This Chinese Higher Education Institution Founded Inside an Industrial Park is Accelerating Its Cultivation of Cross-Border E-Commerce Talents

Guangxi International Business Vocational College



NANNING, China, Dec. 14, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


In recent days, TusCBEC instructors led 300 students from the Class of 2022 of

the Cross-border E-commerce major of the RCEP Industrial College of

Cross-border E-commerce during their visit to the Nanning Comprehensive Bonded

Zone for a "scenario-based training" session. The event combined theoretical

explanation with on-site investigation, aiming to furnish students with the

opportunity to see the Nanning Comprehensive Bonded Zone in person, gain an

in-depth comprehension of the operation mechanisms and actual operations of a

special supervision zone, thereby enhancing students' understanding of the

special supervision zone of the Nanning Comprehensive Bonded Zone.


The RCEP Industrial College of Cross-border E-commerce is located inside the

Nanning Comprehensive Bonded Zone in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and is

well-known as China's first cross-border e-commerce industrial college

established inside an industrial park. It was jointly founded by the Guangxi

International Business Vocational College (GXIBVC) and Guangxi Tus-Innovation

Cross-border E-commerce Co., Ltd. (TusCBEC) in September 2020.


"The college works with partners such as cross-border e-commerce platforms,

cross-border e-commerce enterprises and third-party service companies to

jointly study and formulate talent cultivation programs and design and develop

curriculum. In 2022, the Cross-border E-commerce major successfully obtained UK

ENIC international qualification certification," said Deng Haitao, Dean of the

College of International Trade of the GXIBVC.


The school leans on the comprehensive array of cross-border logistics,

warehousing, import and export supply chains and other platforms within the

Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Park of the Nanning Comprehensive Bonded

Zone, and resource advantages of TusCBEC, in hosting in-depth scenario-based

training and education activities, so as to continually provide the

cross-border e-commerce industry with talents and intelligence support.


"Students of the college learn basic professional knowledge on campus during

freshman year, then undergo practical training inside the Nanning Comprehensive

Bonded Zone for the whole year during their second year. Our company's seasoned

industry instructors teach them cross-border e-commerce platform operation,

livestream and promotion, videography and editing, cross-border logistics

management and other key knowledge of the industry," explained Ge Ronghe, the

Vice General Manager of TusCBEC.


At present, the school is speeding up its pace in the cultivation of

cross-border e-commerce talents. It has formed cooperation with more than 20

colleges and universities in the ASEAN countries, established one campus of the

Guihai Business College and two internationalized faculty training bases in

Thailand, with one curriculum standard having gained certification by the Thai

Ministry of Education, thereby realizing the export of professional standards

and curriculum standards. In addition, one vocational standard has been

included in the national vocational education system of Tanzania, two national

vocational standards development projects have been approved in Tanzania, which

will be included in the national vocational education system of the country.


Liu Jieying, Vice President of the school, explained that the school will

establish three new overseas branches of the Guihai Business College, take an

active stance in creating vocational education innovation highlands in ASEAN,

and form an exchangeable "introduction, student cultivation, output" model of

high-quality education resources in partnership with similar education

institutions in the states of the ASEAN bloc. By 2035, the school's plan is to

complete the establishment of a high-quality vocational school and high-level

professional clusters noted for its foreign trade orientation, nation-leading

standard, and immense influence in the China-ASEAN region, so as to

emphatically provide support in terms of talents and intelligence conducive to

the completion of the China-ASEAN community of common destiny and China-ASEAN

free trade zone.


Source: Guangxi International Business Vocational College




