
MASEP Infini


AsiaNet 50531

共同JBN 1130(12.9.6)


【シティーオブインダストリー(米カリフォルニア州)2012年9月5日】世界的に医療技術を革新しているMASEP Infiniと中米エルサルバドルのサンサルバドルにある国際がんセンター(Centro Internacional de Cancer)は5日、同センターが放射線外科センターのためにInfini(商標)ガンマ線放射線治療システムを取得したと発表した。この取得により、国際がんセンターは先進的な治療計画作成ソフトウエアと特許のロータリー・フォーカシング技術を組み合わせたInfiniシステムの形態で、脳障害患者に最新世代の非侵襲治療を提供する中南米初のセンターになる。この組み合わせによってMASEP Infiniは臨床医に最先端の放射線治療システムを低額のライフサイクル・コストで提供できる。



MASEP Infiniのホセ・ロペス副社長は「Infiniシステムは治療の実行を自動化し、それによって最も正確な治療インターベンションを提供する優れたツールを医師に提供する。脳障害患者を治療する医師は脳の組織を不必要な照射にさらすことを望まない。このため多目的照射装置を脳疾患患者に使うことは最適な選択ではない」と述べている。



MASEP Infiniは治療法の安全性、効能を損ねないコスト効率のよいソリューションを提供することによって、より多くの患者に生命を救う技術をもたらすための革新的アプローチの専門会社である。MASEP Infiniの本社は米カリフォルニア州シティーオブインダストリーにあり、同社は定位ガンマ線放射線治療法に注力している。


Jose Lopez MASEP Infini +1-(626)-965-3200, sales@masepinfini.com

ソース: MASEP Infini

Centro Internacional de Cancer and MASEP Form First Infini(TM) Radiosurgery Center in Latin America


CITY OF INDUSTRY, Calif., Sept. 5, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

           The Infini(TM) Gamma Ray Radiosurgery System Now Available

                         for First Time in Latin America

MASEP Infini, an innovator in global medical technology, and Centro

Internacional de Cancer, located in San Salvador, El Salvador, Central America,

today announced that the Center has acquired the Infini(TM) Gamma Ray

Radiosurgery System for its Radiosurgery Center. With this acquisition, Centro

Internacional de Cancer becomes the first center in Latin America to offer its

patients the latest generation noninvasive treatment for brain disorders in the

form of the Infini(TM) System that combines advanced Treatment Planning

Software with patented Rotary Focusing Technology. This combination allows

MASEP Infini to provide clinicians with state-of-the-art Radiosurgery Systems

at reduced life cycle costs.

"This is a historic moment for El Salvador and Central America since this is

the first high precision Intracranial Radiosurgery Program in the region. We

evaluated different technologies, and came to the conclusion that the Infini,

because of its focusing rotating capabilities, will allow the best treatment of

intracranial tumors, vascular malformations, and other complex brain diseases,

such as epilepsy and symptoms of Parkinson's disease in a noninvasive way. This

is a giant leap for neurosurgery in this region," said Dr Eduardo Lovo,

neurosurgeon, and Chief of Radiosurgery at the Cancer Center.

The Infini(TM) Gamma Ray Stereotactic Radiosurgery System received FDA 510(k)

clearance in March 2011. It is a high-tech system with automatic features and

unparalleled dose-sculpturing abilities. Stereotactic gamma ray radiosurgery

focuses radiation on specific areas of the brain to treat tumors and


"The Infini(TM) system automates treatment delivery, which provides physicians

with outstanding tools to offer the most accurate therapeutic interventions,"

said Jose Lopez, vice president of MASEP Infini. "Physicians treating patients

with brain disorders do not want to expose brain tissue to unnecessary

radiation. That's why using multipurpose radiation equipment on brain patients

is not the optimal choice."

Brain tumors affect about 190,000 Americans a year; there are over 100

different types of brain tumors. Finding the most effective treatment requires

expert medical care and state-of-the-art medical equipment. Brain tumors

represent a significant burden to the healthcare system and can devastate the

lives of patients and their families. Gamma ray radiosurgery is a safe,

effective, and non-surgical approach for the treatment of certain types of

brain tumors.

"The International Cancer Center took a leadership role in Central America

almost two years ago by incorporating highly advanced radiation technology for

cancer treatment and initiating a complete body radiosurgical program. The

addition of the Infini Gamma Ray Radiosurgery System comes as a perfect

complement to our current technology, solidifying our excellence in cancer

care. The system will be installed in March of 2013," said Dr Rodrigo Brito,

Director and President of the International Cancer Center.

MASEP Infini is a company specializing in innovative approaches in order to

bring life-saving technologies to more patients by offering cost-effective

solutions that do not compromise therapeutic safety or efficacy. MASEP Infini

is based in City of Industry, California, and is focused on Stereotactic gamma

ray radiosurgery.

Contact: Jose Lopez MASEP Infini +1-(626)-965-3200, sales@masepinfini.com





