


AsiaNet 50800




彫刻最新作 〈笑可笑非常笑〉

2012年9月27日香港/PRニュースワイヤ/ -- 地域文化と芸術の振興を目的として、さまざまな質の高い芸術文化に接する機会や芸術家との交流の機会を提供しているハーバーシティ。そんなハーバーシティが今年の9月には、世界中で注目を集めている中国現代アートの売れっ子アーティスト、岳敏君氏を招いて香港初の個展を開催する予定だ。また、この個展は、2007年に行われた日本人の前衛アーティスト草間彌生氏の個展、そして2010年のアメリカ人アーティストKawsの個展と同様に、ハーバーシティが主催し、香港クリエイティブチームAllRightsReservedが企画するものであり、3回目となる公共空間のアートプロジェクトだ。「笑可笑非常笑」と題したこの個展では、岳敏君氏が開催のために作られた彫刻新作5点が、ハーバーシティオーシャンターミナルの露天広場に設けられた約200平方メートルのアートスペースでご覧いただけるほか、「ハーバーシティ・ギャラリー」では、岳敏君氏が手がけたシルクペインティング12点が展示される予定。

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/2012092614161612601.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/2012092614141971446.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/20120926141518670705.html )

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2009/09/09/20090909984310.jpg )

老荘思想からアイデアを受けて自画像「笑う男」を作り、世界にその名を知らしめた岳敏君氏。たとえ何が起きようとも、悩まずに笑顔でいて、自然のままに、無為であるという老荘思想を自分の作品を通じて表現したいという。また、本展のタイトルである「笑可笑非常笑」は、老子の<道徳経>に載っている名言「道可道非常道(世界の実体はとらえがたい、言葉で明確に指し示すことができるものではない)」から転じたものだと、氏が語る。「笑うというのは、人間が考えた上で作ったものではなく、そもそもなんの意味も情もない行為だ 。笑う男という作品で表現したいのは、信頼できるものも、自分の信念に支えられる価値もない今の人々だ。笑うというのは、人間が自分のむなしさをごまかそうとする行為というよりも、仕方がないという覚悟で生まれたものだと思う。そんな複雑な概念を作品を通じて説明できたらと思っている。」


またハーバーシティでは、岳敏君氏とのコラボプレミア企画として、各種限定品の展示即売会を港のギャラリー「Gallery by the Harbor」にて開催。プレミア商品はネックレス(HK$350)、ティー(HK$350)、絵葉書(12枚セットHK$60)、麻雀セット(HK$3,500)などが用意され、絵葉書の売上はすべて慈善団体「Operation Smile」へ寄付される。


日程: 2012年9月20日から10月23日まで

岳敏君 芸術作品展 (9月20日 -10月14日)

場所:ハーバーシティ・ギャラリー -ハーバーシティオーシャンセンター207号店 (Fendiからすぐ)

彫刻-「笑可笑非常笑」 (9月24日-10月23日)


ハーバーシティ24時間ホットライン: (852) 2118 8666


Facebook: www.facebook.com/harbourcity






Harbour City Presents Yue Min Jun's First Solo Exhibition in Hong Kong


HONG KONG, Sept. 27, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Exhibiting the Brand New Sculpture - "The Tao of Laughter"

Harbour City has long supported the arts and has been a pivotal force in

bringing several high-profile international artists to Hong Kong. Following the

presentation of Japanese avant-garde artist Yayoi Kusama's exhibition "Dots

Obsession - Soul of Pumpkin" in 2007 and the work of renowned American artist

KAWS' "Passing Through" exhibition in 2010, Harbour City's third-ever

exhibition involves none other than famous Chinese artist Yue Min Jun. Under

the watchful curation of AllRightsReserved, Yue Min Jun's first ever Hong Kong

exhibition will provide the local public with access to one of the world's

brightest stars. The majority of Yue Min Jun's work for "The Tao of Laughter"

revolves around five brand new sculptures that will be displayed at the

forecourt of Ocean Terminal, Harbour City. Additionally, 12 pieces of Yue Min

Jun's silk screened artwork will also be on display at Gallery by the Harbour.

Harbour City wants everybody to get involved and share the laughter and fun!

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/2012092614161612601.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/2012092614141971446.html )

(Photo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2012/09/26/20120926141518670705.html )

(Logo: http://www.prnasia.com/sa/2009/09/09/20090909984310.jpg )

The name of this exhibition "The Tao of Laughter" was inspired by Lao Zi's 6th

century classical text on Taoism known as Tao Te Ching. Yue Min Jun often

incorporates themes of the Tao Te Ching's "silly man" into his work, in which

the book has served as a cornerstone of inspiration for many artists and

creatives. When people are faced with society's problems, many choose to give

up or avoid the situation. In order to reach inner peace, Lao Zhuang suggested

all problems could be solved with laughter, allowing them to disappear without

pain or heartache. In Yue Min Jun's works, one can see large faces and big

mouths with gapping smiles. Through the exaggeration of each character's

expression, he wishes to strengthen the power of each piece in his works. By

using smiles as covers, he hopes to hide the sad, bad and even dangerous

feelings behind each smile.

Yue Min Jun's five new sculptures each measuring three meters will utilize his

iconic "silly man" theme. Through constant repetition of his signature icons,

the ultimate goal is to build a brand new idol. At the Gallery by the Harbour,

you will find 12 pieces of silk-screened paintings, each accompanied by a

Spanish poet's poems, that help further promote the hidden message behind his


In addition, Harbour City has developed a series of limited edition of

crossover premiums with Master Yue Min Jun available for sale at "Gallery by

the Harbour". Premiums include necklace (HK$350), Tee (HK$350), Postcard

(HK$60/set, 12 pcs /set) and Mahjong (HK$3,500) and all the proceeds of

Postcard will be donated to the charity organization, "Operation Smile".

"The Tao of Laughter" by Yue Min Jun Exhibition Details

Date: September 20 - October 23, 2012

Silk Screen Paintings by Yue Min Jun Exhibition

Date: September 20 - October 14, 2012

Venue: Gallery by the Harbour - Shop 207, Level 2, Ocean Centre (Near Fendi)

"The Tao of Laughter" Sculptures by Yue Min Jun

Date: September 24 - October 23, 2012

Venue: Forecourt, Ocean Terminal

Contact & Social Media

Enquiry: (852) 2118 8666

Website: www.harbourcity.com.hk

Facebook: www.facebook.com/harbourcity

Sina Weibo: weibo.com/harbourcity

Tencent Weibo: t.qq.com/harbourcity

About Yue Min Jun:

Yue Min-Jun is a contemporary Chinese avant-garde artist based in Beijing. In

the early 1990s, he gave up a stable government job to begin his life as an

artist, joining the art community at Yuan Ming Yuan on the outskirts of

Beijing. In the midst of China's turbulent social environment, Yue's artistic

identity takes the form of laughing self-reflection and his contemplation of

society. His cynical and realist style of painting has been acclaimed by the

international art world. More recently, Yue's paintings have demonstrated his

commitment to cultural heritage and his concern for humanity.

SOURCE  Harbour City




