China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City: Creating a New Highland of Knowledge Creation

CSGKS Cooperation Affairs Office



China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City: Creating a New Highland of Knowledge Creation and Building a Demonstration Zone of Opening up and Cooperation


GUANGZHOU, China, Nov. 7, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --


On November 1, the 18th China-Singapore Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation

(JCBC) kicked off in Singapore. The meeting resulted in the signing of 19

Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and cooperation agreements, including the MOU

on Developing a Cooperation Framework to Promote Singapore Companies'

Participation in the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (CSGKS)'s

Industrial Development and Innovation. The meeting also provided a promising

path for the future development of the CSGKS located in the Guangdong-Hong

Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.


A commission official of CSGKS Cooperation Affairs Office said, the signing of

the MOU will contribute the CSGKS to attract more innovative high-tech

enterprises from Singapore and other countries, further deepen the cooperation

with Singapore in the field of scientific and technological innovation, support

Singaporean enterprises in participating fully in the industrial development

and innovation of the CSGKS, and polish the CSGKS as the preferred place for

Singapore enterprises to invest.


The China-Singapore International Joint Research Institute, which aims to build

an important platform for China-Singapore cooperation and achievements

transformation of scientific and technological innovation, has drawn on the

experience and system of Singapore's industry-university-research integration

and formulated nine industrialization systems, including the implementation

rules of intellectual property support policies and several regulations on

encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. It has attracted a group of

international high-level talents represented by Nanyang Technological

University of Singapore to set up projects in the institute, and promoted the

achievements transformation.


The Regulations on CSGKC of Guangdong Province, which came into force on March

1 this year, delegated the authority of national and provincial economic

construction management to the Management Committee of CSGKS through

legislation, which has made remarkable achievements in China-Singapore

state-level bilateral cooperation projects.


In June this year, the China-Singapore Smart Park, one of the key projects to

deepen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation and the

construction of smart cities, was officially opened with a total investment of

1.4 billion yuan. It has introduced more than 60 industrialization projects

such as NCS Greater Bay Area Fintech Delivery Center, SP Group, Guangzhou Lion

TCR, Star 3D Oral digital Medicine, etc.


Meanwhile, as a carrier of industrial innovation jointly built by China and

Singapore, Ascendas OneHub GKC's Phase I Industrial Park has housed more than

400 enterprises and employed 3,000 people. The Guangzhou Innovation Institute

of National University of Singapore is about to recruit students, commit itself

to training nearly 3,000 high-level talents over a 10-year period, and shoot

for becoming the largest comprehensive flagship project of the National

University of Singapore in China.


In recent years, cooperation projects between China and Singapore in key areas

such as biomedicine, digital economy and green development have been launched

in the CSGKS:


-- In terms of biomedicine, Biosyngen has built the largest commercial

production base of immunocellular drugs in South China; Lion TCR (Singapore),

the world's leading TCR-T cell therapy company, plans to build a GMP cell

production base and serve as the company's headquarters in China.


-- In terms of digital economy, NCS, the wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore

Telecom, selected the CSGKS to set up the Greater Bay Area Fintech Delivery

Center and the first phase has started operation, which is expected that 500 IT

professionals will be stationed at the end of the year to accelerate the

development of 5G, digital twins, blockchain and other technologies and build a

cross-border innovation ecosystem.


-- In terms of green development, the agreement was signed with SP Group to

implement the investment, construction and operation of regional energy

projects (including cooling and heating), starting from the Knowledge Tower

project, and gradually promote them to other regions such as the

China-Singapore International Scientific and Technological Innovation

Cooperation Demonstration Zone.


-- In terms of financial services, the MOU of cooperation was signed with the

Singapore Exchange to promote the issuance of green bonds by three state-owned

enterprises, with a cumulative issuance scale of US $1.34 billion, and deepen

the connectivity with the international financial market.


As an important carrier and innovation model of bilateral cooperation between

China and Singapore, the CSGKC strives to build an important node in the GBA

and become the world's knowledge economy highland. In the future, the CSGKC

will further integrate development strategies of the Belt and Road Initiative

and RCEP, continue to improve the level of institutional opening up, deepen

cooperation in the digital economy and green development with Singapore, tap

the potential of ASEAN countries and other markets, and show the world more new

international cooperation programs and prospects full of Chinese wisdom.


Source: CSGKS Cooperation Affairs Office





