
Energy Globe Foundation


AsiaNet 50631

共同JBN 1171 (2012.9.14)


【ウィーン2012年9月14日】エナジーグローブ(Energy Globe)は世界で最も権威があり、尊敬されている環境賞である。151カ国が参加し、2000年から資源の思慮深く経済的な利用を実行した約6000件のプロジェクトを国際的な専門家の審査委員会に提出してきた。





候補者には地球、火、水、空気、若者の5カテゴリーで賞が授与された。ケニアのフェンスの支柱のリサイクル・プロジェクトは地球のカテゴリーで賞を受けた。米国の将来のエネルギーホームは火のカテゴリーで受賞した。インドの数百万の人々に対する低コストのヒ素のない水が水のカテゴリーで選ばれた。空気のカテゴリーはビースマン工場の効率的な排ガス削減でドイツが受賞し、若者カテゴリーのエナジーグローブ賞は米国サウスダコタ州の先住米国人向けの太陽エネルギー革命に努力したラコタ族のレッドクラウド族長に贈られた。また観衆は5カテゴリーの中からエナジーグローブ世界賞(Energy Globe World Award)受賞者を選ぶために投票した。




Cornelia Kirchweger


T: +43-7617-2090-30

ソース:Energy Globe Foundation

Vienna Hosted the International Energy Globe Awards - Pioneering Sustainable Lighthouse Projects on September 13th 2012


VIENNA, Sept. 14, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     The Energy Globe is the world's most prestigious and respected

environmental award. 151 countries participated and submitted over 6.000

projects that implemented a prudent and economical use of resources to the

international jury of experts since the year 2000.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Energy Globe nominees from 14 different nations convinced the jury chaired

by Maneka Ghandi (member of the Indian parliament and former environmental

minister) this year. They all have dedicated their life to one single goal:

Providing sustainable solutions to diverse problems all over the world. The

projects were presented at the 29th international CIRIEC congress taking place

in the Vienna City Hall from 12-14 September.

    High-ranking celebrity speakers addressed the audience: Energy Globe Jury

Chairwoman, Maneka Gandhi; Australian attorney and Bush Heritage Australia

Board Member, Leanne Liddle; former World Bank Inspection Panel Director from

Ghana, Professor Eduard Ayensu; and Brazilian State Secretary for Solidarity

Economy, Paul Singer.

    The nominees were awarded in five categories: Earth, Fire, Water, Air and

Youth. A recycling project for fence posts in Kenya was awarded in the category

EARTH; energy homes of the future in the United States of America were

victorious for FIRE ; Arsenic-free water for millions of people in India at low

cost was chosen for WATER; Germany won with the efficient emission reduction of

the Viessman factory in the category AIR and the Energy Globe Award for YOUTH

was given to Lakota Chief Red Cloud, who is working on a solar energy

revolution for Native Americans in the U.S. State of South Dakota. The audience

also voted for the winner of the Energy Globe World Award from one of the five


    It was a peaceful competition with other worldwide environmental projects

like eco-homes in the Peruvian Andes; a thriving bamboo business in Cuba;

small-scale energy systems in Palestinian communities; Dutch software for

helping personal computers to save energy; drinking water and sanitary

facilities for Zambia; revitalizing antique subterranean wells in Azerbaijan;

hi-tech waste water treatment in Ireland; ceramic filters that turn fine dust

into breathable air in Great Britain; Dutch software that can sniff out air

pollution; clean drinking water in Indonesia for the poorest of the poor;

Italian school children showing Europeans through energy kits what our future

might soon look like and many more...

    More information about the finalists 2012 at:



    Cornelia Kirchweger


    T: +43-7617-2090-30

    SOURCE: Energy Globe Foundation




