◎グリーンピース、WWFがパルプ生産者などにコスト増強いると非難 World Growth

World Growth

◎グリーンピース、WWFがパルプ生産者などにコスト増強いると非難 World Growth

AsiaNet 50620

共同JBN 1167(12.9.12)

◎グリーンピース、WWFがパルプ生産者などにコスト増強いると非難 World Growth

【香港2012年9月12日PRN=AAPメディアネット・インターナショナル】開発のための非政府組織(NGO)World Growthはこのほど、世界経済が低迷し商品市場が不安定な時期にパルプ生産者や木材生産者に高いコストを課そうとしているWWF(世界自然保護基金)やグリーンピースのような環境団体が支持する政策に対して、辛らつな非難を行った。

World Growthのアラン・オクスリー会長は、グリーンNGOの行っているキャンペーンは彼らの承認した認可基準を企業が採用することを目標としており、パルプや木材市場が苦闘している時にコストを上げようとしていると指摘している。




「彼らは、企業に対して彼らの森林管理協議会(Forest Stewardship Council、FSC)認証として知られる高価格の持続可能性承認のために金を払うよう呼び掛けている」







World Growthの新リポートは以下のサイトで読むことができる。



World Growth

Email: info@worldgrowth.org

or Phone +61 3 9614 0411

ソース:World Growth

Western Green Groups Undermining Economic Recovery, Raising Costs for Pulp and Timber Producers


HONG KONG, Sept. 12, 2012 /Medianet-International=KYODO JBN/ --

   Pro-development group says campaigners want more 'green tape' that will

squeeze margins and kill growth

   Pro-development NGO World Growth has delivered a stinging rebuke of policies

backed by environmental organisations such as WWF and Greenpeace that want to

impose higher costs on pulp producers and forest operators at a time when the

global economy is weak and commodity markets are fragile.

   World Growth Chairman Ambassador Alan Oxley says that campaigns by Green

NGOs aimed at having companies adopt certification standards they endorse,

threaten to raise costs when pulp and timber markets are struggling.

   Ambassador Oxley made the following remarks at a pulp and paper industry

event in Hong Kong today while launching a new report on the impact of Western

policies on forestry in developing countries.

   "Pulp and timber producers are struggling with a slump in prices. Margins

are being squeezed for pulp and timber producers. Paper producers are faced

with flat demand that may spread from the US and EU to emerging markets."

   "The response of Greenpeace and WWF to this economic storm is to impose

higher costs on businesses in the forest, pulp and paper sector."

   "They are calling on businesses to effectively pay for their

overly-expensive sustainability endorsement known as the Forest Stewardship

Council (FSC) certification."

   "Very few exporters in key exporting markets can afford to pay for

Greenpeace's seal of approval. Smallholder foresters are even less able to

afford FSC certification."

   "These measures will adversely affect forest industries in developing


   "FSC's supporters claim that it is the 'gold standard' for forest

certification and that it supports sustainable development."

   "However, our new report shows that FSC is riddled with governance flaws and

lacks transparency. It has a bias against commodity producers, particularly in

emerging markets."

   "Analysis has shown that imposing these types of measures on exporting

nations will have a significant economic impact, including a drop in

value-added of almost 9 per cent and a drop in employment in the forestry

sector of around 12 per cent."

   "This is no way to inspire an economic recovery."

   Read the new World Growth report here:


   To contact World Growth:

   email: info@worldgrowth.org

   or phone +61 3 9614 0411

   SOURCE: World Growth




