◎野放しの選挙資金が公正な選挙を阻害  世界の元指導者の委員会が指摘

Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security

◎野放しの選挙資金が公正な選挙を阻害  世界の元指導者の委員会が指摘

AsiaNet 50644

共同JBN 1181 (2012.9.14)

◎野放しの選挙資金が公正な選挙を阻害  世界の元指導者の委員会が指摘


ハイレベルのGlobal Commission on Election, Democracy and Security(選挙・民主主義・安全保障に関する世界委員会)が出した最新のリポートは、選挙の信頼性を守り、高めるために、国家的かつ国際的な緊急行動が必要であると指摘している。







 *国政選挙管理機関(National Electoral Management Bodies、EMBs)は、行動規範も含め専門技術、独立性、権限に基づきEMBを評価し格付けするため世界的な認証プロセスを作るべきである。


 *国内の選挙立会人は、Global Network of Democratic Election Monitorsを通じてグローバルスタンダードを順守すべきである。

 *公正な選挙の実施に成功もしくは失敗した国に世界的に注目するため、新しい多国籍の市民社会組織、例えば「Electoral Integrity International」を創設すべきである。





国際危機グループ(International Crisis Group)のルイーズ・アルブール理事長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は以下のように述べている。「公正な選挙を保証するための課題は、新興もしくは過渡的な民主主義に特有のものではなく、民主主義制度の長い歴史を持つ西欧諸国ですら深刻な欠点を伴う可能性がある。世界に選挙が広がるにつれ、われわれは本物の、意味のある選挙、これを公正な選挙と呼んでいるが、この選挙を実施するためにあらゆる努力を惜しむべきではない」



ソース:Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security

Global Spread of Democracy Risks Being Undermined by Weak Electoral Processes and Unrestrained Campaign Finance, Warns Global Commission


LONDON, Sept. 14, 2012/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Eminent panel of former world leaders and experts identifies unrestrained

campaign financing as one of five major challenges to democratic progress and

elections with integrity around the world.

    Urgent national and international action is needed to protect and promote

the integrity of elections, says a new report from the high-level Global

Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security.

    The report, Deepening Democracy: a Strategy for Improving the Integrity of

Elections Worldwide, finds that all but 11 countries have held national

elections already this century. But some were deeply flawed, providing nothing

but a "false veneer of legitimacy" to autocratic governments.

    The Commission emphasises that elections conducted with integrity not only

promote democratic values and human rights, but also help to improve

governance, fight corruption, empower minority groups and deliver services to

the poor.

    If not conducted fairly, elections can undermine democracy, worsen

divisions, trigger conflicts and fail to deliver improvements in the lives of


    The Commission of former world leaders, Nobel Prize winners and leading

academics identifies five major threats to electoral integrity, including the

growing issue of "uncontrolled, undisclosed, illegal and opaque political

finance", which affects mature and developing democracies alike.

    The Commission cautions: "The rise of uncontrolled political finance

threatens to hollow out democracy everywhere and rob democracy of its unique


    Noting repeated failures within the international community to support

elections with integrity, the report provides a comprehensive series of

recommendations to strengthen electoral processes and norms. Specific measures


    - National Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) should create a global       

certification process to evaluate and grade EMBs on their professionalism,

independence and competence, including a code of conduct

    - Urgent attention must be given to address the growing threat to

democracy       posed by financing of political campaigns, parties and

candidates by transnational organised crime

    - Domestic election observers should commit to global standards through the

Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors

    - A new transnational civil society organization - "Electoral Integrity

International" - should be created to bring global attention to countries that

succeed or fail in organizing elections with integrity

    - Governments and donors need to prioritise funding and political

engagement throughout the entire electoral cycle of countries with problematic

elections, supporting necessary dialogue and citizen participation as well as

technical improvements

    - Regional organisations must create and communicate "red lines" of

egregious electoral malpractice that would trigger immediate multilateral

condemnation and sanction if crossed

    Kofi Annan, Chair of the Commission, says: "Elections are the indispensable

root of democracy. When elections have been free and fair, they can be a

powerful catalyst for better governance, greater security and human

development. But in the absence of credible elections, citizens have no

recourse to peaceful political change. The risk of conflict increases, while

corruption, intimidation, and fraud go unchecked, rotting the entire political

system slowly from within."

    Former Mexican President Dr Ernesto Zedillo comments: "As much as we see

vibrant democracies in the world, we also see vulnerabilities in electoral

systems - some countries that are trying to be democratic are suffering great

failures in electoral processes. Democracy is becoming a universal value but

you cannot have a strong democracy if you do not have the rules, institutions,

practices and culture to conduct electoral processes."

    Louise Arbour, President and CEO of International Crisis Group, also notes:

"The challenges in ensuring elections with integrity are not unique to emerging

or transitioning democracies - even Western countries with a long history of

democratic institutions can display serious shortcomings. As elections spread

across the world we must do everything it takes to have real, meaningful

elections - what we call elections with integrity."

    Notes to Editors and live webcast at 09:00 GMT at


    SOURCE: Global Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security




