◎アジアの投資家がロシアのハイテクに関心  モスクワの投資家向けフォーラム

RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation

◎アジアの投資家がロシアのハイテクに関心  モスクワの投資家向けフォーラム

AsiaNet 50932

共同JBN 1291 (2012.10.9)

◎アジアの投資家がロシアのハイテクに関心  モスクワの投資家向けフォーラム

【モスクワ2012年10月7日PRN=共同JBN】第3回目のGlobal Innovation Partnerships 2012フォーラムは、10月2日から4日までモスクワで開催された。中国、香港、韓国からベンチャーキャピタル投資家の代表団、投資協会の幹部が多数モスクワを訪れた。

韓国のKorean Association of Venture Investors会長のパク・ジンテク氏は「ハイテク分野でロシアへの投資協力に関心を持っている。ロシアには十分発達したさまざまな技術があることを知っている。韓国も今年、この分野で良好な業績をあげた。そのため、ハイテク分野での投資協力は、一層効率的になると考えている。韓国企業は金だけでなく、技術をも投資できる。これによって、ロシア企業は国際市場に参入できる」と語った。


China Venture CapitalとPrivate Equity Associationの上級副社長であるシェン・チグウン氏は「中国のベンチャーキャピタル投資家もまた、ロシアとの協力拡大に関心を持っている。われわれはRussian Venture Capital Association(http://www.rvca.ru)と正式に戦略協定に署名している。こうした努力は資本を統合し、新規事業を創造することになり、業界の自主規制の発展に重要な役割を果たすと考えている」と語った。


この第3回フォーラムには、CITIC Capital Holding、SAIF Partners、CDH Investments、Northern Light Venture Capital、Shenzhen Capital Group Co. Ltd、Sequoia Capital China、China Venture Capital and Private Equity Association、STIC Investments、Korean Venture Capital Associationの代表が参加した。これら企業の管理するファンド総額は8000億ドル以上に達する。フォーラムはRUSNANO, RVCとSkolkovo Foundationが主催した。フォーラムの目的は、ロシアのハイテクプロジェクトへの投資見通しを評価することにある。




Anna Ananieva


FORUM "Global Innovation Partnerships-2012"

Tel./Fax: +7-495-640-46-50

a.ananeva@media-consulta.com or


ソース:RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation

Asian Venture Companies Ready to Invest Money and Technology in Russia




    On 2-4 October the third Forum "Global Innovation Partnerships - 2012" was

held in Moscow. The largest delegation of venture capital investors and heads

of investor associations from China, Hong Kong, South Korea visited the Russian


    "Korea is interested in investment cooperation with Russia in hi-tech,"

said Jin-Taek Park, head of Korean Association of Venture Investors. "We know

that in Russia there are various well developed technologies, Korea also has

good achievements in this area. Therefore, our joint efforts in this direction

could be more effective. Korean companies can invest not only money, but also

the technology. This will help companies in Russia enter international

markets," he said.

    Jin-Taek Park said that "the Russian innovation sector is of a serious

interest for the Korean venture investors". He mentioned that the first

contacts with the representatives of the Russian government and investors

appeared to be very effective.

    "Chinese venture capital investors also express interest in expanding

cooperation with Russia. We have officially signed a strategic agreement with

the Russian Venture Capital Association (http://www.rvca.ru). We believe that

these efforts will play an important role in the development of self-regulation

of the industry, uniting capital, and creation of new businesses," said Zhigun

Shen, Executive Vice President of China Venture Capital and Private Equity


    It is necessary to create an appropriate mechanism between the venture

capital associations of Russia, and APAC countries , mentioned participants of

the Forum. Mr. Shen noted that such cooperative relationship already exists

between China and the associations of the US, Germany, UK and Japan.

    The third Forum was attended by representatives of CITIC Capital Holding;

SAIF Partners; CDH Investments; Northern Light Venture Capital; Shenzhen

Capital Group Co., Ltd; Sequoia Capital China; China Venture Capital and

Private Equity Association; STIC Investments and Korean Venture Capital

Association. They manage funds exceeding $800 bln dollars. Forum is organized

by RUSNANO, RVC and Skolkovo Foundation. The goal of the Forum is to assess

perspectives of investments in Russian high-tech projects.

    The first Forum in 2010 was attended by American partners in venture

investments and innovations; the second one in 2011 attracted European

colleagues. These visits resulted in hi-tech investment projects of more than




    Anna Ananieva


    FORUM "Global Innovation Partnerships-2012"

    Tel./Fax: +7-495-640-46-50

    a.ananeva@media-consulta.com or


    SOURCE: RVC, RUSNANO, Skolkovo Foundation




