JDRF Announces Launch of Global Type 1 Diabetes Index




NEW YORK, Sept. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


--The first-of-its-kind index will raise awareness of the burden and unmet need

of people living with type 1 diabetes around the world.




), the leading global type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocacy organization,

announces the launch of the Type 1 Diabetes Index (


) (T1D Index). The T1D Index is a first-of-its-kind data simulation tool that

measures the human and public health impact of the T1D crisis in every country

across the globe. Until now, there have been wide gaps in the data about the

incidence and impact of T1D. Leveraging data and insights from the T1D Index

can help change the lives of people living with T1D by identifying attainable

country-by-country interventions including timely diagnosis, accessible care

and funding research that could lead to cures.


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The T1D Index and accompanying research has been published in the leading

diabetes and endocrinology medical journal, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.


T1D is an autoimmune condition and one of the fastest-growing chronic health

conditions, impacting nearly nine million people across the globe. Certain

factors like family history can increase risk, but it is not caused by diet or

lifestyle. T1D causes the pancreas to make very little insulin or none at

all--this means the human body cannot convert food into energy, which can lead

to long-term complications including damage to the kidneys, eyes, nerves, heart

and even premature death. There is currently no cure for T1D.


"As a member of the T1D community, I know many are not as fortunate as I am to

have the resources necessary to live a healthy and fulfilled life," Aaron

Kowalski, Ph.D., JDRF CEO, said. "This is why I am so proud that significant

progress has been made to understand T1D's global impact through the T1D Index.

We are calling on government and public health decision makers throughout the

world to utilize the tool to identify and implement interventions that can

change the trajectory of T1D."


JDRF collaborated with key partners and experts around the world to develop the

T1D Index--using the results from a global survey of more than 500

endocrinologists and 400 publications to simulate the state of T1D globally and

at the country level.


The Index uniquely illuminates the human burden of T1D by highlighting "missing

people," which is the number of people who would still be alive today if they

had not died early due to complications from T1D, and "healthy years lost,"

which represents time lost to ill-health, disability or early death from living

with T1D.


Simulations from the T1D Index suggest that globally, as of 2022, there are

more than 3.86 million "missing people" and an average of 32 "healthy years

lost" to T1D per person, if diagnosed at age 10.


T1D presents a profound human, emotional and financial burden for those who

live with it--and prevalence is on the rise. Simulations from the T1D Index

have led to the identification of four key interventions that could change the

current trajectory for T1D and its impact on people around the world:


    --  Timely diagnosis: enabling better education and training for medical

        professionals to accurately diagnose T1D. If the global population has

        access to timely diagnosis from 2023, 668,000 more people could be alive

        in 2040.

    --  Insulin and strips: creating barrier-free access to insulin and blood

        glucose testing strips. If the global population has access to insulin

        and testing strips from 2023, and coaching to self-manage the condition,

        1.98 million more people could be alive in 2040.

    --  Pumps and CGMs: ensuring everyone living with T1D has access to

        technology that automates glucose monitoring and insulin delivery.

        673,000 more people could be alive in 2040 if everyone with T1D has

        access to the technology available from 2023.

    --  Prevention and cures: making the case for further investment and

        research in emerging prevention, treatments and cures. 890,000 more

        people could be alive in 2040 if we find cures.


Once interventions are identified on the global and country level, the T1D

Index encourages users to take action by sharing the data and findings with

their networks and local decision makers, and connecting with other T1D

advocates in their communities.


Additionally, the T1D Index shines a light on important statistics about the

burden of T1D globally, including:


    --  Since 2000, T1D prevalence has increased at four times the rate of

        global population growth.

    --  The expected number of people living with T1D in 2040 will be 17.43


    --  The number of "missing people" in the year 2040 is projected to be 6.85



The T1D Index data simulations are the best estimate currently available with

version 1.0 testing to +/- 6 percent against real-world data. This is a

significant improvement from leading existing estimates that test to +/- 35

percent against the same data. It is a collaborative development by JDRF, Life

for a Child (


), International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) (


), International Diabetes Federation (


) (IDF), and Beyond Type 1 (


). The T1D Index is supported by founding corporate sponsor, Abbott, with

additional support from Lilly, Vertex Pharmaceuticals and The Leona M. and

Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. In future releases, the Index will expand

to include T1D's impact on economic costs, mental health and quality of life.

The data will also be broken down at regional and demographic levels.


You can learn more about the T1D Index here (




About JDRF


JDRF's mission is to accelerate life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent,

and treat T1D and its complications. To accomplish this, JDRF has invested more

than $2.5 billion in research funding since its inception. It is an

organization built on a grassroots model of people connecting in their local

communities, collaborating regionally for efficiency and broader fundraising

impact, and uniting on a national stage to pool resources, passion, and energy.

It collaborates with academic institutions, policymakers, and corporate and

industry partners to develop and deliver a pipeline of innovative therapies to

people living with T1D. JDRF staff and volunteers throughout the United States

and five international affiliates are dedicated to advocacy, community

engagement, and the vision of a world without T1D. For more information, please

visit jdrf.org or follow on Twitter (@JDRF), Facebook (@myjdrf), and Instagram



About Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)


T1D is an autoimmune condition that causes the pancreas to make very little

insulin or none at all, leading to long-term complications which can include

highs and lows in blood sugar; damage to the kidneys, eyes, nerves and heart;

and even death if left untreated. It is one of the fastest-growing chronic

health conditions. Many believe T1D is only diagnosed in childhood and early

puberty, but diagnosis in adulthood is on the rise, and accounts for nearly 50%

of all T1D diagnoses. The onset is sudden and nothing can be done to prevent it

yet--it is not related to diet or lifestyle. While its causes are not yet

entirely understood, scientists believe that both genetic factors and

environmental triggers are involved. There is currently no cure for T1D.




CONTACT: Ayana Young, JDRF International, ayoung@jdrf.org, +1 347-296-2494




