Huawei Unveils Top 10 Trends of Smart PV for a Greener Future


PR 99337


SHENZHEN, China, Dec. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Huawei held the Top 10 Trends of Smart PV (photovoltaic) conference, with the

theme of ''Accelerating Solar as a Major Energy Source''. At the conference,

Chen Guoguang, President of Huawei Smart PV+ESS Business, shared Huawei's

insights on the 10 trends of Smart PV from the perspectives of multi-scenario

collaboration, digital transformation, and enhanced safety.


As the proportion of renewable energy keeps increasing, the PV industry

acquired a booming growth, yet, the industry still faces many challenges,

including how to continue reducing the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), how to

improve the O&M efficiency, how to maintain power grid stability as more

renewable energy are feeding in, and how to ensure end-to-end system safety.


"Amid the rapid growth of the PV industry, these challenges also bring

opportunities." said Chen Guoguang. As a forward-looking enterprise, Huawei is

keen to sharing our insights and thinking with our partners, as well as

organizations and individuals who are interested in green and sustainable



Trend 1: PV+ESS Generator


As more renewable energy is feeding into power grids, various complex technical

problems arise in terms of system stability, power balance, and power quality.


Therefore, a new control mode is needed to increase active/reactive power

control and response capability, and actively mitigate frequency and voltage

fluctuations. With the integration of PV and ESS as well as the Grid Forming

technology, we can build 'Smart PV+ESS Generators' that use voltage source

control instead of current source control, provides strong inertia support,

transient voltage stabilization, and fault ride-through capabilities. This will

transform PV from grid following to grid forming, helping increase PV feed-in.


A milestone in practice of these technologies was the Red Sea project in Saudi

Arabia, which Huawei provided a complete set of solution including smart PV

controller, lithium battery energy storage system (BESS) as one of the major

partners. This project uses 400 MW PV and 1.3 GWh ESS to support the power grid

which replaces traditional diesel generators and provides clean and stable

power for 1 million people, building the world's first city powered by 100%

renewable energy.


Trend 2: High Density and Reliability


High power and reliability of equipment in PV plants will be the trend. Take PV

inverters as an example, nowadays, the DC voltage of inverters is increased

from 1100 V to 1500 V. With the application of new materials such as silicon

carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), as well as the full integration of

digital, power electronics, and thermal management technologies, it is

estimated that the power density of inverters will increase by about 50% in the

next five years, and the high reliability can be maintained.


The 2.2 GW PV plant in Qinghai, China is 3100 m above sea level and has 9216

Huawei Smart PV Controllers (inverters) running stably in this harsh

environment. The total availability hours of Huawei inverters exceed 20 million

hours, and the availability reaches 99.999%.


Trend 3: Module-Level Power Electronics (MLPE)


Driven by industry policies and technology advancement, distributed PV has

witnessed vigorous development in recent years. We are facing challenges such

as how to improve the utilization of rooftop resources, ensure high energy

yield, and how to ensure the PV+ESS system safety. Therefore, more refined

management is a must.


In a PV system, module-level power electronics (MLPE) refer to power electronic

equipment that can perform refined control on one or more PV modules, including

micro inverters, power optimizers, and disconnectors. MLPE brings unique values

such as module-level power generation, monitoring, and safe shutdown. As PV

systems are becoming safer and more intelligent, the penetration rate of MLPE

in the distributed PV market is expected to reach 20% to 30% by 2027.


Trend 4: String Energy Storage


Compared with traditional centralized ESS solutions, the Smart String ESS

solution adopts a distributed architecture and modular design. It uses

innovative technologies and digital intelligent management to optimize energy

at the battery pack level and control energy at the rack level. This results in

more discharge energy, optimal investment, simple O&M, as well as safety and

reliability throughout the lifecycle of the ESS.


In 2022, in the 200 MW/200 MWh ESS project in Singapore for the purpose of

frequency regulation and spinning reserve, the largest BESS project in

Southeast Asia, the Smart String ESS implements refined charge and discharge

management to achieve constant power output for a longer time and ensure

frequency regulation benefits. In addition, the automatic SOC calibration

function at the battery pack level reduces labor costs and greatly improves O&M



Trend 5: Cell-Level Refined Management


Similar to PV systems shifting towards MLPE, lithium BESSs are set to develop

towards smaller management level. Only refined management at battery cell level

can better cope with the efficiency and safety problems. Currently, the

traditional battery management system (BMS) can only summarize and analyze

limited data, and it is almost impossible to detect faults and generate

warnings in the early stage. Therefore, BMS needs to be more sensitive,

intelligent, and even predictive. This depends on the collection, computing,

and processing of a large amount of data, and AI technologies to find the

optimal operating mode and make forecasts.


Trend 6: PV+ESS+Grid Integration


On the power generation side, we see more and more practices of building clean

energy bases of PV+ESS that supply electricity to load centers through UHV

power transmission lines. On the power consumption side, virtual power plants

(VPPs) become increasingly popular in many countries. VPPs combine massive

distributed PV systems, ESSs, and controllable loads, and implement flexible

scheduling to power generation units and storage units to achieve peak shaving



Therefore, building a stable energy system that integrates the PV+ESS+Grid to

support PV power supply and feed-in to grid will become a key measure to ensure

energy security. We can integrate digital, power electronics, and energy

storage technologies to achieve multi-energy complementation. Virtual Power

Plants (VPPs) can intelligently manage, operate, and trade power of massive

distributed PV+ESS systems thru multiple technologies including 5G, AI, and

cloud technologies, which will come into practice in more countries.


Trend 7: Upgraded Safety


Safety is the cornerstone of the PV & ESS industry development. This requires

us to systematically consider all scenarios and links and fully integrate power

electronics, electrochemical, thermal management, and digital technologies to

upgrade system safety. In a PV plant, faults caused by the DC side account for

more than 70% of all faults. Therefore, the inverter needs to support smart

string disconnection and automatic connector detection. In distributed PV

scenario, the AFCI (Arc Fault Circuit Breaker) function will become a standard

configuration, and the module-level rapid shutdown function will ensure the

safety of maintenance personnel and firefighters. In ESS scenario, multiple

technologies, such as power electronics, cloud, and AI, need to be used to

implement refined management of ESS from battery cells to whole system. The

traditional protection mode based on passive response and physical isolation is

changed to active automatic protection, implementing multi-dimensional safety

design from hardware to software and from structure to algorithm.


Trend 8: Security and Trustworthiness


In addition to bringing benefits, PV systems also have various risks, including

equipment safety and information security. Equipment safety risks mainly refer

to the shutdown caused by faults. Information security risks refer to external

network attacks. To cope with these challenges and threats, enterprises and

organizations need to establish a complete set of "security and

trustworthiness" management mechanisms, including the reliability,

availability, security, and resilience of systems and devices. We also need to

implement protection for personal and environmental safety as well as data



Trend 9: Digitalization


Conventional PV plants have a large amount of equipment and lack information

collection and reporting channels. Most of the equipment cannot 'communicate'

with each other which is very difficult to implement refined management.


With the introduction of advanced digital technologies such as 5G, the Internet

of Things (IoT), cloud computing, sensing technologies, and big data, PV plants

can send and receive information, using "bits" (information flows) to manage

"watts" (energy flows). The entire link of

generation-transmission-storage-distribution-consumption is visible,

manageable, and controllable.


Trend 10: AI Application


As the energy industry moves towards an era of data, how to better collect,

utilize, and maximize the value of data has become one of the top concerns of

the entire industry.


AI technologies can be widely applied to renewable energy fields, and play an

indispensable role in the entire lifecycle of PV+ESS, including manufacturing,

construction, O&M, optimization, and operation. The convergence of AI and

technologies such as cloud computing and big data is deepening, and the tool

chain focusing on data processing, model training, deployment and operation,

and safety monitoring will be enriched. In the renewable energy field, AI, like

power electronics and digital technologies, will drive profound industry



At the end, Chen Guoguang remarked that the converged applications of 5G,

cloud, and AI are shaping a world where all things can sense, all things are

connected, and all things are intelligent. It is coming faster than we think.

Huawei identifies the top 10 trends of the PV industry and describes a green

and intelligent world in the near future. We hope that people from all walks of

life can join hands to achieve the goals of carbon neutrality and build a

greener, better future.


Source: Huawei


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