Koc Group Calls for Bold Action to Tackle Gender Inequality

Koc Group



ISTANBUL, Sept. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Koc Holding Board Member Ipek Kirac says now is the time for leaders and

institutions to take bold action on gender inequality. "The most significant

indicator for leaders and institutions in tackling gender inequality should be

to set targets and to be determined to accomplish them," Kirac commented during

the UN Women panel "A Year of Action: Building more equal and inclusive digital

societies through multi-stakeholder partnerships." The High-Level Side Event

was held during the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.


Speaking at a UN Women side event during the 77th session of the UN General

Assembly, Ipek Kirac, Koc Holding Board Member, called on world leaders and key

institutions to take bold action to tackle gender inequality. The High-Level

Side Event "A Year of Action: Building more equal and inclusive digital

societies through multi-stakeholder partnerships", hosted by the Action

Coalition on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality, gathered senior

leaders from across government and the private sector to discuss solutions and

launch ambitious goals to promote gender equality and build an inclusive

digital future.


In her opening remarks, Sima Bahous, UN Under Secretary General and Executive

Director UN Women, stated: "The road to gender equality is long and

ever-changing and impacted by today's shifting power dynamics among countries

and regions, and ongoing crises. Now is the time to break the cycle of

inequality and join forces to build an open, safe and equal digital future for

the generations to come. Since its creation two years ago, the Action Coalition

on Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality has been instrumental in

shaping global standards on gender and digital technologies, a field that has

been too often overlooked. Your presence today contributes to expanding this

global community of partners, who care deeply about generating bold commitments

centered around the communities that are most deeply impacted. More than ever,

we need to stand together to reaffirm that 'Digital rights are women's rights'."


Koc Holding Board Member Ipek Kirac discussed Koc Holding's initiatives and

projects as part of its global leadership role in the Action Coalition on

Technology and Innovation, emphasizing the mission Koc Group has undertaken to

foster gender equality and tackle gender biases.


The panel, moderated by Anita Bhatia, UN Women Assistant Secretary General and

Deputy Executive Director, hosted several high-level participants, including

Ville Skinnari, Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade,

Finland; Paula Ingabire, Minister of ICT and Innovation, Rwanda; Bracken

Darell, Logitech CEO; and Amandeep Singh Gill, Secretary General's Envoy on



"The far-reaching commitments we made earlier this year reflects our resolve

and determination to achieve an equal future and close the gender gap."


During her speech, Ipek Kirac said: "At Koc Group, we firmly believe that we

have a responsibility to lead in gender equality both in our country and on a

global scale. As such we have actioned joint projects with UN Women and

collaborated with key NGO and academic institutions to tackle gender biases and

to overcome stereotypes. As one of the leaders in the Action Coalition on

Technology and Innovation, the far-reaching commitments we made earlier this

year reflects our resolve and determination to achieve an equal future and

close the gender gap; something which is only possible if we collectively

invest in future skills and future talents now."


In line with their commitments, Koc Group companies pledged to increase the

minimum ratio of women employed in technology and innovation roles to at least

30% by 2026, and to conduct 30 individual programs to reach 500,000 women and

girls from all age groups to improve access and participation in the technology

sector. The group companies are currently running several education outreach

programs in primary and high schools to engage girls and inspire them to

explore careers in STEM. The programs also include scholarship, internship and

mentoring opportunities for university students and early career professionals

to help them advance their careers in technology, innovation and STEM.


Commenting on the need to provide tangible opportunities and lead

transformation in society, Ipek Kirac told the audience: "The most significant

indicator for leaders and institutions in tackling gender inequality should be

to set clear targets and commit to achieving them, instead of wishful thinking

based on hopes rather than facts. Because gender equality can only be achieved

through collective action. As one of the leaders of the Action Coalition, I am

encouraged to see actors from across civil society, governments, philanthropic

organizations and private partners are uniting to spark an inclusive digital



Koc Holding has taken a leadership role in many gender equality campaigns both

in Turkey and on a global scale, including being an Impact Champion of UN

Women's HeForShe movement and a key signatory of the UN Women's Empowerment

Principles. The company is also one of the leaders in the "Generation Equality

Forum" initiated by UN Women.


About Koc Holding

Koc Holding is Turkey's leading investment holding company and the Koc Group is

Turkey's largest industrial and services group in terms of revenues, exports,

number of employees, taxes paid and market capitalization on Borsa Istanbul.

Being the only Turkish company to be ranked in Fortune Global 500 List and in

Forbes World's Best Employers List, Koc Holding has leading positions with

strong competitive advantages in energy, automotive, consumer durables and

finance sectors.


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1905586/Koc_Group.jpg

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1905588/Koc_Group.jpg

Photo- https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1905589/Koc_Group.jpg


Source: Koc Group





