◎FieldPoint Petroleumとパートナーがニューメキシコ州第2号油井の掘削を完了

FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation

◎FieldPoint Petroleumとパートナーがニューメキシコ州第2号油井の掘削を完了

AsiaNet 50594

共同JBN 1158(12.9.11)

◎FieldPoint Petroleumとパートナーがニューメキシコ州第2号油井の掘削を完了

【オースティン(テキサス州)2012年9月11日PRN=共同JBN】FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation (NYSE/MKT:FPP)は11日、同社と提携している掘削企業Cimarex Energy Co.(www.cimarex.com)が、ボーン・スプリング・フォーメーションのイーストラスク連邦15区で第2号油井の掘削を完了したと発表した。

FieldPoint の社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)であるレイ・リーブズ氏は次のように語った。「今日、最初の24時間サイクルの石油生産がタンクに注入され始めた。産出量は石油が日量462バレル、天然ガス販売が同4億3500万立法フィートだった。初期的な産出量は2011年12月に掘削を完了した同じ鉱区の第1号油井の実績よりも若干良好である。確実なことは言えないが、石油生産は増加すると見込める理由があり、ガスについては販売ラインがつながれば産出ガスの全量を売却することができる」

先に公表したように、Cimarex Energy社との現行契約ではこの鉱区で油井2本を掘削することになっている。第2号油井の産出量を見た上での話だが、第15区内に第3号油井を掘削できると考えている。初期的な実績をみると、Fieldpointは第14区でも掘削に参加できるのではないかと思われる。

リーブズ社長は最後に次のように述べた。「当社の株主は、これが当社にとって最初の水平掘削プロジェクトへの参加であることを了解している。現段階で、われわれが成し遂げたこと、Cimarex 社と提携したことをとてもうれしく思っていると言いたい。これまでと同様に、この重要な掘削計画の進捗状況については逐一出資者・株主に最新情報を報告していきたい」

FieldPoint は2本の油井の所有権の43.75%を、Cimarex社は37.5%を、他のパートナーは合わせて残りの18.75%を保有することになる。

▽FieldPoint Petroleum Corporationについて:

FieldPoint Petroleum Corporationは石油、天然ガスの開発、生産、企業買収に従事。主にニューメキシコ、オクラホマ、テキサス、ワイオミングの各州で企業活動。より詳しい情報は以下のウェブサイトへ www.fppcorp.com.


Ray D. Reaves, President



ソース:FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation

FieldPoint Petroleum and Partner Cimarex Complete Second Producing Well in Lea County, New Mexico


AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

                        Discussions to Drill Third Well

    FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation (NYSE/MKT:FPP) announced today that the

Company and its drilling partner Cimarex Energy Co., www.cimarex.com, have

completed the East Lusk Federal 15 well #2 in the Bone Spring Formation.

    FieldPoint's President and CEO, Ray Reaves stated, "Today the first 24 hour

period of oil production began to hit the tanks at a rate of 462 barrels of oil

per day and 435 mcf of natural gas sales per day. These early results are

slightly better than those from our well #1 on this lease, which was completed

in December 2011. Without certainty, the Company has reason to believe that the

oil production could increase and with a gas sales line connected we will

continue to sell all gas produced."

    As previously disclosed, the current agreement with Cimarex Energy calls

for the drilling of two wells on this property. Dependent upon further results

from this second well, we believe that we will likely drill a third well within

section 15. Based on these early results, the Company anticipates that it

possibly could also participate in drilling wells in section 14.

    Mr. Reaves concluded with, "Our shareholders are aware that this is our

first participation in a horizontal drilling project. At this point, I would

have to say that we are very glad that we did, and that we partnered with

Cimarex. As in the past, we will attempt to keep our shareholders up to date as

progress is made with this very important drilling program."

    FieldPoint will own a 43.75% working interest, Cimarex will own a 37.5%

working interest, and other partners will own the remaining 18.75% working

interest in the two wells.

    About FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation

    FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation is engaged in oil and gas exploration,

production and acquisition, primarily in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and

Wyoming. For more information, please visit www.fppcorp.com.

    This press release may contain projections and other forward-looking

statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as

amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934, as amended, and are

made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any such projections or statement reflect the

company's current views with respect to future events and financial

performance. No assurances can be given, however, that these events will occur

or that such projections will be achieved and that actual results could differ

materially from those projected. A discussion of important factors that could

cause actual results to differ from those projected, such as decreases in oil

and gas prices and unexpected decreases in oil and gas production is included

in the company's periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange

Commission (at www.sec.gov).


    Ray D. Reaves, President



    SOURCE: FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation




