Fosun International Announces 2022 Interim Results: Total Revenue Amounted to RMB82.89 Billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 17.7%




HONG KONG, Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Fosun International Limited (HKEX stock code: 00656, "Fosun International"),

together with its subsidiaries ("Fosun" or the "Group"), today announced its

financial results for the six months ended 30 June 2022 (the "Reporting



In the first half of 2022, against the backdrop of the complex and volatile

external environment, Fosun demonstrated the resilience of sustainable

development, and the Group's achieved steady revenue growth, with total revenue

reaching RMB82.89 billion, representing an increase of 17.7% over the same

period in 2021; net profit attributable to owners of the parent amounted to

RMB2.70 billion; enterprise operation profit amounted to RMB2.33 billion,

representing a year-on-year increase of 35.5%.


Meanwhile, the Group's funds remained stable and its capital structure

continued to be optimized, thereby laying a solid financial foundation for

long-term and stable business development. During the Reporting Period, the

Group financed RMB17.67 billion in the domestic and offshore public market

(including syndicated loans); the Group's overall average cost of

interest-bearing liabilities was at a historically low level 4.5%.


During the Reporting Period, the Group's Health, Happiness, Wealth and

Intelligent Manufacturing business segments developed steadily. Total revenue

of Health segment amounted RMB23.37 billion, representing a year-on-year

increase of 21.2%.; Happiness segment achieved a total revenue of RMB32.07

billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 12.5%; Wealth segment recorded

a total revenue of RMB22.97 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of

16.9%; Intelligent Manufacturing segment recorded a total revenue of RMB5.13

billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 43.6%.


Fosun further consolidated its positioning as a global consumer group, and

continued to polish and enhance the four core competencies of

innovation-driven, globalization, FC2M ecosystem, and FES system, so as to

ensure the sustainable development of the Group. During the reporting period,

Fosun has established profound industrial presence in over 30 countries and

regions, the Group's overseas revenue reached RMB38.76 billion, accounting for

46.8% of the total revenue. Innovation-driven is an important endogenous

driving force supporting the steady development of Fosun. During the Reporting

Period, the Group's investment in technology and innovation increased to RMB4.6

billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 21%. The long-term

accumulation of technological innovation capabilities has also continued to

bear fruit. The Group's ecosystem has created a total value of approximately

RMB3.8 billion and acquired 18 million newly registered members, bringing the

total number of operational members to 414 million. The FES (Fosun

Entrepreneurship / Ecosystem System) system built by Fosun has continued to

evolve and has been promoted and deeply applied in various industries of the

Group, the value of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of completed

projects has exceeded RMB1.0 billion.


Guo Guangchang said, "This year, Fosun enters into the 30 years of

establishment. Standing at the new starting point of 30 years of development,

Fosun proposes to 'Sharing Happiness', hoping to join hands with customers,

partners, investors and all parties in the society to create a happy ecosystem

and share the value of Fosun."


1. Enterprise operation profit: It includes the profit contribution of the

major members of the Group, of which the profit of A-share listed members is

adjusted to exclude the gain/loss of the non-recurring items.


2. Investment in technology and innovation includes scientific research

investment (expensed and capitalized), but does not include digital investment.


3. An operational member is defined as a consumer who has agreed to the brand's

official membership terms and conditions and granted privacy in any channel,

has actively retained personal information including phone number, and is

identifiable, reachable and traceable. From 2021 onwards, this statistic

includes consumers within the Fosun Health ecosystem.


4. Ecological value creation refers to the revenue contribution (before

intercompany eliminations) directly or indirectly created by companies within

the Fosun ecosystem for other companies within the ecosystem, including but not

limited to ecological cross-selling, ecological product co-creation, ecological

membership contribution, membership sales transformation, and ecological sales

collaboration, joint industrial investment, financing cooperation empowerment,

industrial resource coordination, etc.








