◎LearningMate SolutionsがRed Herring のTop 100 Asiaに入る


◎LearningMate SolutionsがRed Herring のTop 100 Asiaに入る

AsiaNet 50679

共同JBN 1221(12.9.24)

◎LearningMate SolutionsがRed Herring のTop 100 Asiaに入る

【香港2012年9月24日PRN=共同JBN】Red Herring(レッドヘリング誌、http://www.redherring.com)はアジアを代表する株式非公開企業を表彰する同社主催のTop 100賞(http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100)を発表、これら新興企業のそれぞれの分野における革新、技術をたたえた。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120705/543334

Red HerringのTop 100 Asiaリスト(http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100)は有望な新興企業、起業家を顕彰する栄誉の印になっている。Red Herring編集者はFacebook、Twitter、グーグルなどの企業が人々の生活や働き方を変えるだろうと最初に認識したグループの一員である。

Red Herring発行人兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のアレックス・ビュー氏は「最高の可能性を持つ企業を選ぶのはどう考えても大変なことだ。当誌は厳格な検討、議論を行って、何百社にものぼるアジア中からの候補をTop 100 Winners(http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100)に絞り込んだ。LearningMate(http://www.learningmate.com)はベンチャー企業が成功するために必要なビジョン、意欲、革新を併せ持っていると考えている。受賞への競争は今までになく厳しいもので、LearningMate(http://www.learningmate.com)は今回成し遂げたことを誇りにして良いと思う」と語った。

Red Herringの編集スタッフは財務的なパフォーマンス、技術革新、経営の質、戦略、市場占拠率など定量的・定質的両方の基準を使って企業を評価した。Red Herringは潜在的な可能性を評価するため、さらに加えて実績、ベンチャー同業者に比べての声価なども取り入れ、単なる「評判」を超えたアジアの新たなビジネスモデルを発見し、擁護するための価値ある道具としてのリストを作った。


▽LearningMate Solutionsについて

LearningMate(http://www.learningmate.com)は教育工学、教育設計、インターラクティブ・メディア・ソリューションの業界を代表するプロバイダーである。同社はモバイル機器に向けたクラウド型の教育プラットフォーム「GoClass」(http://www.goclass.com)、クラウド型社会教育プラットフォーム「Learning eXchange」(http://lx.learningmate.com)、OEM向け質問項目オーサリング・評価コンテンツ管理プラットフォーム「QuAD」などを提供している。LearningMate(http://www.learningmate.com)は米国、カナダ、インド、英国で450人以上を雇用し、教育出版社、オンラインスクール、大学、政府機関、非営利教育団体など国際的な顧客を持っている。


Learning eXchange (http://lx.learningmate.com




Learning eXchange(http://www.facebook.com/LXchange


LearningMate Solutions Selected at 2012 Red Herring Top 100 Asia


HONG KONG, Sept. 24, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Red Herring [http://www.redherring.com ] announced its Top 100 awards

[http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100 ] in recognition

of the leading private companies from Asia, celebrating these startups'

innovations and technologies across their respective industries.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120705/543334 )

    Red Herring's Top 100 Asia list

[http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100 ] has become a

mark of distinction for identifying promising new companies and entrepreneurs.

Red Herring editors were among the first to recognize that companies like

Facebook, Twitter, and Google would change the way we live and work.

    "Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by no means a

small feat," said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring. "After rigorous

contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of

candidates from across Asia to the Top 100 Winners

[http://www.redherring.com/red-herring-asia/2012-asia-top-100 ]. We believe

LearningMate [http://www.learningmate.com ] embodies the vision, drive and

innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. LearningMate

[http://www.learningmate.com ] should be proud of its accomplishment, as the

competition was the strongest it has ever been."

    Red Herring's editorial staff evaluated the companies on both quantitative

and qualitative criteria, such as financial performance, technology innovation,

management quality, strategy, and market penetration. This assessment of

potential is complemented by a review of the track record and standing of

startups relative to their peers, allowing Red Herring to see past the "buzz"

and make the list a valuable instrument of discovery and advocacy for the most

promising new business models in Asia.

    "This award is a validation of our business model and the tremendous growth

in recent years," said Samudra Sen

[http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=3050044&locale=en_US&trk=tyah2 ], CEO

of LearningMate [http://www.learningmate.com ]. "LearningMate is poised to

become the largest solutions and services player in the education sector. We

are fortunate to have one of the smartest teams in the world focused on

education. The solutions we create for our clients impact millions of learners

across the globe every day."

    About LearningMate Solutions:

    LearningMate [http://www.learningmate.com ] is a leading provider of

education technology, instructional design and interactive media solutions. The

company offers GoClass [http://www.goclass.com ], a cloud-based teaching

platform for mobile devices, Learning eXchange [http://lx.learningmate.com ], a

cloud-based social learning platform, and QuAD, an OEM question-item authoring

and assessment content management platform. LearningMate

[http://www.learningmate.com ] employs over 450 people in the US, Canada, India

and UK, serving a global clientele of education publishers, online schools,

universities, government agencies, non-profits and education consortia.


    LearningMate [http://www.learningmate.com ]

    Learning eXchange [http://lx.learningmate.com ]

    GoClass [http://www.goclass.com ]

    Join us on Facebook:

    LearningMate [http://www.facebook.com/LearningMateSolutions ]

    GoClass [http://www.facebook.com/GoClass ]

    Learning eXchange [http://www.facebook.com/LXchange ]

    SOURCE: LearningMate




