Experts gather in Nanning to support high-quality development of Guangxi's night economy

The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region



NANNING, China, Dec. 7, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


From December 4 to 5, a series of side events of the 2023 Guangxi Night Economy

High-Quality Development Exchange Conference were held in Nanning, Guangxi.

More than 300 renowned experts, entrepreneurs, and industry association

representatives from all over the country gathered in Nanning to discuss the

strategies and plans for the high-quality development of Guangxi's night

economy through expert speeches, case sharing, brand promotion, site visits,

immersive experience, among other forms.


During the event, representatives visited the Baiyi - Shanghecheng Creative

Block, "Nanning Night" Scenic Area, Yongjiang Night Tour and other popular

destinations, experiencing in person the rich and colorful night economy and

culture of Nanning. Tourism experts from all over the country conducted live

streaming while visiting Nanning's city landmarks and exploring the beautiful

scenery, food, specialty products, recreations, and intangible cultural



Lai Fuqiang, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the

Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,

introduced that Guangxi is located in a subtropical monsoon climate zone, with

a warm and pleasant climate, excellent ecological environment, beautiful

scenery, unique ethnic customs, colorful culture, and a strong urban nightlife

atmosphere, which collectively form the unique advantages for the development

of night economy in the province. In recent years, the Department of Culture

and Tourism insists on developing the night economy as an important measure to

promote consumption, stabilize employment, and benefit people's livelihoods,

and has introduced a spate of policies to strengthen policy measures for the

development of night economy. These measures include organizing the research on

the potential index of night consumption in China's new consumer groups and the

research on the development of Guangxi's night economy, increasing rewards for

phenomenon-level cultural tourism projects and brands, and vigorously carrying

out night cultural and tourism consumption theme activities, thereby

effectively boosting high-quality development of the night economy.


Various cities in Guangxi have fostered a series of night performances, such as

Beihai's Maritime Silk Road First Port and Guilin's Millennium Love, a number

of night tour blocks, such as Nanning Night and Chongzuo's Taiping Ancient

City, a number of night tour scenic spots, such as Liuzhou's Yueye Dong Village

Scenic Area and Dongxing Guomen Scenic Area, and a number of night tour routes,

such as Yongjiang Night Tour and Liujiang Night Tour. Additionally, 11

national-level night cultural and tourism consumption gathering areas, such as

Nanning's Three Streets and Two Alleys, Guilin's East-West Alley, and Hezhou's

Huangyao Ancient Town, have also been established.


Nanning, the capital of Guangxi, is a city that basically "has no winter" and

is truly known as "a sleepless city in China". In recent years, Nanning has

aimed to become a regional international tourism center. To that end, the city

has developed an integrated development model of "culture + tourism +

commerce", having created a variety of normalized, diversified, and distinctive

nighttime cultural and tourism consumption brands that offer diverse

consumption scenes for tourists and residents. Today, the charm of Nanning's

brand "A Sleepless City in China, Romantic Nights in Nanning" is becoming

increasingly prominent, injecting strong impetus into the accelerated

construction of an international metropolis for opening-up and cooperation with



Guangxi will take the opportunity of hosting this exchange conference to tap

into its rich and colorful cultural and tourism resources, accelerate

innovation and opening-up and diverse integration, create distinctive new

nighttime consumption scenarios, cultivate new forms for night economy, and

build a new pattern for the development of the night economy. By providing

high-quality supply and good services, the aim is to improve the convenience,

vibrancy, and safety of nighttime consumption, and to better meet the

personalized, multi-level, and quality nighttime consumption demands of

tourists and residents. The focus is on creating an upgraded version of the

night economy, shaping the brand of "A New World of Charm, Romantic Nights in

Guangxi", and further propelling the night economy in Guangxi to support

high-quality economic and social development.


Night economy is an important component of urban economy and a significant

indicator of the openness and vitality of urban economy. Data shows that

approximately 60% of consumption occurs at night. Currently, the night economy

is continuously upgrading towards industrialization, specialization, and higher

quality, reflecting people's aspirations for a richer, easier, and better life.


Source: The Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous






