Qingdao has Built Itself into a Pioneer City with Modern Industries and Continuously Enhanced its Economy, Innovation and Competitiveness

Stadt Qingdao



QINGDAO, China, November 11, 2022, /PRNewswire=KYODP JBN/--


According to Qingdao's "Five-Year Plan for Building a Pioneer City with Modern

Industries (2022-2026)", Qingdao will focus on accelerating the construction of

modern industrial system, integrating development of digital transformation,

industrial ecological cultivation and construction, and cleanness, safety,

energy-saving and efficiency "Four at the Forefront" by building "industrial

cultivation highland, digital empowerment model, collaborative development

benchmark, and green and low-carbon pioneer". Qingdao strives to increase the

proportion of manufacturing added value in regional GDP to more than 30%, and

the added value of productive services to 62% of the added value of service

industry by 2026; The added value of the core industries of the digital economy

shall account for 12% of the regional GDP, and the penetration rate of

industrial Internet platforms shall reach 50%.


At present, focusing on the goal of building a pioneer city with modern

industries, Qingdao is making all-round efforts. Both in terms of industrial

structure and the underlying logic of industrial development are undergoing

earth-shaking changes. On September 22, the "Several Policies on Qingdao

Virtual Reality Industrial Park Development" were officially released at the

2022 International Virtual Reality Innovation Conference. According to the

policies, Qingdao municipal and district finances will allocate more than 1.2

billion yuan in the next three years to support the construction of Qingdao

virtual reality industrial park and enterprise cultivation, so as to accelerate

the pooling of industrial resources and help Qingdao build a domestic

first-class, globally competitive R&D and manufacturing highland of the virtual

reality industry.


Data-driven manufacturing is changing the development logic of the

manufacturing industry and becoming a new driving force leading the future

development of the manufacturing industry. At the end of September, the first

functional module of the first phase of the Project National Industrial

Internet Big Data Shandong Branch - the digital transformation service platform

for small and medium-sized enterprises, was launched for trial operation. The

platform provides policy services, digital factories, small enterprises on the

cloud, industrial services and other functions, whereby more than 90% of the

services will be provided to enterprises without any charges, helping small and

medium-sized industrial enterprises in Qingdao and Shandong Province to

accelerate its pace of digital transformation.


Qingdao vigorously promotes the transformation of enterprise industrial

Internet, implements special actions for digital empowerment in key areas,

accelerates the construction of new information and communication

infrastructures such as 5G networks, gigabit optical fiber networks, and data

centers, and supports the development of "double-crossed" platforms represented

by COSMOPlat, as well as platforms in specific industries and industrial

Internet demonstration parks, to create a good environment for the digital

transformation of enterprises.


Contact: Ms Zhu Yiling

Tel: 0086-532-85911619

Official website: http://www.qingdaochina.org

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/qingdaocity

Twitter page: https://twitter.com/loveqingdao


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1945106/Qingdao_Fuxing_Trains.jpg

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1945107/Qingdao_Industrial_Park.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1868204/Qingdao_Logo.jpg


Source: Stadt Qingdao  





