
RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation


AsiaNet 50806

共同JBN 1236 (2012.9.27)


【モスクワ2012年9月27日PRN=共同JBN】今年10月2日から4日までモスクワで開催されるGlobal Innovation Partnershipsフォーラムに、中国、香港、韓国のベンチャーキャピタル投資家、投資協会幹部からなる最大規模な代表団が参加する予定である。

参加者には、取扱高が600億ドルを超えるベンチャーキャピタル・ファンド、プライベートエクイティー・ファンドの代表が含まれている。ファンド全体で8000億ドルを管理下に置いているアジア最大の投資家協会幹部もロシアを訪問する。参加者には以下の組織が含まれている。CITIC Capital Holding、SAIF Partners、CDH Investments、Northern Light Venture Capital、Shenzhen Capital Group Co. Ltd.、Sequoia Capital China、China Venture CapitalとPrivate Equity Association、STIC Investments、Korean Venture Capital Association。

このフォーラムは、ロシアにおけるハイテク・プロジェクトに対するアジアからの投資の可能性を探るため、ロシア最大の開発機関であるRUSNANO(http://www.rusnano.com)、RVC(http://www.rusventure.ru)、Skolkovo Foundation (http://www.sk.ru)が組織した。アジアからの代表団は、ロシア政府、モスクワ市当局者、ロシアの大手革新企業と会い、RUSNANOとSkolkovoを訪問する予定。








Anna Ananieva


FORUM "Global Innovation Partnerships-2012"

Tel./Fax: +7-495-640-46-50

a.ananeva@media-consulta.com or gipforum2012@gmail.com

ソース:RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation

Asia Seeks to Invest in Russian Innovation Technologies


MOSCOW, Sept. 27, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    On 2-4 October the largest delegation of venture capital investors and

heads of investor associations from China, Hong Kong, South Korea will visit

the Third "Global Innovation Partnerships" Forum in Moscow.

    The delegation includes representatives of venture capital funds and

private equity funds managing over $60 bln. Management of the largest Asian

investor associations - with total joint funds under management exceeding $800

bln - will also visit Russia. Among the participants: CITIC Capital Holding,

SAIF Partners, CDH Investments, Northern Light Venture Capital, Shenzhen

Capital Group Co., Ltd, Sequoia Capital China, China Venture Capital and

Private Equity Association, STIC Investments and Korean Venture Capital


    The Forum organized by Russia's largest development institutions RUSNANO

(http://www.rusnano.com), RVC (http://www.rusventure.ru) and the Skolkovo

Foundation (http://www.sk.ru) aims to assess the prospects for Asian investment

in Russian hi-tech projects. The Asian delegation will meet Russian and Moscow

officials, Russia's leading innovation businesses, and visit RUSNANO and


    Venture capital investors from the US, Israel, Japan and Europe are already

operating successfully in the Russian market. Russia is also interested in

increasing cooperation in this field with Pacific region companies. "Asian

corporations take decisions based on careful analysis. But once they made a

decision, it is long lasting and successful," comments Viktor Vekselberg,

Skolkovo President.

    "Building relationships with Asian venture capitalists is very important to

us. Communicating with each other, understanding similarities and differences

between our practices in investment and management is the first and necessary

step in creating mutually beneficial business partnerships," said Anatoly

Chubais, CEO of RUSNANO.

    "The past two years have shown good growth in the Russian venture capital

market. More than 70% of the transactions in the Russian market were carried

out with foreign equity funds. Further development of the venture capital

market in Russia will contribute to the increase of investors' presence in the

market, and expand their expertise," said Igor Agamirzian, CEO of RVC.

    In 2010 US venture capitalists visited Forum and European entrepreneurs

visited Moscow in 2011. These visits resulted in hi-tech investment projects of

more than $1 bln.

    In 2011, 25 international funds invested $ 710 mln in Russian innovation

companies. Russia's industry leaders in terms of venture capital investment in

2011 were information and communication technologies, Internet-based projects.




    Anna Ananieva


    FORUM "Global Innovation Partnerships-2012"

    Tel./Fax: +7-495-640-46-50

    a.ananeva@media-consulta.com or gipforum2012@gmail.com

    SOURCE: RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation




