Forty-two Japanese Companies Ranked in the TopBrand Global 500

TopBrand Union



BEIJING, Aug. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On August 7 to 9, the 16th annual China Brand Festival took place in Changsha,

a city which attracts regular visits from Chinese internet celebrities.

Organized by TopBrand Union and the China Convention Exhibition and Event

Society, the festival welcomed over 2200 government officials, entrepreneurs,

experts and scholars at its opening ceremony, while the total number of guests

exceeded 6000.


At the event, TopBrand Union unveiled new rankings, the 2022 edition of the

TopBrand Global 500. The full list of companies and the research methodology

are publicly available in English and Chinese at


Five of the top ten brands are from the technology sector, including the first

four on the list. Apple is the world's most valuable brand as it is worth USD

799.81 billion. Microsoft, Google and Amazon take up the next three places,

respectively, with brand valuations of USD 667.43 billion, USD 405.53 billion,

and USD 402.54 billion. The oil giant Saudi Aramco takes 5th place with a

valuation of USD 377.34 billion, and it is followed by 6th ranked Meta which

has a brand value of USD 362.06.


The USA has 210 companies featured on the list, including over half of the top

100. In addition to the companies in the top 10, the US has prominent

representatives from all other sectors in the rankings as well. They include

the medical industry leaders UnitedHealth and Johnson & Johnson, which rank 8th

and 10th with valuations of USD 282.01 billion and USD 278.67 billion, as well

as the retail giant Walmart which is ranked 14th which has a brand worth USD

218.08 billion.


There are also 122 Chinese companies in the TopBrand Global 500, with the

highest-ranked one being 9th ranked CNPC with a valuation of USD 280.28

billion. The top 20 also includes Sinopec, State Grid and Huawei, ranking 11th,

14th and 18th, respectively. Meanwhile, Taiwanese semiconductor giant TSMC is

ranked 23rd, while tech leaders Tencent and Alibaba take up 29th and 30th

place. Another notable entry is the wine and spirits giant, Guizhou Moutai

which is ranked is 64th.


Japan is the third most represented country in the rankings, with three entries

in the top 100. Automobile giant Toyota is the highest ranked one at 15th

place, with a brand valuation of USD 204.52 billion, while the other two

entries are 55th ranked Sony, whose brand is valued at USD 97.5 billion and

NTT-AT which has a brand valued at USD 68.11 billion. Other strong brands, such

as Honda, Hitachi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, SoftBank and Nintendo also make it

into the elite 500.


Some of the strong European economies are also well-represented. France has 19

companies featured on the list, including LVMH which ranks 42nd with a value of

USD 114.89 billion. Other entries include Total Energies, Airbus and Michelin.

There are 18 German companies in the top 500 as well, with pharmaceutical giant

Merck ranked 54th, while SAP, Siemens, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz also make

it into the top 100.


The United Kingdom has 16 brands in the TopBrand Global 500, including THG

which is ranked 59th and has a value of USD 87.69 billion. Other prominent

entries feature AstraZeneca, Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline and Rio Tinto.


The rankings were compiled based on a research methodology designed by TopBrand

Union. The research team examined a pool of 37164 companies, covering 47 major

stock markets. The brand valuation methodology was refined over a period of one

year and vetted by an international and independent Global Expert Review Board

with over 20 thought leaders and executives. It takes into account five

categories of indicators, namely: brand internationalization, brand awareness,

brand management, brand reputation and core brand strength.


Prof. Wang Yong, Chairman of the Board at TopBrand Union and Secretary-General

of the China Brand Festival, hopes to lead his team toward making further

progress in the field of brand valuation. He is determined continue providing

valuable insights into the branding industry.


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Contact; Ivo Ganchev


Tel.; +86-18612615091


Source: TopBrand Union




