
Simbionix USA Corporation


AsiaNet 50857

共同JBN 1259(12.10.1)


【クリーブランド(米オハイオ州)2012年10月1日】医療シミュレーション訓練、教育製品の世界リーダーであるSimbionix USA Corporationは米国外科学会(ACS)展示会で記録的な数の新製品を発表する。新製品は LAP Mentor(商標)およびGI-BRONCH Mentor(商標)向けのオンライン・ソリューションであるMentorLearn(商標)(http://simbionix.com/training-management/mentorlearn)、新しいLAP Mentor虫垂切除モジュール(http://simbionix.com/simulators/lap-mentor/library-of-modules/appendectomy-procedure)、da Vinci(登録商標)Si(商標)スキルズ・シミュレーターの縫合モジュール(http://simbionix.com/simulators/robotics)、ACS/APDS手術スキルカリキュラムの推奨される実行(http://simbionix.com/training-management/curricula-2/lap-mentor-curricula/simbionix-suggested-implementation-of-the-acsapds-surgical-skills-curriculum-for-residents-phase-2-advanced-procedures)が含まれている。

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a

同社のウェブベースのシミュレーター管理システムであるMentorLearnは、Simbionixのシミュレーター製品ラインの訓練上、教育上の必要を管理する最適のソリューションを提供する。LAP Mentor、GI-BRONCH Mentorの双方で利用できるので、訓練センターは多科目シミュレーターを研修医カリキュラムに組み込んで認定と資格認可用の訓練文書を提供することが可能になる。これはシミュレーションベースの訓練に必要な卒後医学教育認可評議会(ACGME)にとって理想的なソリューションである。

LAP Mentor虫垂切除完全処置モジュールは、虫垂切除処置の重要部分についてのスキルと知識の訓練を提供する。このモジュールによって一連の技術と手術機器の適切な利用の実習が可能になる。3Dの解剖地図、現実のビデオ、インタラクティブな3Dガイダンス、包括的な目標実績メトリクスが学習経験を豊かにし、強化する。

SimbionixはIntuitive Surgical(登録商標)(http://www.intuitivesurgical.com)と提携して、da Vinci Siシステム向けSkills Simulator(商標)(http://www.intuitivesurgical.com/products/skills_simulator)で縫合するバーチャルリアリティー・シミュレーションを行うためのSimbionix縫合モジュールを開発した。


MentorLearnアプリケーションで配備される新しいLAP Mentorカリキュラム、「Simbionix が研修医向けACS/APDS手術スキルカリキュラムで推奨する実行、第2段階、高度な処置」はACS/APDAおよび対応する訓練モジュールが示している目標に従っており、適用できるモジュール内のSimbionixの完全な処置シミュレーションと教育内容に基づく上質のビデオが組み込まれている。          


米イリノイ州シカゴで10月1-3日に開催されるACSのSimbionixブース#2026に立ち寄ってLAP Mentor、LAP Mentor Express、GI-BRONCH Mentor、それに最近導入された GI Expressを新製品と合わせて実地体験してもらいたい。

▽Simbionix USA Corporationについて





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Rebecca Levy, Manager

Marketing Communications,  



ソース:Simbionix USA Corporation

Innovative Simulation Solutions Change Surgical Education- Simbionix Launches Four New Products at ACS



    Simbionix USA Corporation, a world leader of medical simulation training

and education products, will introduce a record number of new products at the

upcoming American College of Surgeons Exhibition, including the MentorLearn(TM)

[http://simbionix.com/training-management/mentorlearn ] Online solution for

both the LAP Mentor(TM) and the GI-BRONCH Mentor(TM), the new LAP Mentor(TM)

Appendectomy Module


edure ], the Suturing Module for the da Vinci(R)Si(TM) Skills Simulator

[http://simbionix.com/simulators/robotics ] and a Suggested Implementation of

the ACS/APDS Surgical Skills Curriculum



dents-phase-2-advanced-procedures ] .

     (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120502/529202-a )

    MentorLearn, the company's web based Simulator Management System, provides

the optimal solution for managing training and education needs for the

Simbionix line of simulators. Being available on both the LAP Mentor and the

GI-BRONCH Mentor allows training centers the opportunity to incorporate

multi-disciplinary simulators into the residency curriculum, and provide

documentation of training for accreditation and certification - which is the

ideal solution for the ACGME requirement for simulation based training.

    The LAP Mentor Appendectomy Complete Procedure Module provides training for

the skills and knowledge of key components of the Appendectomy procedure. The

module enables practicing a variety of techniques and appropriate use of

surgical instruments. An anatomical 3D map, real-life videos, interactive 3D

guidance and comprehensive objective performance metrics enrich and enhance the

learning experience.

    Simbionix has partnered with Intuitive Surgical(R)

[http://www.intuitivesurgical.com ] to develop the Simbionix Suturing Module

for virtual reality simulation of suturing on the Skills Simulator(TM)

[http://www.intuitivesurgical.com/products/skills_simulator ] for the da

Vinci(R)Si(TM) System.

    This module is a continuation of Simbionix's effort to provide highly

realistic and effective tools designed for cost-effective integration in

surgical curricula across multiple disciplines and technologies.

    The new LAP Mentor curriculum deployed on the MentorLearn application-

"Simbionix Suggested Implementation of the ACS/APDS Surgical Skills Curriculum

for Residents, Phase 2: Advanced Procedures", adheres to the objectives

outlined by ACS/APDS and their corresponding training modules, incorporating

Simbionix complete procedure simulation within the modules where applicable,

and premium video based educational content.

    Gary Zamler, Simbionix CEO, commented: "I am proud to work in a company

that has maintained its mission as stated when established, to continuously

create partnerships and products to provide the most advanced tools in the

market. Our close collaboration with the surgical community is one of our

building blocks, assisting us in our ongoing process of enhancing our

simulators by adding training modules to both our systems and to additional

surgical solutions created by others, and expanding learning opportunities and

learning processes. Our goal is to provide medical education programs and

accrediting bodies with flexible yet complete training tools."

    Stop by Simbionix booth #2026 at ACS, October 1-3, in Chicago, IL, for a

hands-on experience of the LAP Mentor, LAP Mentor Express, GI-BRONCH Mentor and

recently introduced GI Express, alongside our new products.

    About Simbionix USA Corporation

    Simbionix is the world's leading provider of simulation, training and

education products for medical professionals and the healthcare industry. The

company is committed to delivering high quality products, advancing clinical

performance and optimizing procedural outcomes.

    Visit: http://www.simbionix.com Follow us on Facebook

[https://www.facebook.com/pages/Simbionix/328515966636 ], Twitter

[http://twitter.com/#!/SimbionixUSA ] and LinkedIn


*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2&trk=ncsrch_hits ] .

    Contact: Rebecca Levy, Manager of Marketing Communications, at

rebecca@simbionix.com, +1-216-2292040

    SOURCE: Simbionix USA Corporation




