◎国際友好ミュージアムを開館 スイスのオーバームッテン村
◎国際友好ミュージアムを開館 スイスのオーバームッテン村
AsiaNet 50845
共同JBN 1261(12.10.4)
◎国際友好ミュージアムを開館 スイスのオーバームッテン村
オーバームッテン村に今、オーバームッテン国際友好ミュージアム(Obermutten International Museum of Friendship=OIMOF)が完成する。マルティン・ウィス村長は「われわれが納屋のOIMOFをオープンして以来、80を超える友好ギフトを受け取った」と顔を輝かせた。1年前、スイスのグラウビュンデン州にあるこの村がFacebookのページを開設した時、「いいね」をクリックした人は誰でも、村の広報板に永久掲示すると約束した。日本からメキシコまで各国の記者が記事を書き、話はたちまち広がった。1年後、人口わずか80人のこの小村には52カ国、4万4000人以上のファンができた。
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/obermutten
OIMOF YouTube(英語): http://youtu.be/T9DG9qE4fIo
OIMOF YouTube(ドイツ語): http://youtu.be/YPtQpUq4WCw
YouTubeのFacebookキャンペーン(英語): http://youtu.be/e91c0mWP960
Image galleryダウンロード http://bit.ly/Rx5TAI (GRF FTP, bit.ly)
Gieri Spescha
Graubunden Tourism
Tel.: +41-81-254-24-31
E-Mail: gieri.spescha@graubuenden.ch
ソース:Graubunden Tourism
Obermutten Opens the International Museum of Friendship
OBERMUTTEN, Switzerland, Sept. 29/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
With 44,000 Facebook Fans, a Swiss Mountain Village
Has More Than the Capital City of Berne
Obermutten now has a museum - the Obermutten International Museum of
Friendship (OIMOF). "Since we opened the OIMOF in our barn, we have received
over 80 friendship gifts," beams mayor Martin Wyss. A year ago, the village in
the Swiss canton of Graubunden started a Facebook page, promising that everyone
who "Likes" the page will be immortalized in their village notice board. The
story soon spread, with reporters from Japan to Mexico covering the story. One
year later, the small village of just 80 people has over 44,000 fans from 52
People from all over the world sent letters and presents to Obermutten.
Sarah Urban, from Texas, personally delivered a t-shirt, Catrin Bilger from
Hamburg sent a Lebkuchen heart, and a German TV magazine left a flag which had
previously been raised on an Antarctic expedition. The gifts and the stories
behind them are being presented to fans at http://www.facebook.com/obermutten.
The museum's postal address is on the fanpage.
Swiss mountain villages very popular
Over 75 million people to date have heard of Obermutten. Dozens of people
have visited the village, including tourists from South Korea, New York, and
Mozambique. Graubunden's tourism organization is supporting the village. "We
are absolutely delighted that we can show millions of people worldwide the
beauty of Graubunden's mountains," says Gaudenz Thoma, CEO of Graubunden
Tourism. Read more about inclusive offers in mountain villages at
Images and videos
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/obermutten
OIMOF YouTube (English): LINK HERE
OIMOF YouTube (German): LINK HERE
Facebook campaign on YouTube (English): http://youtu.be/e91c0mWP960
Facebook campaign on YouTube (German):
http://youtu.be/ED5gntVw3aoImage gallery: DOWNLOAD LINK HERE (GRF FTP, bit.ly)
CONTACT: Gieri Spescha
Graubunden Tourism
Tel.: +41-81-254-24-31
E-Mail: gieri.spescha@graubuenden.ch
SOURCE: Graubunden Tourism