CGTN: China injects vitality into global biodiversity protection




BEIJING, Dec. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The importance of biodiversity in human development can be gauged by the fact

that over half of the world's GDP comes from natural resources and the

livelihood of over 3 billion people depends on marine and coastal biodiversity.

However, the Earth's ecosystem is under threat as the UN statistics show that

97 percent of the ecosystem has been degraded.


Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the international community to jointly

respond to climate change and biodiversity loss while delivering a speech at

the opening ceremony of the high-level segment of the second part of the 15th

meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological

Diversity, or COP15, via video link on Thursday.


Xi said we need to jointly work for the conclusion of the Post-2020 Global

Biodiversity Framework and identify targets and pathways for global

biodiversity protection.


China will do its best to support and assist fellow developing countries

through the Belt and Road Initiative International Green Development Coalition

(BRIGC) to elevate global biodiversity governance to a new height, Xi said.


He also mentioned the Kunming Biodiversity Fund during his speech to show that

China will do its best to help developing countries with biodiversity



At the COP15 leaders' summit in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, in

October last year, Xi announced China's initiative to establish the Kunming

Biodiversity Fund and take the lead by investing 1.5 billion yuan (around $215

million) to support biodiversity protection in developing countries.


Over the years, China has supported international biodiversity protection

efforts. It was among the first to sign and ratify the Convention on Biological

Diversity (CBD) and has become the largest contributor to the core budget of

the CBD and its protocols since 2019.


According to China's white paper on biodiversity conservation, the country has

supported more than 80 developing countries in biodiversity conservation under

the framework of South-South cooperation.


Domestically, China has in recent years stepped up the development of a

national park-based nature reserve system, drawn up ecological conservation red

lines nationwide, and pushed for the integrated conservation and systematic

restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands and



The first batch of national parks, including the Hainan Tropical Rainforest

National Park and the Giant Panda National Park, was established last year and

more are in the pipeline. The international community has also recognized the

ecological conservation red lines as an innovative nature conservation model.

The lines cover zones critical to environmental function or ecologically

sensitive to protect the vast majority of rare and endangered species and their



Consequently, the habitats of wild animals have been expanding, and their

populations are growing in China, according to the white paper titled

"Biodiversity Conservation in China," published by the State Council

Information Office in 2021.


For example, the population of giant pandas in the wild has grown from 1,114 to

1,864 over the past 40 years. Meanwhile, the number of crested ibises has

increased from only seven to over 5,000, and the number of Hainan gibbons, the

world's rarest primate and the most endangered among all gibbon species in the

world, have increased from less than 10 in the 1980s to at least 36 at present.


The white paper states that China has established nearly 10,000 nature

reserves, accounting for about 18 percent of the total land area.


In the future, China will continue to enhance diversity and sustainability in

its ecosystems.



Source CGTN





