


AsiaNet 50601

共同JBN 1159(12.9.11)


【香港2012年9月11日PRN=共同JBN】香港で9月5、 6、 7日に開催されたイベント、「アジア・フルーツ・ロジスティカ」(Asia Fruit Logistica)のチリ・パビリオンには50企業以上が出品し、これをブルーベリー、キウイ、サクランボ、柑橘類の各業界委員会がともに参加した。


チリ生鮮果実輸出組合(Asociacion de Exportadores de Frutas、ASOEX)のロナルド・ボウン(Ronald Bown)理事長は「南半球における(果実)輸出大手国としてのチリにとって、果実業界が一堂に会して商談し、業界での最重要問題を議論する場に存在を示すことは非常に大切なことである。アジア・フルーツ・ロジスティカの場で、私たちはチリが健康的かつ安全である新鮮・良質な果実の信頼のおける供給を保証するばかりでなく、季節外れの時期でも注文に応えられるメリットがある国であることを示したが、そうやって私たちはアジアのような需要の高い市場に供給可能になるのだ」と感想を述べた。

ASOEXの公式統計数字によると、チリの生鮮果実総輸出量は 2010-2011年に264万トン(2009-2010期比7.2%増)に達し、チリは生食用ぶどう、プラム、ブルーベリーで世界最高、アボカドでは世界2位、キウイ、リンゴでは3位、モモでは同4位の輸出国となった。


チリ貿易振興機関(ProChile)のフェリクス・デビセンテ長官は「チリ産果実の世界、特にアジア地域への輸出がこれまでに示した成長は、官民一体で推進してきた国際的な地位獲得に向けた粘り強い努力の賜物であり、それは今回の見本市ではチリ果実業界によって開発されたブランド・イメージの新戦略である『フルーツはチリから(Fruits from Chile)』に代表されている」と語った。




Jorge Diaz




Fresh Chilean Fruit a Star Player at Asia Fruit Logistica


HONG KONG, Sept. 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   - More than 50 companies took part at the Chilean pavilion, accompanied by  

Committees for Blueberries, Kiwis, Cherries and Citric Fruits at the Hong Kong

                          event, September 5, 6 and 7

    Chile's constant presence at the industry's most important events has been

one of the key factors in positioning Chilean fruit worldwide. For this

strategy, Asia Fruit Logistica has played a vital role in Asia to highlight the

key attributes that have made buyers of Chilean fruit develop trust in Chile as

a reliable and safe provider of the highest quality products .  

    "As the export leader in the southern hemisphere, it is very important for

Chile to be present at venues in which the world of fruit gets together to do

business and discuss the industry's most important issues. At Asia Fruit

Logistica we presented ourselves once again as a country that guarantees

reliable provision of fresh, quality fruit that is healthy and safe, with the

additional merit of being available off-season, which allows us to supply

markets as demanding as Asia's," observed Ronald Bown, President of Chile's

Asociacion de Exportadores de Frutas (ASOEX - Chilean Fresh Fruit Association).

    According to official ASOEX figures, exports of fresh Chilean fruit

throughout the world reached 2.64 million tons in the 2010-2011 season (7.2%

more than in 2009-2010), which enabled Chile to establish itself as the world's

largest exporter of table grapes, plums and blueberries; second for avocados;

third for kiwis and apples, and fourth for peaches.  

    In Asia in particular, export volume has increased by 27% in the 2010-2011

season compared to the previous one, adding up to 352,652 tons, and is the

fourth largest market for Chile after the United States (909,303 tons), Europe

(711,814 tons) and Latin America (518,971 tons).

    "The growth that exports of Chilean fresh fruit have undergone throughout

the world, and specifically in Asia, is the result of the arduous work of

international positioning carried out jointly between the public and private

sectors, which was represented at this fair by 'Fruits from Chile,' the new

brand image strategy developed by the Chilean fruit industry," noted Felix de

Vicente, Director of ProChile.

    Based on key factors that have made Chile into a world leader in fruit

exports, such as the quality of the source, the excellence of its products and

the skill of its workers, the initiative seeks to enhance the penetration and

performance of Chilean fruit products at their principal destinations, without

losing sight of each industry's distinctive characteristics, and retaining the

country's endorsement as an asset and visible support.  In 2012 and 2013 there

are plans to undertake a series of actions for brand dissemination among the

main purchasers and distributors of the industry in Asia, the U.S. and Europe.

    CONTACT: Jorge Diaz, +56-2-827-53-91, jodiaz@prochile.gob.cl





