categories in over 160 countries and regions, focuses on 21 issues which are

grouped into four themes, namely environment, labour and human rights, ethics

and sustainable procurement.


Seraphim has put in excellent performances in each of the four thematic areas

assessed. For example, in terms of environment, in 2021, the company cut carbon

emissions by nearly 9,000 tonnes through green manufacturing and 8,400-odd

tonnes by optimizing techniques and production system.


Polaris Li, president of Seraphim, said that this year's EcoVadis medal awarded

to Seraphim is an acknowledgement of the company's implementation of CSR

practices. It is also an encouragement for Seraphim to continue upholding

sustainability principles and promoting photovoltaic (PV) industry development

in partnership with upstream and downstream partners.


Since its founding in 2011, Seraphim has been specializing in research,

development, production, innovation and sales of PV products, committed to

accelerating energy transformation, promoting sustainable development and

creating a better society.


As an active advocate of sustainable development, Seraphim joined the United

Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2021.


Building a low-carbon, clean and green future is Seraphim's greatest social

responsibility, said Li, adding that in the next step, the company will give

full play to its advantages in manufacturing and technological innovation and

contribute to the high-quality and sustainable development of the PV industry.


Source: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Seraphim is awarded silver medal in EcoVadis CSR rating





