◎記録的な訪問者と354の世界初公開製品  IAA国際商用車ショー閉幕


◎記録的な訪問者と354の世界初公開製品  IAA国際商用車ショー閉幕

AsiaNet 50840

共同JBN 1260(12.10.1)

◎記録的な訪問者と354の世界初公開製品  IAA国際商用車ショー閉幕

【ベルリン、ハノーバー(ドイツ)2012年9月28日PRN=共同JBN】ドイツ自動車工業会(VDA)のマティアス・ウィスマン会長は第64回IAA国際商用車ショー(IAA Commercial Vehicles)の記者会見の冒頭で以下のように述べた。

皆さん、第64回IAA国際商用車ショーの最後の記者会見に出席していただき、心から歓迎する。まず結論から申し上げると、今回のIAAは最高だった。今回の展示会に出品されたバン、大型トラック、バスなどの商用車の新型車は、最高の数をとなった。「Commercial Vehicles - Driving the Future(商業車-未来を推進する)」はIAAのスローガンである。この目的を全面的にかなえるために、モビリティー、輸送、流通のための世界最大の見本市として業界全体のイノベーションへの意欲を示した。

354もの世界初公開の新製品が出展され、その3分の2以上は部品供給メーカーだったが、新記録を樹立した。展示者の数は46カ国1904となり、2010年よりも9%増加、展示スペースも11%増加して26万平方メートルとなった。IAAはIAA国際モーターショー(IAA Cars)とIAA国際商用車ショーとを分割開催して20年経過したが、このIAA国際商用車ショーの参加者数は2番目に多く、展示スペースも2番目の大きさだった。





Euro VIについて。商用車業界は現在のEuro VI基準の要件に応える準備ができている。その技術は利用可能な状態にあり、すべてのメーカーは各社ポートフォリオに大型のEuro VI商用車を保有している。だから従来の汚染物質排出は大幅に減少している。窒素酸化物は現行のEuro V基準に比べ80%であり、粒子状物質に関しては3分の2以上の削減となっている。業界がイノベーションを推進していることは、多数かつ多用な措置を講じることによって燃料消費量を堅持して二酸化炭素排出を一定レベルに保つか、排出をさらに削減するかのいずれも同時に可能であるという事実をもってすれば、明白なことである。


第一次運送業者が最新のEuro VIを満たした新型トラックだけを購入するという原則をすでに決めたことをうれしく思う。このトレンドはまた、化粧品、デパートなどますます多くの運送業務に関わる顧客によって支持されており、環境に配慮した流通と二酸化炭素排出量に重きを置き、言い換えれば流通チェーン全体が二酸化炭素の削減、さらには二酸化炭素ゼロになることを望んでいる。

またバスに関しても、Euro VIはここハノーバー(のIAAショー)ではすでに「スタンダード」となっている。バスのトレンドは、効率性、快適さ、安全性の追求に一貫して向かっている。長距離定期コーチサービスの規制緩和は「最も社会的に有益な輸送形態」をもたらし、結果として多数の人々がモビリティーに対する要求を、極めて安価に実現することができる。ドライブトレーンに関しては、完全な電動とハイブリッド駆動が焦点である。

























VDAはさまざまなパートナーと協力して、IAAで30のスペシャリスト・イベントとシンポジウムを開催した。私としては、特に電気自動車会議とcarIT会議が大成功だったことを指摘したい。スペシャリスト・イベントには4300人の専門家が参加した。イベントは積載量確保や数々の受賞から金融サービス、テレマティックス、Hzardous Goods Day、長距離コーチサービス、そしてもちろんCO2削減にまで及んだ。


IAA商用車モーターショーはわれわれにとってまた、若い世代を引きつけるキャンペーンの一環として、学童に彼らの授業に出てくる貨物輸送の話題に関心を持たせる機会でもあった。IAAのスクールキャンペーンでわれわれは、IAAの見学を含めて輸送と物流の話を極めて実践的な方法で児童に説明できるよう教師を招待した。約4750人の教師と学童がこの招待を受けたが、児童は2年前より200人程度増えた。またオーストリアとオランダの児童も長い道のりをIAAまでやって来た。将来のエンジニアのためのプログラムであるGoIng and WorkINGには500人の参加者があった。また歴史的な米国のトラックとコレクターのフェアであるAutomaniaももちろん、再びこの展示会で大いに人気を集めた。

こうして本日、IAAは極めて良い結果に終わったと明言できる。この段階でわれわれはDeutsche Messe AGの支援、そのプロフェッショナルな仕事ぶり、サービスに関する優れたオリエンテーションに感謝を表明したい。


Eckehart Rotter


Tel.: +49-30-897842-120

Mail: rotter@vda.de


ソース:German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)

World's Largest Mobility Trade Fair Closes, Recording Huge Rise in Visitors - 354 World Premieres is a New Record


BERLIN and HANOVER, Germany, Sept. 28 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Wissmann: The 64th IAA Commercial Vehicles is a resounding success!

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is my pleasure to welcome you most cordially to our final press

conference at the 64th IAA Commercial Vehicles. Please allow me to start with

my conclusion: never before has an IAA been as exciting as this one! Never

before have we had so many new commercial vehicles - vans, heavy trucks, buses

- on show as at this exhibition. "Commercial Vehicles - Driving the Future" is

the slogan of this IAA. And it has lived up to this aim in full - to showcase

the drive for innovation in the entire industry - as the world's largest trade

show for mobility, transport and logistics.

    The 354 world premieres - more than two thirds of them from suppliers - set

a new record. The number of exhibitors - 1,904 exhibitors from 46 countries -

is nine per cent higher than in 2010, and the exhibition space is up by 11 per

cent to 260,000 square metres. This IAA Commercial Vehicles has the second

largest number of participants and the second largest exhibition area since the

IAA was divided into the IAA Cars and the IAA Commercial Vehicles, that is, for

20 years.

    We are especially delighted that the number of visitors to the IAA showed a

sharp increase. When the IAA closes its doors this evening, over 260,000 people

will have visited this key trade fair. That is growth of around 9 per cent

compared with 2010. This is a very good result, which is to be regarded as all

the more positive when we consider the economic difficulties in Western and

Southern Europe. This exhibition has far exceeded our expectations.

    To put it in a nutshell: this IAA Commercial Vehicles, with more world

premieres, more exhibitors, more space and more visitors, is a resounding


    Of course there are many aspects that make the IAA attractive. Yet one

outshines all the others: the overwhelming number of world premieres that made

this IAA so exciting. In addition, only here, at the IAA, can one experience

and see the whole commercial vehicle industry - the manufacturers of light and

heavy trucks, of vans, of buses, of trailers and bodies, and the entire

value-added chain of the suppliers. All together, this gives the exhibitors the

economic certainty that this is the place where they meet all the major

competitors, and can and should display their innovations in a concentrated

fashion at one place: the IAA. This makes the IAA so interesting - as does the

increasing number of visitors.

    We had briefly presented the most important trends in the run-up to the

IAA. And we got it just right. Please allow me to say a few words about the

individual focuses:

    Euro VI: the commercial vehicle industry is ready to satisfy the demanding

Euro VI standard today. The technology exists, and all the manufacturers have

heavy Euro VI commercial vehicles in their portfolio. So the classical

pollutant emissions are coming down by a huge margin. The reduction in nitrogen

oxide is 80 per cent compared to the current Euro V standard, and for

particulates the reduction is over two thirds. The drive for innovation in the

industry is underlined by the fact that by applying many and varied measures it

has been simultaneously possible either to maintain fuel consumption and thus

CO2 emissions at a constant level, or even to reduce them.

    All possible measures were undertaken to achieve that - which could be seen

here at the IAA. This applies above all to aerodynamics, but also to engines

and the entire exhaust treatment, in particular the SCR technology. In

addition, optimisation of the transmission and ancillary units has in sum

resulted in clear reductions in CO2 and increases in efficiency.

    We are pleased to see the first-forwarders are already deciding on

principle to purchase only new trucks fulfilling the modern Euro VI. This trend

is also supported by more and more customers in the transport business -

retailers of toiletries, department stores, etc. - attaching great importance

to green logistics and the carbon footprint, i.e. wanting the entire logistics

chain to be CO2-friendly or even CO2-neutral.

    And with buses, too, Euro VI is already "the standard" here in Hannover.

The trend in buses is continuing towards efficiency, comfort and safety.

Deregulation of long-distance scheduled coach services will lead to the "most

socially beneficial mode of transport" being used so that many people will

finally be able to realise their desire for mobility - at a very reasonable

price. When it comes to the drivetrains, the focus is on fully electric power

and hybrid drives.

    Aerodynamics was one of the very large topics here at the IAA. Progress has

obviously been made in the design of the front of a truck, the connection

between the cab and the semi-trailer, the side covers and the rear of the

trailer. The manufacturers of trailers and bodies are well on the way here with

their clever developments. The manufacturers of commercial vehicle tyres are

also making important contributions to bring down the rolling resistance.

Driving and rolling resistance account for 30 to 40 per cent of fuel

consumption. This is shown in particular by the huge potential for improvements

in aerodynamics.

    We have shown politicians from Berlin, the German states and Brussels that

they should also seize this opportunity and allow more flexibility in the as

yet rigid regulations on the length and weight of commercial vehicles. On the

open-air site one could see what a semi-trailer combination of the future might

look like - with CO2 savings of up to 15 per cent. At present a potential of

this magnitude is not to be by any other means, at comparably low cost.

    Alternative drive trains/electric mobility: a walking tour of this IAA

clearly revealed that today the right drivetrain already exists for every

purpose! The range is more extensive than ever before. There is the natural-gas

drivetrain for distribution traffic. It can be found in vehicles up to the size

of heavy trucks. The advantage of this type of powertrain is that it has

virtually no particulate emissions any more - gaseous fuel ensures clean


    Almost all the manufacturers had hybrid vehicles on offer - ranging from

small trucks for local distribution all the way to long-distance trucks. So

this applies not only to the 7.5-tonners. Hybrid technology can pay off even in

40-tonne trucks. In a truck covering a distance of 150,000 kilometres annually,

small savings of just a few per cent add up to a large reduction in CO2.

    Many manufacturers also come with fully electric delivery vehicles up to

3.5 tonnes, some of them even heavier. These vans operate with zero local

emissions and are so quiet they only "whisper." The products of the financial

service providers in the commercial vehicle trade, for example attractive

leasing packages, were the subject of a dedicated specialist event at the IAA.

    Another example of rising efficiency is intelligent, anticipatory

transmission control: an electronic GPS control unit enables the vehicle to

"recognise" the topography of the motorway, and the truck keeps the throttle

open before starting a climb - and on gentle downward slopes it uses

freewheeling. The strategy for changing gears or for operation of hybrid drives

has been optimised to do just this. This is associated with a CO2 saving of up

to 4 per cent, as demonstrated by professional truck testers.

    That the great majority of truck drivers enjoy their job has also been

found in a recent study presented here at the IAA by ZF and Heilbronn

University. For drivers to be even more relaxed and concentrated when carrying

out their highly responsible transportation tasks, the cab now has further

improvements in comfort and quality. Visitors to the IAA had a chance to

experience this at first hand by climbing into the driver's seats of the new


    Safety: alongside efficiency and comfort, of course safety is one of the

main focuses of this IAA. The number of "assistants" supporting the "boss,"

that is the truck driver, is increasing all the time: the emergency braking

assistant, ESP, lane departure warning, and autonomous intelligent cruise

control are just a few of them. Commercial vehicle manufacturers are also

making faster progress and have already equipped their latest models with these

intelligent aids - long before the EU requirements on ESP and driver-assistance

systems come into force in 2014. Naturally, it will take time before they

penetrate the entire market. But here in Hannover one can feel that the demand

for driver-assistance systems in commercial vehicles is continuing to rise.

    Innovations by the suppliers: the large number of innovations presented by

over 1,000 exhibiting supply firms here can be illustrated with a few examples.

I would like to emphasise the considerable efficiency gains resulting from

"intelligent auxiliary consumers" such as air compressors, cooling fluid pumps

and oil pumps. In future these units will be variably and electronically

controlled to meet needs as they occur, and ensure a CO2 saving of up to 3 per

cent. Almost all today's diesel trucks have common-rail systems. The pressure

in the common rail - currently up to 2,500 bar - will continue to increase, and

the next target is 3,000 bar! Higher pressure means better combustion, less

pollution and lower consumption! This opens up prospects for smaller engine

capacities with the same output - and even lower consumption!

    Lightweight construction as a strategic task can be followed like a thread

running through the exhibition halls, especially those of many suppliers. One

example would be the chassis components made of lightweight synthetic composite

materials. Another example is recovering energy from the exhaust, which can

markedly improve engine efficiency. Prototypes are already in operation, and

series production is expected just a few years from now.

    Networking/telematics: a genuine "growth topic" at this IAA is the entire

networking, telematics, which we covered comprehensively in a very

well-attended carIT congress. The strategic task is to optimise the networking

of dispatchers, forwarders and customers in such a way that the complete

logistics chain is always accessible online via a Smartphone. The trailer

manufacturers in particular are very active in the field of telematics. More

transparency leads to greater profitability and increased efficiency.

    The long truck is already a natural fixture at this IAA. The field trial is

under way, and more and more companies are taking part. The initial interim

results are very good: the vehicles demonstrate safe and accident-free

operation, and consumption per tonne-kilometre is much lower. Practical

experience confirms the advantages that we have always pointed out, also at

this IAA.

    This 64th IAA has shown more than ever before that commercial vehicles set

technological trends. This industry is a pioneer in environmental technology

and in efficiency, in alternative drivetrains and in optimising the diesel

engine. There is enormous potential in aerodynamics which we should exploit.

    Moreover, at the IAA it became clear that CO2 reduction is a very key topic

in the commercial vehicle industry - even without regulation! A system of

regulation based on climate-change mitigation appears to be the wrong approach,

in view of this clear development.

    It would be more expedient if the politicians pushed forward other

approaches to optimisation. These include new, innovative approaches to vehicle

dimensions - for instance the long truck - under the principle of "deregulation

instead of regulation." A comprehensive approach to efficiency should include

the following points: driver behaviour, optimum fleet management, alternative

fuels, improvements to the infrastructure, and intelligent traffic control.

    If we in the commercial vehicle sector utilise the market dynamics, then

the competition between manufacturers by itself will ensure progress in CO2


    Following this qualitative tour of the IAA, I would now like to give you

some key data:

    The number of foreign exhibitors rose by 8 per cent to 1,047, a proportion

of 55 per cent. First place among the foreign exhibitors goes to China for the

first time (152 exhibitors), followed by Turkey (135) and Italy (134). Our

China Day, Turkey Day and India Day also had the right emphases from the

viewpoint of the market.

    The IAA Commercial Vehicles is a decision-makers' trade fair. The share of

professional visitors is 85 per cent, and on weekdays we recorded top values of

92 per cent. Never before has the IAA Commercial Vehicles been so

international: more than one quarter (27 per cent) of the professional visitors

came from abroad, and on the second exhibition day this proportion actually

reached 46 per cent. The professional visitors came from all continents of the

world: not only Europe (62 per cent), but one trade visitor in five came from

Asia (21 per cent). The proportion of those attending the IAA from Asia is thus

more than twice that in 2010 (10 per cent)! One foreign trade visitor in 11 (9

per cent) came from China alone. Second place goes to the Netherlands (7 per

cent), and third place to Sweden (also 7 per cent).

    Nearly one third of trade visitors are employed in the automotive industry,

and among the foreign trade visitors the figure is one half. Four out of five

IAA trade visitors are involved in purchasing and procurement decisions.

    One particular statement by more than half the trade visitors (55 per cent)

is remarkable: they are planning investments in the commercial vehicle sector

in the next six to 12 months. One quarter of these visitors came to the IAA for

precisely this reason. One third of IAA visitors (35 per cent) are here for the

first time.

    Furthermore: two thirds of visitors arrive at the IAA by car, while 15 per

cent come by rail. Incidentally, the average IAA visitor has once again become

younger. He is almost 40 years old, whereas the average age at the IAA in 2010

was just over 42. The proportion of female visitors rose slightly to 12 per

cent, so one IAA visitor in eight is a woman. Numerous international

delegations visited the IAA, including groups from the USA, China, Japan,

India, Korea, Turkey, Russia and Argentina.

    We had 45 VIP walking tours, which is an increase of 15 per cent compared

to the IAA in 2010. Our high-ranking guests included Federal Transport Minister

Dr Peter Ramsauer, Federal Minister of Economics Dr Philipp Rosler, the State

Premier of Lower Saxony David McAllister, and numerous ministers from the

German states, state secretaries, and members of the German Bundestag and of

the individual state parliaments. The US ambassador, Philipp D. Murphy, was a

guest, as was Shi Mingde, the Chinese ambassador to Germany. Senior staff

members of the European Commission and numerous MEPs also obtained information

at the IAA.

    During my walking tours of the trade fair I have spoken with many

commercial vehicle manufacturers, makers of trailers and bodies, and suppliers.

They are upbeat! We are delighted that the suppliers in particular have

benefited from the positive trend in visitor numbers. The IAA, with its

international nature and its many visitors who are experts in the commercial

vehicle business - and in many cases also potential customers - obviously

creates a constructive atmosphere characterised by confident realism.

    In co-operation with various partners, the VDA has held over 30 specialist

events and symposia at the IAA. I would like to point out especially the

Electric Mobility Congress. And the carIT congress was also a great success. A

total of 4,300 experts attended the specialist events, which ranged from load

securing and numerous awards to financial services, telematics, the Hazardous

Goods Day, long-distance coach services, and of course reducing CO2.

    Apart from the symposia, above all the special shows on the open-air site

were an additional attraction. There were over 1,100 test drives of light and

heavy commercial vehicles. And 1,500 visitors took test drives in electric

vehicles - which is also a premiere at this IAA. The Innovation Stage with its

demonstrations (hosted live) of sustainable road transport also got a keen


    The IAA Commercial Vehicles was also an occasion for us to arouse the

interest of schoolchildren in the topic of freight transport embedded in their

lessons, as part of the campaign to attract young people. In our IAA schools

campaign we invited teachers to explain to their classes the topics of

transport and logistics in a very practical way with an excursion to the IAA.

Around 4,750 teachers and schoolchildren accepted the invitation, which was

nearly 200 children more than came two years ago. We also had classes from

Austria and the Netherlands, who came a long way to the IAA. The programmes for

future engineers - GoIng and WorkING - attracted 500 participants. And of

course the historic vehicles, the American Trucks and the collectors' fair

"Automania" were again hugely popular with the public at this exhibition.

    So, today we can say the results from IAA are extremely positive. And at

this point we would like to thank the Deutsche Messe AG for its support, its

professional work and its exceptional orientation on service.

    After the IAA is before the IAA: one year from now the 65th IAA Cars will

begin in Frankfurt am Main (12 to 22 September 2013), and in 2014 we will be

back here in Hannover at the 65th IAA Commercial Vehicles (25 September to 2

October 2014). We are looking forward to those events!

    Eckehart Rotter


    Tel.: +49-30-897842-120

    Mail: rotter@vda.de


    Source: German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)




