Global MNCs Acclaims CIIE as Crucial Platform for Sharing Opportunities




SHANGHAI, Jan. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The China International Import Expo (CIIE) has been described by global

companies as a vital platform for promoting trade, investment and global



Industry players have also said that the expo further opens the Chinese market

to the rest of the world and firmly supports economic globalization and trade



Fabrice Megarbane, President of L'Oreal North Asia and CEO of L'Oreal China,

described CIIE as an "accelerator" that helps to speed up the pace of

innovation and encourage collaboration.


Panasonic also spoke highly of the expo. Tetsuro Homma, executive

vice-president of Panasonic Holdings Corp, hailed the expo as a strategic

global exhibition and an important platform for communication between countries.

According to official statistics, the accumulated intended turnover of the last

five editions of the CIIE totaled $340 billion, an indication that many

multinational companies stand to prosper through the CIIE.


The fifth CIIE, which concluded on November 10, 2022, saw fruitful results.

More than 2,800 enterprises, including 284 of the world's top 500 enterprises

and many industry giants such as Panasonic, Bayer and L'Oreal, gathered to

showcase their products, technologies and services at the business exhibition.

"For five years, the CIIE has not only served as the optimal choice for

multinational companies to make global debuts of their new products and

frontier technologies, but also witnessed many participants' transition from

exhibitors to investors," said Sheng Qiuping, China's Vice Minister of Commerce.

The international influence of the expo has also become more extensive. Over

the past five years, the CIIE has been widely covered by media outlets around

the world.


The Associated Press (AP), Reuters, Agence France-Presse (AFP), RIA Novosti,

Yonhap News Agency and other international mainstream media have reported on

the expo. Relevant articles published by international mainstream news agencies

have reached about 1.2 billion international audiences in nearly 100 countries

and regions.


Many participants have also hailed the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, a

key part of the CIIE, as a high-level platform that promotes dialogue among

political, business and academic communities on matters related to global

cooperation for sustainable development around the world.


Themed "Stimulation of Opening-up Impetus and Sharing of Cooperation

Opportunities", the fifth Hongqiao Forum reflected China's commitment to

further opening up to the world.


According to the World Openness Report 2022 that was released at the fifth

Hongqiao Forum, China's opening-up index had increased by 5.6 percent between

2012 and 2020, a sign that the country has become an important force in

promoting economic globalization.


With China advancing its institutional opening-up and creating favorable

conditions to attract foreign investment, the broader spillover effect of the

CIIE will facilitate multinational corporations to further tap into the

country's vast market, according to authorities.


The sixth edition of the CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10,

2023. Registration for the business exhibition of the sixth expo has begun, and

over 100,000 square meters of area has already been booked. Be sure to secure

your booth at:



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Contact: Ms. Cui Yan

Tel.: +86-21-968888






Source: CIIE




