IPwe Announces Largest Enterprise Blockchain Deployment in History

IPwe, Inc.



DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 18, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


-- Innovation leader at the forefront of the digital transformation of IP

launches initial minting of over 25 million existing patent assets as dynamic

digital assets


IPwe Inc. (


), along with Casper Labs, announced the largest enterprise blockchain

deployment in history today in Davos, Switzerland, during the week of the World

Economic Forum. This joint announcement represents the first true blockchain

use-case for enterprise, improving IP management and creating value and

liquidity for IP owners worldwide.


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In collaboration with Casper Labs, IPwe has developed and launched a dynamic

blockchain solution—IPwe Digital Assets—that leverages the permissioned

distributed ledger technologies of open source Hyperledger Fabric and the

public Casper Blockchain to securely store verified public and private

information about each patent. IPwe Digital Assets are powered with public data

from world-leading patent datasets from Clarivate, providing IP owners with a

simple, transparent digital representation of asset ownership.


"IPwe is proud to announce the minting of 25 million patent digital assets to

foster the digital transformation of IP. IPwe Digital Assets are a

revolutionary technology and the true manifestation of the promise of

blockchain for enterprise," said Leann Pinto, IPwe President. "IPwe has

developed a real use case for enterprise-level blockchain technology, finally

creating a liquid financial asset class and enabling the realization of the

full potential of IP. IPwe Digital Assets are novel and disruptive in both the

IP and blockchain spaces, but we're confident that enterprise will quickly

understand the necessity and power of IPwe's blockchain solutions."


The launch of IPwe Digital Assets, starting with the digital transformation of

the world's existing patents as dynamic digital assets, places IPwe at the

forefront of the digital transformation of IP. Now, enterprise can confidently

advance into the next-generation Web3 ecosystem to manage their IP, with

digital assets holding verifiable ownership data and auditable, compliant

aggregated evidence records. IPwe Digital Asset also power IPwe’s comprehensive

SaaS solution, Smart Intangible Asset Management (SIAM), a seamless digital

asset management tool providing data-driven insights, analytics, and financial

metrics, with increased transactional efficiency and portfolio ROI.


“With this launch, IPwe is taking a leadership position in advancing the state

of the art for both IP and enterprise blockchain,” said Daniela Barbosa,

Executive Director, Hyperledger Foundation, and General Manager Blockchain and

Identity at the Linux Foundation. “The innovation and scale of this deployment

demonstrates the power of hybrid networks to manage critical assets in a secure

and extremely efficient but also transparent and accessible manner. It’s

rewarding to see technologies built by our community powering this solution and

interoperating with the Casper Blockchain to achieve these results.”


Ralf Kubli, Board Member of the Casper Association, noted, “Casper is the

future proof blockchain network, enabling economic activity for next generation

business models built on native digital assets. The deployment of IPwe on

Casper will bring massive economic value to enterprises, governments, and





IPwe, Smart Intangible Asset Management, and IPwe Digital Assets are trademarks

of IPwe.



Contact: Mia Mixan, mia@ipwe.com


SOURCE:  IPwe, Inc.




