◎今週末アブダビで開催  World Route Development Strategy Summit

UBM Aviation

◎今週末アブダビで開催  World Route Development Strategy Summit

AsiaNet 50798

共同JBN 1242 (2012.9.27)

◎今週末アブダビで開催  World Route Development Strategy Summit

【アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)2012年9月26日PRN=共同JBN】今週末アブダビで開催されるWorld Route Development Strategy Summitに350人以上の航空業界関係者が出席を予定する中、会議の講演者の一人が、航空業界が将来直面する試練についての見解を明らかにした。カタール航空(Qatar Airways)のコンピューター予約システム(CSR)・環境・燃料計画の責任者であるクリス・シュローダー氏は、会議前の単独インタビューで、環境問題とそれを取り巻く規制状況の急激な変化がいかに同航空に影響するかに関して自身の見解を説明した。







Michael A. Oakes, Conferences Managing Editor, UBM Aviation -

michael.oakes@ubm.com, tel: +44(0)20-7921-8278.

ソース:UBM Aviation

Record Numbers Expected for Air Transport Summit as Qatar Airways Talks Sustainability



As more 350 air transport leaders make preparations for the World Route

Development Strategy Summit in Abu Dhabi at the end of the week, one of the

event's speakers lays out his views on the future challenges facing the

industry. In an exclusive pre-summit interview, Captain Chris Schroeder, Qatar

Airways' head of CSR, environment and fuel projects explains his views on how

environmental issues and the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape surrounding

them will impact his airline:

"Environmental issues are high on the agenda, with the European Union's

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), a growing patchwork of ETS's around the world,

the evolving role of ICAO and the much anticipated global framework as an

outcome of the forthcoming ICAO General Assembly in 2013. Will aviation have to

pay even more due to added taxes for emissions other than CO2? What is the

impact on air fares?"

Qatar Airways, one of the fastest growing airlines on the planet, has grand

ambitions - not only to add more routes and carry more passengers and cargo,

something at which it is already succeeding. The airline plans to play a

leading role in shaping the future of sustainability within aviation, which is

one of Captain Schroeder's main responsibilities. "We are at the forefront of

the development of alternative fuels. Our national bio jet fuel R&D project

will be delivering results in the next few years. The

NewDohaInternationalAirport will be supplied exclusively with Gas to Liquid

Blend Jet Fuel."

In reference to the upcoming summit which takes place in Abu Dhabi on September

30 - October 1 Captain Schroeder goes on to say "The Summit provides a unique

platform to discuss all pressing issues aviation is faced with and will be

faced with. Regional as well as international issues can be addressed among a

group of caliber aviation professionals and government representatives. The

networking opportunities are second to none and attendance of this important

event is a must for every aviation professional."

With over 40 airline CEOs confirmed, in addition to hundreds of other leaders

from airports, governments, industry associations, every stakeholder from

across the aviation spectrum is represented at this summit.  

Registration is still open for the event and further information, including a

full speaker line-up, can be found at


For further information, please contact:

Michael A. Oakes, Conferences Managing Editor, UBM Aviation -

michael.oakes@ubm.com, tel: +44(0)20-7921-8278.

Source: UBM Aviation




