The NDC Partnership Supports Developing Countries to Align Long-term Development With Climate Action

NDC Partnership



SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt, Nov. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


As global leaders gather this week in Sharm El Sheikh for COP27, developing

countries renew their calls for creating sustainable development pathways to

advance urgent climate action.


To catalyse urgent action, the NDC Partnership has today launched its Thematic

Call to support developing country members through two interconnected fronts:

preparing, updating and refining Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategies

(LT-LEDS), and enhancing the quality and increasing the ambition of their

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).


LT-LEDS are powerful policy instruments for countries to identify and

prioritize systemic changes, providing an opportunity for countries to develop

robust long-term strategies that connect to NDC processes and link economic

development with climate action.


To execute these transitions, countries need to identify finance needs,

understand and assess policy implications and related reforms, and develop

enabling frameworks to mobilise investment. In response to the specific needs

of countries, the NDC Partnership will offer comprehensive and tailored support

with the aim to provide clear and long-term policy direction designed to drive

sustainable development.


The NDC Partnership is now operationalising this comprehensive approach by

partnering with the UNFCCC on a trial with three countries, Jordan, St. Vincent

and Cambodia, to help develop their LT-LEDS in alignment with NDCs and an

emphasis on the Transparency Framework.


Minister of Environment for Jordan, His Excellency Dr. Al-Kharabsheh Saleh,

said: "We are thrilled to be part of the NDC Partnership-UNFCCC joint project

on the LT-LEDS and NDC Thematic Call. We are eager to accelerate our climate

action by highlighting linkages between our commitment to transparency, NDC

implementation and our long-term planning for sustainable development."


NDC Partnership Global Director Pablo Vieira commented: "Through our Thematic

Call, the NDC Partnership is inviting requests from developing countries to

facilitate the development of LT-LEDS. LT-LEDS are powerful policy mechanisms

that effectively link the future development of countries to climate, guiding

national development towards resilience and net-zero emissions by or around

2050. Countries, through their updated NDCs, have shown a vital increase in

their ambition and commitment to climate action. By aligning their NDCs with

long-term strategies, countries can integrate climate action into their policy

direction, creating a framework to attract and mobilize critical climate



For more information and the full press release, please find here:


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Source: NDC Partnership




