The Symposium on Global Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance 2022 Successfully Concluded in Sanya

National Institute for South China Sea Studies, China



SANYA, China, Nov. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On November 3-4, the Symposium on Global Maritime Cooperation and Ocean

Governance 2022 was successfully held in Sanya, Hainan.


The symposium was co-sponsored by the China-Southeast Asia Research Center on

the South China Sea, Huayang Research Center for Maritime Cooperation and Ocean

Governance, China Ocean Development Foundation and National Institute for South

China Sea Studies.


Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, State

Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a video message. Liu

Zhenmin, former UN Under-Secretary-Genera, Wang Hong, Vice Minister of China's

Ministry of Natural Resources, Deng Xijun, Ambassador of China's Mission to

ASEAN, and Michael Lodge, Secretary-General of the International Seabed

Authority delivered video speeches.


Wang Yi said that China stands ready to work with other countries to uphold the

spirit of a maritime community of a shared future proposed by President Xi,

balance maritime development with security, and promote maritime cooperation

and ocean governance. Firstly, we need to jointly protect maritime security. We

must settle maritime conflicts in a peaceful manner. Secondly, we need to

jointly promote maritime development. We need to promote maritime connectivity

and ensure the smooth flow of maritime transport and industrial chains.

Thirdly, we need to discuss ocean governance together. We must adhere to

genuine multilateralism and keep improving the governance system centered on

the United Nations.


Liu Zhenmin, introduced the 2022 UN Ocean Conference and its outcome documents,

stressing that ocean is the key to global sustainable development and

prosperity, as it generates 50% of the oxygen needed by humans and is vital to

mitigating the effects of climate change. All countries need to take more

concerted actions to protect and peacefully use ocean and marine resources, in

order to promote sustainable ocean development and build an equitable blue



Wang Hong said that global ocean governance is facing profound adjustments and

changes. In the face of these crises, no country or region can do it alone.

China stands ready to further deepen cooperation with other countries around

the world, enhance mutual trust, jointly address challenges, bridge gaps in

maritime development, promote high-quality Belt and Road development, and

provide more marine public services and products for the region and the

international community, thus contributing Chinese wisdom to global ocean



Michael Lodge said that the number of deep seabed exploration projects has

increased from 6 in 2001 to 31 in 2022, involving 22 different countries, 12 of

which are developing countries. Growing demand for mineral resources has

prompted countries and multinational corporations to accelerate the development

of mining technology and assessment on project implementation options. He

called for greater cooperation among countries to develop and implement a

comprehensive set of rules and standards governing deep seabed mining and

related activities, and to build a global governance regime that represents all

countries, including landlocked countries and small island developing states.


SOURCE  National Institute for South China Sea Studies, China


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   Caption: The Symposium on Global Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance 2022

Successfully Concluded in Sanya





