2023 World Automotive Chip Innovation Conference Held in Binhu, Wuxi

Binhu District, Wuxi



WUXI, China, Dec. 8, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


From December 5th to 6th, 2023 World Automotive Chip Innovation Conference &

2023 China Automotive Chip Summit was held in Binhu District, Wuxi, E China.

The conference focused on cutting-edge technologies and era challenges in the

field of automotive chips, discussing new opportunities to promote innovative

development in the industry. More than 500 experts, scholars, and

representatives from enterprises, including Ni Guangnan and Sun Fengchun,

academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the event.


The automotive and parts industry is one of the six major advantageous

industries in Wuxi's modern industrial cluster. Currently, Wuxi has four

vehicle manufacturing enterprises and over 1,400 automotive and related parts

enterprises. The integrated circuit and Internet of Things, two landmark

industries of Wuxi, are expected to surpass a scale of 200 billion yuan this

year. Wuxi's automotive chip industry has undergone accelerating development in

recent years, with a scale of over 10 billion yuan, forming a rather complete

industrial chain. Du Xiaogang, secretary of the CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee,

stated that Wuxi will continue to optimize its business environment, construct

the city as the most satisfactory destination for foreign investment, and

provide a favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.


During this event, Wuxi and the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

signed an agreement to support Wuxi in building itself into a hub for the

automotive chip industry. Currently, Binhu District in Wuxi has already

attracted 170 semiconductor and related enterprises. In the future, Binhu will

support to introduce whole-vehicle enterprises, attract the aggregation of

components, and assist in the development of the automotive industry.


The venue of the first World Automotive Chip Innovation Conference, Binhu, was

chosen based on the region's solid industrial foundation, favorable business

environment, and excellent professional talents. Binhu District, located in the

southwest of Wuxi, by Taihu Lake, possesses 90% of Wuxi's Taihu Lake shoreline,

gathering 90% of Wuxi's tourism resources, and hosting 90% of Wuxi's provincial

and ministerial-level research institutes. Binhu District is also home to the

famous scenic spot of Yuantouzhu, also named "Turtle Head Isle".


Source: Binhu District, Wuxi


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   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=443694


   Caption: 2023 World Automotive Chip Innovation Conference was held in Binhu, Wuxi.






