Assolombarda - association of companies operating in the Metropolitan City of Milan and others- toward Expo 2025 Osaka

General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka 

Assolombarda - association of companies operating in the Metropolitan City of Milan and in the provinces of Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Pavia - toward Expo 2025 Osaka


ROME, Jan. 16, 2024 /ANSA=KYODO JBN


Assolombarda business association and the Italian Pavilion have signed an agreement of understanding and collaboration that will consolidate Assolombarda’s role as an institutional partner of Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka.


On this occasion, the tender procedures for sponsorships that will enable companies to actively take part in the production and management of Italy participation at the Universal Exposition, has been presented. Expo 2025 Osaka will take place in Japan from April 13 to October 13, 2025.


Assolombarda, therefore, continues to follow the line adopted since 2015 for the Universal Exposition in Milan, joining the further Expos in order to encourage the internationalization of Italian businesses enterprises partaking - as will happen in Osaka - to the representation of the “Italian System” in the world, thanks to the contribution offered by its network of companies already projected onto global markets.


The protocol was signed by Alessandro Spada, President of Assolombarda, and Mario Vattani, General Commissioner for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka. “Expo 2025 Osaka will be an opportunity to consolidate the political bond between our country and Japan. A way to strengthen the already important economic exchange - which exceeds today 13 billion euros - through partnerships in some strategic sectors of mutual interest, for example, the common manufacturing vocation - said Alessandro Spada, President of Assolombarda. “Universal Exhibitions represent a unique opportunity for doing business and networking, which focus on innovation and culture exchanges for growth. Furthermore, due to its demographic structure, Japan society is very close to ours. It will be of extreme interest to bring the experience launched with Assolombarda’s Silver Economy Network, with strategic projects on production, consumption and orientation towards the Longevity Revolution. The theme of Expo 2025 Osaka, “Designing future society for our lives”, entail focusing on the profound paradigm shift by a social, but also environmental and economical point of view. Just think about artificial intelligence, which is at the center of the ongoing fifth industrial revolution, and all the social changes that derive from the use of this technology. An enormous challenge in which businesses play a significant role”.


“The Italian Pavilion designed by the architect Mario Cucinella is a modern reinterpretation of the Ideal City of the Renaissance. It starts out from the key values of our culture, concepts such as the Square, the Garden, and the Theatre, places for meetings between people and creativity” continued Mario Vattani, Commissioner General for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka. “The theme of Expo 2025 Osaka


- Designing Future Society for Our Lives - invites us to think about the value of the community. Our concept is “Art Regenerates Life" and in the permanent exhibition as well as in the thematic events of our pavilion the value of the Silver Economy will have an important role. With Japan we share challenges such as the demographic winter, but these are also new frontiers with strong economic potential, to redesign the reality in which we live. The over-65s are now almost a quarter of the Italian population and the Silver Economy is worth almost 20% of our GDP. Expo 2025 Osaka will be an important opportunity to give space to this part of our economy, make it better known and increase the projection of our economic system towards Asia".



Source: General Commissioner’s Office of Italy for Expo 2025 Osaka 






