◎紛争鉱物チェックのプラットフォームを立ち上げ  iPointが発表


◎紛争鉱物チェックのプラットフォームを立ち上げ  iPointが発表

AsiaNet 50607

共同JBN 1163(12.9.14)

◎紛争鉱物チェックのプラットフォームを立ち上げ  iPointが発表

【ロイトリンゲン(ドイツ)2012年9月13日PRN=共同JBN】iPoint-systemsはこのほど、全製造業にわたり自社製品が紛争鉱物を含んでいるかどうかを識別できるウェブベースのデータ管理ソリューションであるiPoint Conflict Minerals Platform(iPCMP)を立ち上げた。このツールは、2012年8月22日に米ドッド・フランク法(金融規制改革法、2010年)による報告義務と関連規制が米証券取引委員会(SEC)によって採択されており、極めてよいタイミングでリリースされた。


iPCMPは、自動車産業の非営利業界団体Automotive Industry Action Group(AIAG)との緊密なコラボレーションで開発されたもので、この問題に関して全供給プロセスでソリューションを提供する。iPCMPは、Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition(EICC)とGlobal e-Sustainability Initiative(GeSI)が開発した優れた紛争鉱物報告基準に準拠し報告プロセスを合理化する。このアプリケーションによって、企業は自社のサプライヤーすべてからデータを収集して、自社の紛争鉱物の状況を文書化することが可能になる。



iPoint Conflict Minerals Platformの詳細は以下のサイトを参照。



Automotive Industry Action Groupに関する詳細はhttp://www.aiag.orgを参照。


iPoint-systems gmbh

Katie Bohme

Communications Manager

Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52-56

D-72760 Reutlingen

Phone: +49(7121)1-44-89-60

Fax: +49(7121)1-44-89-89




REUTLINGEN, Germany, Sept.13, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - "iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform" Helps Companies Comply with

Dodd-Frank Act and Related Rules

    iPoint-systems has launched the iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform (iPCMP),

a web-based data management solution that will enable companies across the

manufacturing industries to identify whether their products contain conflict

minerals. The release of this tool is very well-timed, as reporting

requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act (2010) and related rules have been adopted

by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on August 22, 2012.

    Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act and related SEC rules require every

publicly traded company "with conflict minerals necessary to the functionality

or production of a product it manufactures or contracts to be manufactured" to

provide an annual disclosure report on conflict minerals- i.e. minerals and

their derivatives originating from, and financing conflict in, the Democratic

Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. These statutory requirements are

going to affect more than 280,000 companies worldwide which are going to

face huge challenges in tracking the origin of minerals across their global

supply chains.

    The iPCMP, which was developed in close collaboration with the Automotive

Industry Action Group (AIAG), provides the entire supply chain a solution to

this challenge: it streamlines the reporting processes by building on the

leading Conflict Minerals reporting standard that was developed by the

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the Global

e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). The application enables companies to

document their conflict minerals status efficiently by gathering data from all

of their suppliers.

    "The platform is based on iPoint's extensive experience in creating and

implementing product-related environmental compliance solutions within the

value chain and it is an important part of our holistic sustainable supply

chain approach," said Jorg Walden, CEO of iPoint. "iPCMP users can efficiently

manage large volumes of information requests. A host of add-on features such as

integrated validation checks, statistics, online report storage and granular

due diligence reports, ensure that our customers meet the traceability

requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act."

    For a limited time, interested companies may test the iPCMP on a

free-trial-basis. With a view to the future, iPoint is going to integrate the

iPCMP into a comprehensive compliance & sustainability software suite to

support companies across the whole range of reporting needs.

    For more information on the iPoint Conflict Minerals Platform, visit


    For more information on iPoint-systems, the world's leading expert in

environmental product compliance and sustainability, visit


    For more information on the Automotive Industry Action Group, visit



    Contact and further information:

    iPoint-systems gmbh

    Katie Bohme

    Communications Manager

    Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 52-56

    D-72760 Reutlingen

    Phone: +49(7121)1-44-89-60

    Fax: +49(7121)1-44-89-89


    SOURCE: iPoint-systems




