

AsiaNet 50566




2012年9月7日東京/PRニュースワイヤ/ --


(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/04/20120904101412371132.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/04/20120904101854879170.html )

















グッドマンジャパンの社長兼CEOであるポール マクギャリー氏は以下のように述べています。「日本において、当社はフォーカス戦略を展開しています。物流業界の再編が進む中、需要が拡大する一方で継続的に供給が限定的なエリアに的を絞り、開発事業を推進しています。前述の3件の開発プロジェクトは、国内の製造業、小売業、および物流業界を含むサプライチェーンの構造改革により、コスト削減のニーズが高まるお客様に対し、カスタムメイドのソリューションを提供できる質の高いプロジェクトです。これらの新規開発物流施設は、お客様のオペレーション効率改善と利益率の向上に貢献できると確信しています。」




・運用物件の平均築年数は5年、加重平均賃貸契約残存期間は 4.3 年です。


・ポートフォリオの鑑定評価額は490億円超(6億2,000 万米ドル超)です。2012年2月に魅力的な条件で期間5年のリファイナンスローンを調達し、負債比率は50%に抑えています。


・GJCFは投資家に対する リターンの増強を図るため、リスクの少ない開発案件への抑制された投資機会(GAVの10%以下)を提供します。




グッドマングループについて(ASX: GMG)

本件の詳細については www.goodman.com をご参照ください。


Mathew Werner

Group Corporate Communications Manager

Tel +61 2 9230 7159


グッドマンジャパン株式会社 セントラルエグゼクティブ

Central Executive, Goodman Japan

連絡先 03 6910 3341


Goodman Completes US$1 Billion Japan Development Partnership and Expands Core Fund Investor Base


TOKYO, Sept. 7, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Goodman Japan today announced that it has successfully completed a number of

initiatives to strengthen its position in Japan, including the establishment of

a new US$1 billion development partnership and new equity commitments for the

Goodman Japan Core Fund.

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/04/20120904101412371132.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/04/20120904101854879170.html )

Key announcements:

- Goodman Japan has established the Goodman Japan Development Partnership

("GJDP"), which is a 50/50 venture between Goodman and the Abu Dhabi Investment

Council. A combined US$500 million of equity has been allocated to GJDP, with

the leverage capability of the Partnership allowing for an initial investment

target in excess of US$1 billion.  

- GJDP has executed an agreement to acquire a super prime 30,000 sqm

development site in Ichikawa, Tokyo Bay on which a 60,000 sqm modern logistics

facility will be constructed.

- Successful closing of the stage 1 equity raising for Goodman Japan Core Fund

("GJCF") with three global institutional investors, increasing GJCF's external

equity commitments to over US$100 million.

- Increasing the occupancy of GJCF's portfolio to 99% with the signing of two

new leases with existing customers over properties in the portfolio. This

reflects the high levels of customer demand in Japan for properties managed by

Goodman Japan and further improves the high cash yield enjoyed by investors in


Goodman Japan Development Partnership

GJDP will target logistics development opportunities in key Japanese markets

with an initial focus on Tokyo and Osaka. GJDP will capitalise on the proven

land sourcing expertise of the Goodman Japan team, strong local and global

customer relationships and high levels of customer demand for modern logistics


The Ichikawa land acquisition, together with the previously announced land

acquisitions in Osaka Bay and Tokyo Bay, means that GJDP launches with an

initial investment in three super prime development projects with a planned

total GLA of 250,000 sqm and an estimated end value in excess of JPY55.5

billion (US$700 million).

Greg Goodman, CEO of Goodman Group said, "Today's announcement further

demonstrates our successful capital partnering approach with major global

investor groups and underscores our strategy of matching third party capital

with our growing development pipeline. GJDP provides us with significant

capacity to accelerate our expansion plans in Japan in a prudent and measured

manner. It is also pleasing to see our team in Japan leverage their strong,

local relationships over the last 10 months to acquire these three super prime

development sites for GJDP. All three projects are in key port locations, where

demand exceeds supply, and have been acquired in transactions negotiated


US$700 million development book in Japan

The acquisition of Goodman Ichikawa follows the acquisition of Goodman Kawasaki

in March of this year and Goodman Sakai late last year.  

Key details of Goodman Ichikawa:

- Ichikawa is widely considered one of the best locations in Japan by logistics


- Strategically located a short distance to the Tokyo CBD with easy access to

Haneda Airport, Tokyo Seaport and Chiba Seaport;

- Site located in easy walking distance to Futamata-Shinmachi train station

with plans to construct a 60,000 sqm modern, multi-tenant logistics and

distribution centre with ramped access to all floors; and

- Estimated completion value in excess of JPY17 billion (US$215 million).

Paul McGarry, CEO of Goodman Japan said, "We have a focused strategy in Japan.

We are focused on the very best locations where structural changes are leading

to increased customer demand and supply remains constrained. The three new

development projects enable us to deliver solutions tailored to meet the needs

of our customers who are under continual cost pressures due to the structural

changes occurring in the Japanese manufacturing, retailing and logistics

sectors. The new developments will enable our customers to realise operating

efficiencies and improved margins."

Goodman Japan Core Fund

Key points:

- GJCF is a high quality, modern portfolio of nine completed logistics

facilities and one parcel of development land located in prime logistics

locations in and around Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka;

- The portfolio has an average age of 5.0 years and average weighted lease

expiry of 4.3 years;

- Customers in the portfolio include a number of leading Japanese and

international third party logistics providers;

- Portfolio valuation in excess of JPY49 billion (US$620 million)

conservatively leveraged at 50% with a 5 year debt facility that was extended

in February 2012 on attractive terms;

- GJCF's investment strategy is to invest in Japanese logistics assets to

deliver stable income driven returns with potential for income growth and

capital appreciation;

- GJCF also provides investors with an enhanced return with a moderate exposure

(euro10% of GAV) to de-risked development opportunities;

- Additionally, GJCF benefits from a first right of refusal over any on market

investment acquisitions and developments completed by Goodman Japan or the

newly established GJDP; and

- Currently a number of additional global institutional investors are

undertaking due diligence with closings for stage 2 of the equity raising for

GJCF to be undertaken later in the year.

Paul McGarry, CEO of Goodman Japan said, "Structural changes in the Japanese

logistics market are driving demand for modern logistics space with supply in

key locations remaining constrained. GJCF is well placed to take advantage of

these factors and provide institutional investors with a stable, income driven

investment return. Global investors are attracted by these characteristics and

have chosen to partner with Goodman in Japan due to our high quality portfolio,

strong track record and the partnership approach we take to fund governance,

with high levels of investor and manager alignment. We are very pleased to

welcome these new investors into GJCF."

About Goodman Group (ASX: GMG)

For more information please visit http://www.goodman.com/

For further information, please contact:

Mathew Werner

Group Corporate Communications Manager

Tel +61-2-9230-7159

Mari Tokaji

Central Executive, Goodman Japan

Tel +81-3-6910-3341

SOURCE:  Goodman Group




