Chengdu boosting efforts for trade in services sector

Chengdu Commerce Bureau



CHENGDU, China, Sept. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/


Chengdu, the capital city of Southwest China's Sichuan province, is ramping up

efforts to bolster development of the trade in services sector to push forward

high-quality development in the region.


So far, Chengdu has established five national export bases focusing on digital

services, cultural products, IP services, human resources services and language

services to inject vitality into the trade in services industry.


In the first half of 2022, the import and export volume of trade in services in

Chengdu increased 24.97 percent year-on-year. The export volume of trade in

services of the city increased 47.04 percent year-on-year. Its digital products

import and export volume increased 20 percent from the previous year and the

import and export volume of IP royalties increased 101.37 percent.


Local officials said the establishment of the five platforms played an

irreplaceable role in promoting the development of Chengdu's trade in services



The Ministry of Commerce further certified 40 national professional service

export bases in March to support the export of four types of services. They are

human resources, geographical information, language and IP services.


The Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, also known as CDHT, was

recognized as a professional IP service export base. The Chengdu Human

Resources Service Industrial Park and Sichuan Lan-Bridge Information Technology

was recognized as a professional human resources service export base and a

professional language service export base, respectively.


Officials from the Chengdu commerce bureau said the development of professional

service export bases will help the trade in services industry of the city to

develop toward larger-scale and more intensive operations.


Companies with strong competitiveness, market influence and innovation capacity

will benefit from those platforms. They will also bolster the overall

performance and strength of the trade in services industry of Chengdu.


Supported by the Chengdu government, trade in service enterprises are attaching

greater attention to new products development and innovation to maintain

sustainable development.


In May this year, the Chengdu Human Resources Service Industrial Park invited

13 human resources service providers including Risfond and OPT to form the

nonofficial alliance named the West Headhunting Valley Alliance. The alliance

will support Chengdu in constructing the China West Headhunting Valley, which

will feature 100 influential human resources service providers and 30,000

professionals in the CDHT.


SOURCE: Chengdu Commerce Bureau


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: The Chengdu Tianfu Software Park plays a key role in supporting the trade in

services sector development in Chengdu.





